This guide is in two parts first part is how to get the spy mission started for this mission does not show on your cutsheet. The second part will show all 25 Frill spies. They are located all over in diffrent spots in Burramudgee town and Southern River and other worlds. I will refrence frill spies that are located in Southern Rivers that are located at the entrence of each world which are alot. You must have the Infrarang or X-rang to do this mission. Just equip either rang.(If X-rang is equip then no other process is necessary, but if the Infrarang is equip then you most use L1 to show the spy so I would recommened the X-rang for this mission). Part #1 _____________________________________________ ****Starting the frill Spy Mission*********** _____________________________________________ To start the spy mission you must go to the police guy which is located on top of the bunyip shop. Just go up the stairs to the right of the shop and at the top you will see a police looking guy. You must talk to him and listen to the cutscene. He will tell you that Boss cass has Frill Spies somewhere to found out there plans. After the cutscene go to Dennis the Green Frogs house and by the sand mounds and use you infrarang or X-arang and the Frill spy will show up. You must hit him with you rang or they will come after you. After this is completed then return to the police back on top of the building and talk to him once more and another cutscene.(This one spy will not show up in you total amount). After the cutscene then you must go to Ranger Ken which is located at the sewers(you must complete the sewer mission first before you can do this mission) and he will tell you of more spies to be found. You must find all the constuction guys thru the game usally every spot were there is a constuction guy there is a spy but not allways. Part #2 (The 25 locations where there are frill spies) These spy are not in no special order for each world that you can revisit has a spy. All the mini games do not _____________________________________________ *****************Burramudgee***************** _____________________________________________ (1) Is located at the top of the stairs and to the left next to the wooden tower at the top of the stairs. (2) Is across and to the right of Dennis house by the sand mound. ______________________________________________ ***************Lake Burrmudgee**************** ______________________________________________ (1) Located at the entrance by the wooden bridge (Which is considered Southern Rivers) _______________________________________________ *****************Outback Oais****************** _______________________________________________ (1) Located before the entrance to Outback oais by the picnic table by all the constuction guys (which is still considered Southern Rivers) (2) As you enter Outback Oais look to your right and you should see a glowing light coming thru a rock which needs to be broken by a kabomarang or smasharang then follow the water and then the path to the wooded platforms and jump to the top and go in a little further and the spy is on the left of the sand mounds. (3) Go down the main path after the second saw blade you will see some wooden platforms. To the right of the wooden platform is the frill spy. (4) Go to the cave that has a double entrance were you had to swing to hit a red switch and jump to the top floating platform after the green fence and look to your left and the spy is in the left hand corner by the fence you can use you zoom from this point to kill the spy. _________________________________________________ *****************Tea Tree Lake******************* _________________________________________________ (1) Located outside of the entrance on the top of the cliff by the car that is over the cliff (which is considered Southern Rivers) __________________________________________________ ******************Mount Doom********************** __________________________________________________ (1) Located at the beginning straight past the check point and by the lava lake is the Frill spy. (2) Located at the end were you saved the scientist you will find the frill spy after completing the scientist mission. You also can get to this spot thru Southern Rivers after the scientist mission is completed if you did not get this spy the first time thru that way you dont have to go thru the whole level again. ___________________________________________________ ****************Frill Neck Forest****************** ___________________________________________________ (1) Located on the left side of the entrance before you go up the cliff by the sand mounds.(Which is considered Southern rivers) (2) Located on the wooden platform 3/4 the way thru past the falling stairs and on the next platform after the wooden swing spike. ____________________________________________________ ******************Faire Dinkum********************** ____________________________________________________ (1) Go thru the stage intill you reach a wooden bridge with a flame windmill and under the bridge at the end is the Frill spy ____________________________________________________ ********************Sheep Dip*********************** ____________________________________________________ (1) Located to the right of the fence after you get out of the fourbie (which is considered Southern Rivers). _____________________________________________________ *******************Salfur Rock*********************** _____________________________________________________ (1) After you jump over the first set of wooden platforms and jump to the other side fall down to the big square bulding on the left and go to the top and jump over to the yellow rope on the fence and climp to the top and jump on the invincible platform and jump to the island to the left and the Frill spy is there by the sand mounds. (2) Go towards where the warrior mission is and at the water or river is a bridge to your left to cross over to a new area and as you enter go to the left and fall down into the pit and go past the first set of constuction guys and go straight a little and the other set of construction quys is the Frill spy. (This area is located by the flaming windmill area). (3) Go back acroos the bridge and this time go left and go to the second green fence and use the Laserang or warparng and look up for the grapping hook then swing over the fence over to the other side. Inside the fence area is the Frill spy. (If you go to the warroir mission you gone to far it is the fence past the spider fence). _______________________________________________________ **********************Wet Lands************************ _______________________________________________________ (1) Take the path to the first set of contruction guys. then take the left path and keep going left and next to the big tree by the red switch is the Frill spy. (2) Located at the end by the caging of the alligator mission as you enter the big open area look to your left and the Frill spy is there next to the sand mounds. ________________________________________________________ **********************Never Never*********************** ________________________________________________________ (1) Located at the end of the walkway as you get out of the fourbie (Which is considered Southern Rivers) (2) After the tree platforms area follow the curved path way and behind the check point is the Frill spy. (3) This one is located at the platforms over the water were you must hit them with you rang to turn them so you can jump on them. go across them and as you reach the second or third one look to your right side island (not the big gate island) you should be able to shot the Frill spy from this platform with the zoom on the x-rang. (4) This one is located after you kill the dinosaurs and get out of the bunyip and go to were the water mill is and go down and turn around and go to the big blue bridge and the frill spy is by the big blue bridge on this lower level. __________________________________________________________ *******************Southern Rivers************************ __________________________________________________________ (1) This spy is located at the entrance after you get out of the fourbie and just north of the fence is the Frill spy. (This is were you have to save the truck from falling off the cliff with the lift Bunyip. ____________________________________________________________ ********************Southern Rivers************************* ____________________________________________________________ (1) This frill spy is located on the west side of this small place to the left of the car you cant miss him.(This is were you have to deliver the spark plug to the lady to fix her car which is one of the last missions you will have to do do not shot the spy if you are doing this at the same time you are delivering the spark plug for you are on a time limit deliver the spark plug first.) That completes all the Frill spy for this excellent fun game and collecting all the other collectabale you will recieve a special alternate ending and after you reach 100% you must go beat Boss Cass one more time for the special ending. I would like to thank EA Games and Kaoma for making another great game. The reason for this spy faq is so many people are having problems getting the mission started for which stated earlier this is not on your cutsheet. If anyone has questions or if there is somthing I forgot please e-mail me at and or if there is any other hints to be added that I did not mention. This part of the Faq is copywrighted and can not be used on any other site with out my permission besides if anyone would like to place this on any other site must have my permission first this faq is for refrence only and is not to be used for any other purpose.