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Press search to go there. 0) Table of Contents 1) FAQ Information #1INF a. About the Author #1AUT b. Contact Information #1CON c. Version History #1VER d. Legal stuff #1LEG 2) Introduction #2INT 3) Frequentially Asked Question #3FAQ 4) Game Basics #4GBC a. Controls #4CON b. Story #4STO c. Characters #4CHA d. Objects #4OBJ 5) Walkthrough #5WAL -> Aranos #5ARA -> Oozla #5OOZ -> Maktar Resort #5MAK -> Endako #5END -> Barlow #5BAR -> Thugs Rendezvous #5REN -> Notak #5NOT -> Siberius #5SIB -> Tabora #5TAB -> Dobbo #5DOB -> Joba #5JOB -> Deep Space Disposal #5DEE -> Todano #5TOD -> Boldan #5BOL -> Aranos Revisited #5AR2 -> Gorn #5GOR -> Snivelak #5SNI -> Smolg #5SMO -> Damosel #5DAM -> Grelbin #5GRE -> Yeedil #5YEE -> The End #5THE 6) Collectables #6COL -> Platinum Bolts #6PLA -> Skill Points #6SKI -> Nanotech Boosts #6NAN 7) Weapons and Gadgets #7WNG a. Normal Weapons #7NOR b. Gold Weapons #7GOL c. Ratchet and Clank 1 Weapons #7RC1 d. Weapon Modifications #7MOD e. Mega Weapons Price List #7MEG f. Gadgets #7GAD g. Armor #7ARM h. Ship Upgrades #7SHI 8) Secrets and Extras #8SEC -> Challenge Mode #8CHA -> Insomniac Museum #8INS -> Special Menu #8SPE -> Tricks #8TRI 9) Monster List #9MON a. Normal Monsters #9NOR b. Bosses #9BOS 10) Puzzle Solutions for Electrolyzer #10PZ and Infiltrator (by Rik Smit) 11) Credits and Thanks #11CT //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\\ 1) FAQ Information \\-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-// #1INF //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ a. About the Author \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// #1AUT Good day, lady and gens, and welcome to another piece of art by Deadmeat X. That's me, should you be wondering. Since July 2003, I've been supporting the gaming world with my walkthrough from the safe haven of my home in The Netherlands. I own a PS2 and a PC, go to university, and make music. How's that for an authobiography, eh? Anyway, for a list of other FAQs by me, you can always visit <<< http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/36576.html >>> //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ b. Contact Information \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// #1CON You can contact me by e-mail, but there are a couple of rules. Things I want: - Love mail - Corrections - Suggestions - Additions - Money Things I can do without: - Hate mail - Death threats - Poorly spelled e-mails - Questions that are answered in the FAQ And a couple more notes: - This is officially the last version of this FAQ. Your contribution would have to be pretty groundbreaking to get accepted. - I don't always reply to e-mails, out of sheer laziness. I read every e-mail that I get, but sometimes, I'm too lazy or in too much of a hurry to reply. If you don't get a reply, don't send me the mail again. - Please don't add this address to MSN. I never use it for MSN, and my other address' MSN list is already flooded with readers. Alright then, here's my address: <<< evert.vanaart (at) gmail (dot) com >>> //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\\ 2) Introduction \\-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-// #2INT Presenter: "Welcome back to 'Behind The Hero'! Tonight's heroes are the duo who recently restored peace and order to our galaxy, Ratchet and Clank. So gentlemen, tell us about your latest, incredible adventures." Ratchet: "Well, as you can imagine we've been pretty busy. After Drek's defeat there were parades, press conferences, fancy dress balls..." Clank: "And the Weiner Roast at Al's!" Ratchet: "...oh yeah that. And then, things started to slow down a bit. After that, we...well..." Clank: "There was the grand opening at Groovy Lube..." Ratchet: "...right. I think that was...last week..." Clank: "Six months ago." Ratchet: "We're still pretty busy, but in a more...erm...domestic sense." Clank: "Yesterday, I flushed out my radiator core!" Ratchet: "I guess...no-one needs a hero right now..." _ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ ___ | | | || _|| || \| || _| |_____||_|_\|___||_|\_||___\ Dust off your Swingshot, oil your Grind Boots, and refuel your spaceship, because Ratchet and Clank are back, and they're busier than ever before! Their task? Save the universe! Their arsenal? Several dozens of unique weapons and gadgets! Their playground? More, much more planets than in part one. He's a smart ass robot, he's a furry maniac. Together they form the greatest couple of all time. In Ratchet and Clank 2, you'll be shooting, jumping, flying, swinging, and grinding your way through beautiful environments. Use your awesome arsenal, the biggest ever seen in a platform game, to take out the numerous enemies. Play mini games, defeat bosses, solve jumping puzzles, upgrade yourself and your weapons, and make the galaxy a safe place once again. And if you should get stuck somewhere, if don't have a clue what do to, if you're extremely frustrated because you can't defeat a certain boss, this FAQ will be your rescue. I'll take you through the game step-by- step-by-jump-by-swing-by-flight. Enjoy reading this work. Greetings, Deadmeat X ('Behind the Hero' taken from the intro movie - Thanks to GravyFlood for the 'Groovy Lube' correction) //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\\ 3) Frequentially Asked Questions \\-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-// #3FAQ In this section, I will deal with questions that a lot of people ask, both on the boards as via the email. And a couple that I came up with. Q - Your FAQ rocks! A - ^_^ I know Q - Mind if I add you to my MSN list? A - No. The email adress in the Contact Information chapter is solely for emails. If you add me after reading this, you will get deleted. Q - Can I use you FAQ on my site? A - Depends on the site. Some sites don't even need to ask (yes Dave, I'm talking to you), because I will never give them permission. As a basic rule, your site needs to look well-maintained and frequently visited. Also, I can't bother to upload the newer versions to you, so you'd have to get the latest version from GameFAQs. Never, and I mean NEVER put this work on your site without my permission. You'll be in serious legal trouble if you do. Q - What's with all the sub-titles? A - Good question, I made it up myself. First, Insomniac wanted to give the game the sub-title 'Going Commando'. But some countries were against this, since 'going commando' means walking around without your underpants on. So in some countries, the sub-title changed to 'Locked and Loaded'. Personally, this makes me think of drunk bondage sex, but I'm just a sick person ^_^ Anyway, in other countries, the sub-title was left out completely. Q - So there are three different versions? A - No, I don't think that there's any difference except for the title. Q - What sub-title do you have? A - Here in Holland, there is no sub-title, it's just called 'Ratchet and Clank 2'. Q - I just can't get past the first space battles! A - Don't try to hunt the ships too much: if you just keep going forward, they'll start flying in front of you very soon. Keep [X] mashed down, and try to hit as many as possible. If they're firing at you from behind, perform some rolls. Q - There are only 9 robots I can kill with a crane! What's the deal? A - When you come back to the planet Endako later, there are indeed only 9 robots left to kill with a crane. However, you can simply kill yourself, or go to another planet and then head back, and kill the robots in the crane rooms again. They will still count towards your total. Q - Where can I score some Raritanium? A - Just battle in space. As a basic rule, the more enemies there are to defeat, the more Raritanium you'll get. You can also try to mine for it on Tabora or Grelbin. Q - I'm trying to get the Skill Point Wrench Ninja II: Massacre, but the game won't give it to me! I did everything you told me, but I just can't get it. A - This is a glitch that many people encountered. I have no idea why it occurs, or how. Well, make sure you've turned all cheats off and don't forget the enemies on the path to one of the Platinum Bolts. However, even when following these tips you might still not get the Point. The key is persistence. I've had mails from people who had tried it tons of times before they finally got it, and the run-through on which they got it was exactly the same as the previous ten run-throughs. So, please don't mail me this question anymore. I don't know the answer, and it only makes me feel stupid. If you have any idea why this glitch keeps showing up, please DO mail! *** UPDATE: On the GameFAQs message boards, someone suggested that you will not get the skill point if you don't walk to the Hoverbike Races first. I know there aren't any enemies there, but it seemed to work for a lot of people. Before going through the level, turn right from you ship and walk to the Hoverbike Race Platform (until you come past a Continue Point). Now kill all enemies like you normally would. Again, I didn't test this, but it helped a lot of people, so feel free to try. Q - Any tips for the Impossible Challenge? A - Get the RYNO II if you can afford it, then you'll be cruising through the challenge with ease. If you're too poor, get a nice weapon and cross your fingers. I personally used the Black Sheepinator all the time, but there's a risk to that... Q - Please tell me! What's the risk of using the Black Sheepinator in the Impossible Challenge? A - Well, sometimes it stops enemies from spawning. So, for example, you've killed all enemies in one round, but the ones for the next round won't appear. This usually happens in the last round before you go to the cage or back to the ground. It's your choice really: either use the Black Sheepinator for an easy fight with the chance of this glitch happening, or fight it the normal, harder way, without risk for glitches. Q - My weapons aren't leveling up? Why not? A - If you kill the same type of enemies over and over again with the same weapon, that weapon will hardly get any experience points. You might think that it's a good idea to shoot some foes, then kill yourself and kill them again, but it's not. If you want them to upgrade really fast, just take your new weapons to a new planet, or one you haven't been to in a while. Q - What items do you get to keep when you go to challenge mode? A - The special items (Box Breaker, Mapper, Armor Magnetizer), plus the Charge Boots. You'll have to find or buy most of the gadgets again. Q - Where's the Qwark Fanboy? A - He's near one of the Platinum Bolts on Todano. Read the description for the Platinum Bolts for directions. Q - I can't climb the floating platforms on the last planet! A - They move up and down very slowly. Wait until the platform you want to jump to is at the same height as you are, then make the jump. //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\\ 4) Game Basics \\-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-// #4GBC This chapter introduces you to the basic elements of R&C2. I'll discuss the controls, story, characters and items here. If you're looking for information on weapons and such, look near the bottom of this document. //-------------------------------------------------------------------\\ a. Controls \\-------------------------------------------------------------------// #4CON <<< Basic Controls >>> [X] Jump [X]+[X] Double Jump [X]+[X] Wall Jump (when facing a wall) [R1] Crouch [L1] First Person View [R1]+[X] Flip (give direction with the Analog Stick) [Triangle] Bring up the Quick Select Ring 2x[Triangle] Switch back to previous weapon [Select] Map Screen [R3] Map Screen [Start] Menu <<< Combat >>> [O] Use Weapon/Gadget [Square] Swing the Wrench [X]+[Square] Hyper Strike (press [Square] in mid-air to smash down) [X]+[R1] Comet-Strike (in Third Person View) [X]+[L1] Comet-Strike (in First Person View) [R2]/[L2] Strafe Mode (hold, and strafe with the Analog Stick) [R2]/[L2]+[X] Strafe Flip (while strafing) [R2]+[L2] Lock onto enemy (only with the Lock-On Mod) <<< Swimming >>> [X] Rise [Square] Dive [R1] Swim faster <<< Thruster/Helipack >>> [X] Press and hold in mid-air to glide [R1]+[X] (when stationary) Boost Jump [R1]+[X] (when running) Stretch Jump <<< Clank >>> [X] Jump [X]+[X] Glide [Square] Punch [Triangle] Give commands to other robots <<< Giant Clank >>> [X] Jump [Square] Punch [O] Shoot Missiles [Triangle] Throw Bomb <<< Space Ship >>> [X] Fire main guns [O] Fire secondary Weapon [Triangle] Select secondary Weapon [Square] Turbo Boost [R1]/[L1] Roll Ship [R2]/[L2] Straighten Ship [R2]+[L2] Hyperspace Warp (when equipped) <<< Hover Bike >>> [X] Accelerate [L1]/[L2] Fire Weapon [R1]/[R2] Use Turbo Boost //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ b. Story \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// #4STO The events in Ratchet and Clank 2 take place about a year after the original game. Our two heroes are in a famous talk-show, 'Behind the Hero'. They talk about how it is to be a hero, but Ratchet comes to the conclusion that there isn't any need for a hero right now. He has hardly spoken those words when he and Clank are beamed up by Mister Fizzwidget. This somewhat clumsy guy is the CEO of the biggest company in a nearby galaxy: Megacorp. He wants to hire Ratchet and Clank to retrieve one of his experiments. Our heroes agree, and they're off to the other galaxy, full of new worlds to discover, new enemies to defeat, and a whole new story line. Soon Ratchet and Clank find out that things aren't what they appear to be. What does Fizzwidget really want? Who is that strange, masked thief? What's so important about that experiment? You're about to find out... //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ c. Characters \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// #4CHA <<< Ratchet >>> He might look like a big, furry rat, but actually he's a Lombax. He's originally from the planet of Veldin. There he was leading a normal but boring life as a mechanic. Until, one day, Clank appeared. With this robot on his back, he defeated the evil Chairman Drek. He now has to save another galaxy. Ratchet is energetic, a weapons enthusiastic, and pretty destructive. <<< Clank >>> The brain of the duo. He was originally designed as a killer robot, but because of a production error, he was too small. After escaping the factory where he was made, he helped Ratchet to defeat Drek. Clank is always the serious one, who has to keep Ratchet down a bit. <<< Fizzwidget >>> The CEO of one of the biggest companies in the entire universe: Megacorp. He has hired the two heroes to retrieve a stolen experiment. His behavior is...weird, to say the least. Is he hiding something? <<< The Thief >>> A thief has stolen an experiment, but why? What's so important about it? What does the Thief want to do with the Experiment? And what's behind that mask of steel the thief's wearing? //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ d. Objects \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// #4OBJ <<< Boxes >>> These wooden Boxes contain Bolts. You'll find them pretty much everywhere. Take some time to smash them, it's worth the time. If you've got the Box Breaker, you can destroy them all with one Hyper Strike. <<< Ammo Boxes >>> If you see a blue box with an 'M' on each side, it contains ammunition. Usually the kind of ammunition that is inside the box is for the gun that you need it most for. You won't get ammo for guns that are fully loaded, unless all your weapons are fully loaded. A couple of weapons can't get ammo from crates. <<< Explosive Boxes >>> Red boxes will explode when they're hit. Stay clear of the blast! <<< Bolts >>> The money of the R&C universe. You use it to buy all sorts of things, like weapons, ammunition, and favors from other characters. You get it from boxes, and from the enemies you've dfeated. <<< Nanotech >>> These blue spheres will restore one piece of your health. They can be found in glass boxes. They'll automatically fly to Ratchet when he's near one. <<< Super Nanotech >>> If you see a purple Nanotech sphere, it will restore 4 pieces of health. <<< Platinum Bolts >>> This type of Bolt is very rare. They're usually hidden very well, and you have to search each level very carefully to get them. I've included a list at the end of every chapter with the locations of all Platinum Bolts. There's also a full list just beneath the walkthrough. <<< Raritanium >>> With these rare stones, you can buy upgrades for your ship. You can get Raritanium in the Space Battles, and you can mine for it on Tabora and Grelbin. <<< Crystals/Moon Stones >>> Found on respectively Tabora and Grelbin. You use these stones to buy stuff from a very greedy psych. You can get them from crystal scattered across the plain, and big monsters will also drop Raritanium. <<< Nanotech Boosts >>> Nanotech is your health. You can upgrade it by defeating enemies. A small progress bar under your health will show you how close you are to getting a new sphere. But, there are also 10 instant boosts on some planets. Like the Platinum Bolts, these things are very well hidden. I've included a list of them beneath the walkthrough. //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\\ 5) Walkthrough \\-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-// #5WAL In the intro movie, we see our two heroes in a talk-show, 'Behind the Hero'. It seems that no-one needs a hero anymore, so they're out of a job. But then they're suddenly beamed up. They have to help the weird professor that did this. One of his research experiments was stolen, and you have to get the thing back. /\ / \ ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ / /\ \ / ___) _ | _ \ / _ \ /___) | |__| | | ( ( | | | | | |_| |___ | |______|_| \_||_|_| |_|\___/(___/ #5ARA First, Ratchet goes to a flying base above the planet Aranos. Your first objective is to infiltrate the flying base. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Infiltrate the flying base \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// This is mainly a tutorial-level. Step on the button in front of you to activate the elevator. When you reach the top, the game will tell you something about shooting. Check your weapons by pressing [Triangle]. You have the Lancer and the Gravity Bomb. For now, you should go with the Lancer. Walk into the next room, and you'll be attacked by two spider-robots. These things are called MSR's (Megacorp Security Robots). There are two versions: the blue ones, like the ones in this room, are armed with a chainsaw, and there are also red ones, armed with a flamethrower. They're not tough at all, and can easily be defeated with just the wrench, but if you're new to the game, you want to familiarize yourself with the shooting. When you've defeated the two MSR's, climb the ladder. Keep going through the rooms and corridors, defeating all those spiders, until you come to a bridge. Here you will encounter another type of enemy: the Blade Ball. These red balls are really fast, and will attack you with spinning blades. Still, one hit of your wrench will take them out. After the bridge, ride an elevator up. The game will tell you about the Gravity Bomb. Test it out on the MSR's on the next ledge. Enter the room behind it. There's the research experiment you had to get. But as you try to pick it up, the thief appears, and flees away with the experiment. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Escape the thief's security robots \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// When the cut-scene ends you'll immediately have to fight a lot of MSR robots. Use your Lancer here to make it easier. When you kill the last one, a hatch will open. First collect all the stuff in this room, and then enter the shaft. You will land on a 'wing' of the flying base. A couple of MSR's with flamethrowers are waiting for you. When they're dead, enter the room. A short cut-scene starts. We see how the thief hires the Thugs-4-Less mercenaries. More spider robots appear. Ride the elevator up, and follow the corridors and rooms. A lot of MSR's and Blade Balls are waiting for you in these rooms, so keep the Lancer ready. When you've reached the last room, exit through the door on the left to end the level. Ratchet jumps into his ship, and hails the professor. He gives Ratchet new co-ordinations, of the planet where the thief was seen last. The hunt has started. _____ _ / ___ \ | | | | | | ___ _____| | ____ | | | |/ _ (___ ) |/ _ | | |___| | |_| / __/| ( ( | | \_____/ \___(_____)_|\_||_| #5OOZ Ratchet and Clank 2 features a bunch of cliché worlds. To start, welcome to the swamp world. It's rainy, it's smelly, it's swampy. You're blessed with two objectives: - Explore the Swamp Ruins. - Find the Store Entrance. Nearby is a vendor. Before you try any of the two objectives, make sure you buy some ammo here. You can also buy the Chopper and the Blitz Gun here, but since you're probably low on bolts at the time, you can't afford them. Just make sure your Lancer ammo is topped off, you'll come back here when you have enough bolts. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Explore the Swamp Ruins \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// First, head east. Walk down to the swamp. Jump over the platforms in the swamp to the ledge with the monsters. By the way, you won't immediately die if you fall into the swamp. You can try to jump out, and get onto a ledge. If you fail to get out of the swamp within three tries, you drown. Anyway, when you get to the other side you have to fight some frog-like creatures. These are called Mutants Muckdwellers, and they're very easy to beat. A little up ahead are some creatures that look like snails. These are Mutant Swamp Beasts. They're somewhat tougher, but you can still easily beat them with your wrench. When you get to the swamp, you'll see a dragon on your right. Don't shoot it, it's not your enemy. Jump on its back, and it will swim for some distance. When it stops, it will disappear in the swamp after a second or two. Jump to the next dragon, and ride it to the other side of the swamp. Walk into the cave, and kill the Swamp Beasts. Up ahead is a cloud of Mutant Fireflies. They're hardly a threat to you. Jump on the platform in the center. The plant in front of the exit is one of the flesh-eating kind. You will have to use it as a platform to get to the exit. If you stand on it too long, it will snap close, and trust me, you don't want that. When you've reached the exit, jump down to the next swamp. There are more dragons here. Jump on the first one, and jump onto the second one when the first one stops. The second dragon will swim around another dragon, but don't jump on this one just yet. If you stay on the second dragon, it will take you to an island with some Muckdwellers. There's nothing to get here, except for a bunch of easy kills and some bolts. Jump on the nearby dragon to get back to the start of this area. Jump on the first dragon again, get on the second, and then jump on the third dragon when your dragon swims around it. Don't jump to the next dragon just yet: if you stay on the third dragon, it will eventually take you to an island with a plant on it. Use the plant to get into a small cave with a lot of crates. Jump on the dragon here to get back to the start. Now go from the first, to the second, to the third, and then to the fourth dragon. This one will take you to a ledge with a Swamp Beast. Kill it, and enter the area beyond it. Half a dozen of Swamp Beasts will jump out of the swamp. Spray your Lancer until they're all gone. Enter the next swampy area, and kill a couple of Mutant Fireflies. Jump on the dragon. It will stop near a plant. Jump on the plant, and then on the next dragon. When this one stops, you have to jump to the next one via two plants. When you get near the ledge, jump off. Climb the 'stairs' made of plants. Slide down the tunnel to complete this objective. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Purchase the Tractor Beam \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// When you've completed the last objective, you will meet up with a weird scientist, who shows you his tractor beam. You can buy it from him for 1,000 bolts. Well, it's not like you have a choice, you won't get out of this area if you don't buy it (clever man). Trash up the lamp posts if you need some bolts. When you've bought the Tractor Beam, this objective will be completed. Now you need to get back to the ship. To do so, use the Tractor Beam to move the two columns. It takes a little practice. Place them both near the ledge above you. Now climb up, and continue to the button on the ground. When you step on it, a ladder to your ship will lower. You will now probably have enough bolts to buy the Chopper, do so if you wish. Time to continue with the next objective. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Find the Store Entrance \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Walk past the vendor. You have a bunch of Swamp Beasts to deal with when you reach the next part. After beating some more enemies, you will see an employee of Megacorp drowning. Don't bother, you can't save him. Continue over the glass bridge. If you jump over the trunk to the left here, you will arrive in an area where a bunch of Muckdwellers will eat another employee. You can't save this one either. Now continue over the next set of platforms. The route is very straightforward, so you can't get lost. Enemies may jump out of the swamp. Use your Lancer as much as you can, because you want to get the upgrade very soon. Eventually, you will reach a bigger platform. When you step on it, a big monster appears, and drags down another employee. You will then have fight the Swamp Monster. This isn't really a boss fight, it's more like a strafing-exercise. Press and hold L2, and then keep strafing left and right, constantly firing your Lancer at him. He might hit you some times with his tentacles, but if you keep firing he should be done for in no time at all. Collect all the ammo in this area, and continue over the next set of platforms. After killing some more Swamp Beasts, you will find the Dynamo. When you find it, this objective will be completed, and you will get a new task: Investigate the Megacorp store. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Investigate the Megacorp store \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// First, you have to know how to use the Dynamo. The game will show you a green/white panel on a wall. Get near the panel, and 'fire' the Dynamo. A green platform will appear. Ride it up, and enter the store. Kill some fireflies, and locate the next green panel. Activate this platform. Ride it up, facing the glass walls with the Swamp Beasts behind them. Jump towards this glass, and fire the Dynamo to activate the high panel. If you did it right, you will land on the green platform you've just activated. Ride this platform to the next ledge. Cross the pit by activating the three panels. You will now get to the Swamp Beasts you saw earlier. Kill them all, and smash the glass cylinders for some bolts. Exit the store. Jump over the gap, and enter the store again. Get over this next pit using the green panels. At the end of this corridor you will see a metallic path. If you've played the original R&C, you will recognize this. You need to get back here when you have the Gravity Boots. For now, activate the panel here to open the door ahead. Jump over and run past the objects that are coming your way. If you're fast enough, you'll get past the door before it closes again. You can also try to start walking down the corridor, and then shoot the Dynamo target over your shoulder: this makes it a lot easier. Made it past the door? Good. You will now see a video, in which you receive co-ordinates for the Maktar Resort. Use the teleporter to get back to your ship. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Get the Box Breaker \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// You can only complete this task after getting the Gravity Boots from the planet Joba. With these, return to the Megacorp Outlet. Now, remember that sloped metal path you saw? No? Well, it's near the Dynamo panel that opens a door and sends a lot of objects your way. When you've found it, walk up the path with your Gravity Boots, and use the vendor if you have to. Now slide down the chute. You now have to fight against the second Swamp Monster. It has few attacks. Most of them are melee attacks, and include slapping you with tentacles, crushing you with claws, or eating you. He also shoots bubbles of gas at you. All attacks can easily be avoided. There are a lot of green platforms in the quicksand. You should constantly run away from the monster, and turn to fire from time to time. This way, you won't take much damage. The hard part is damaging him. The Minirocket Tube is good for starters, but he'll still have a lot of health left when the Tube is empty. After that, you can switch to the Multi-Star, the Vaporizer, or the Bouncer. The Plasma Coil does miracles, use it if you already have it. It's a long but pretty easy fight, and you're rewarded with the Box Breaker for your trouble. From now on, whenever you perform a Hyper Strike, all boxes and other breakables around you will...break. A pretty cool tactic was submitted by Roller Chevy: "When I went back and replayed the game in challenge mode and attempted to get the Box Breaker it was FAR more challenging than the first time. Even with a FULL compliment of weapons and loaded with ammo I was not able to wear down the Swamp Monster health meter. Down to my last few shot of ammo left I stumbled on a much easier way to go about it. If as soon as the battle starts you use your Decoy Glove on the green platform next to you and then run around behind the Swamp Monster, he often gets confused and stuck in a spot where he can't reach the decoy. And even a few times strangely the decoy floated up in the air and the monster stands perfectly still and stares hypnotically at it without moving at all (but that's another story). Anyway if you can get him trapped in one spot all you need to do it jump up behind him and use your Sheepinator. This will take a LOT of time and you might want to just hold down the circle button and stop and read a book but it does the trick." One last note: you can only fight this battle once. When you finish the game, and you go to Challenge Mode, you'll keep the Box Breaker, and the hatch at the top of the metal walkway will be closed. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - After completing all objectives on this planet, walk towards the Swamp Ruins again (go east from your ship). Jump over a couple of platforms. You will now see a new dragon to your left. Jump on his back, and ride him all the way to a cave filled with fireflies. Here you will find the Platinum Bolt. - In the area where you have bought the Tractor Beam, move the two pillars to the left of the area (instead of to the right, to the cliff that leads back to your ship). Climb on top of the highest one, and you should be able to reach a platform with the bolt on it. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Skill Points \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Prehistoric Rampage >>> From your ship, head past the vendor and go down the path. Jump over the first stretch of swamp. When you get to a glass bridge, check the air on your left. You should see 4 Pterodactyls (flying dinosaurs) flying around in circles. All you have to do to get this point is kill all four of them. The Lancer will do the trick just fine (in first person view). <<< Smash and Grab >>> Smash up all the breakables in the Megacorp outlet. The Box Breaker works great, with it you'll have the Point in a very short time. Enjoy the smashing ^_^ //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Wupash Nebula \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// When you fly from Oozla to the Maktar resort, you will be attacked by enemy fighters. You have defeat them all. This first space battle isn't very though, just spray your guns with [X] every time a fighter comes into view, and you should be fine. You'll collect some Raritanium here, we'll get back to that later. You can also acquire shield and missile upgrades. After two waves of 25 ships each, you'll be on your way to the Resort. ______ _ ______ | ___ \ | | _ (_____ \ _ | | _ | | ____| | _| |_ ____ ____ _____) ) ____ ___ ___ ____| |_ | || || |/ _ | | / ) _)/ _ |/ ___) (_____ ( / _ )/___)/ _ \ / ___) _) | || || ( ( | | |< (| |_( ( | | | | ( (/ /|___ | |_| | | | |__ |_||_||_|\_||_|_| \_)\___)_||_|_| |_|\____|___/ \___/|_| \___) #5MAK The resort is a big space station. The main enemies you will encounter here are Brutes and Chickenbots. There are some Arena challenges to be fought. You will start with two objectives: - Find a way to the Thugs-4-Less jamming array. - Win the Arena Battle. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Find a way to the Thugs-4-Less Jamming Array \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// First, buy everything you need from the vendor. Head down the ramp. A Thugs-4-Less Brute will appear. He will first 'shoot' a couple of Chickenbots in your direction, and then he'll start shooting at you. You can easily take him out if you aim for the explosive boxes behind him. There are two paths leading from this platform, go right. Fight your way through a small crowd of Chickens. Use the Tractor Beam to move that big pillar out of the way, and enter the room behind it. There's a maintenance bot here, but he's not your enemy. You need to use your Tractor Beam on him (he's got orange circles on him, see?), and drag him towards the blue circle on the floor. When the robot touches it, the door will open. In the next room you will see a bomb, you can drag this one around too. First go right, and clear this hall of enemies. Now use the Tractor Beam on the Bomb, and run with it towards the next door. It will go off after a while, so you need to be fast. Note that the blast of the bomb won't hurt you. Get the bomb to the door, and it blows up. Kill the brute that appears. Now it gets fun. The maintenance robot will follow you into this circular room. The two poles in the center are a slingshot: if you drag the robot between these things, you can shoot the thing away. Do so, and aim for the door on the higher ledge. If you're aiming right, the robot will land on the blue circle in front of the door, thus opening it. Climb to this ledge. There's a slot-machine here, I'll get back to those later. Continue down the next corridor, and turn left. Jump over the moving platforms above the electricity field. There's another bomb in the room behind it. Drag it back to the room before the electricity field, and use it to blow open the door. Get out. There's another slingshot here, this time you need to shoot bombs with it. In front of you is a big force field. It's powered by four flying, yellow spheres. Destroy all four of them, using the bomb and the slingshot. It might take some practice. After that, get into the Space-Limo, and fly away to the Jamming Array. Objective complete. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Destroy the signal Transponders \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Welcome on the Jamming Array. To disable it, you need to destroy six signal Transponders. These Transponders are towers that shine a green light from the top. To destroy it, you need to use your wrench to turn the bolt nearby. The tower will now lift a bit, exposing its weak spot. Hit that spot (some orange tubes), and the tower will be destroyed. The first Transponder is in front of you when you start. Defeat the Chickenbots around the bolt, and destroy the tower. Now turn left. After walking for a bit you'll see a Jump Pad on the ground. Press [X] on this pad to launch yourself up. Land on the platform with the Chickens. Jump from platform to platform until you get to the bolt. Turn it and destroy the tower. Get back on the ground, and walk past the Jump Pad you've just used. Jump over the lava, and destroy the third tower. Continue over the lava, and turn right after making it to the other side. You will reach the fourth tower, destroy it. Get back to your Space-Limo, and turn right. Get to the fifth Transponder. If you trouble finding it, press [select] to get a better view of the world. There's a Jump Pad near the fifth tower, use it to get up, and destroy it. The last tower is also located on a high platform, you have to use a Jump Pad again. When you have destroyed the sixth Transponder you'll get a message from Fizzwidget about planet Barlow. After the message you'll automatically be transported back to the Maktar Resort. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Win the Arena Battle \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// From your ship, head left. You'll walk past a couple of slot machines. Before you use them, fight some Thugs up ahead. Watch out for the Chickens they 'shoot'. Now, to use the slot machines, hit them with your wrench. Each turn will cost 10 bolts. There are five symbols. If you get three of the same symbols, you'll get a prize. These are: - 3 Blue spheres > One bit of Nano health - 3 Bolt icons > A bunch of bolts - 3 Ammo packs > An ammo pack (wow!) - 3 Yellow rings > The machine explodes, and two Chickenbots come out. - 3 Bars > 300 bolts + Skill Point (very rare) Play with the machines all you want. When you're done, ride the elevator up. Defeat all the Thugs and robots in the next small area. Use your Lancer if it's not upgraded yet, because you'll need the Heavy Lancer for the Arena Battles. Get into the Limo to get to the next part. Grab the ledge in front of you, and move to the left. Jump up to the ladder. This next area is filled with enemies, and to make things worse, there's a ship up ahead that's constantly spawning Thugs. Your Heavy Lancer is a real lifesaver here. Eventually, the ship will stop spawning enemies, and it will fly away. Collect all the ammo here, and then continue. Kill the group of Chickenbots. Get up using the wall jump (the game will tell you how to do it). Enter the next circular room, and kill all the Thugs. It works great to throw in a couple of Chopper rounds, and let them do most of the work. Kill the remaining enemies, and play around with the slot machines if you wish. Kill the Chickens on the next bridge. Another ship will arrive, and it starts spawning Thigs-4-Less Brutes again. Once again, use your Heavy Lancer (or the Blitz Gun if you already have it) to clear them out without too much trouble. After that, continue to a room with a vendor. Stock up on ammo, especially for your Heavy Lancer, and then enter the Arena. You only have to complete one challenge for story purposes. You're in a big round arena, and you have to fight off Gladiators, MSR's, and Blade Balls. The fight is divided into several rounds, a new round starts when you've defeated all enemies. This challenge is quite easy, just spray around with the Heavy Lancer to get rid of all enemies really quickly. From round 4, several traps will appear on the arena floor: spinning blades and steam. Stay clear of these. New items and health will appear on the outside of the ring from time to time. When you've beaten this easy challenge, you will receive the Electrolyzer. You can now choose to fight on in the Arena, something I'd really recommend because it gives you a lot of bolts. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ The Maktar Arena \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Here I will give you some information on the various fights in the Maktar Arena. I'll state the name of the challenge, the number of bolts you will get the first time you win, and some information of what makes this challenge special. Note that when you defeat the same challenge a second time, the prize money will be less. In the end it will be 500 bolts for each battle. <<< Flowchart >>> Finishing one challenge will always unlock another one. In this next flowchart, I've listed how all the Challenges are unlocked. Thanks to Rik Smit for this chart. Battle for the Electrolyzer | |--> Hazard Challenge --> Lim. Weapon Challenge 1 --> Lim. Weapon Challenge 2 | |--> Chainblade Challenge --> Battle the B2 Brawler --> Mega Challenge | | | Tag Team Battle <--/ | |--> Time Challenge 1 --> Time Challenge 2 --> Endurance Challenge | | | Ultimate Challenge <--/ | *\--> Timed Avoidance Challenge --> Wrench Expert Challenge * Note: These last two battle can only be accessed in Challenge Mode. <<< Battle for the Electrolyzer >>> Prize Electrolyzer Rounds 6 Difficulty Very Easy Information In round 4, traps will appear on the floor. Ammo and health will be respawning near the edge of the platform. <<< Hazard Challenge >>> Prize 1,500 bolts Rounds 5 Difficulty Easy Information Much like the first battle, the only difference is that the traps (spinning blades, steam) will now be active all the time, so you indeed have to watch your steps. <<< Chainblade Challenge >>> Prize 4,000 bolts Rounds 1 Difficulty Medium Information Chainblade is the first of the two bosses in this Arena. He wields two swords, that can do some nice damage. He has two attacks: he can float in the air, and shoot sparks at you with his sword, or he'll get down on the ground and he'll try to slash you open. You should avoid the sparks by jumping around. Try to jump just before he 'shoots'. When he gets down on the ground, equip your Heavy Lancer, lock onto him with L2, and then run away from him while constantly firing at him. If you keep moving, he won't hit you. When he chooses the air again, stop shooting and start dodging again. He'll be down in no time at all. You can defeat him with just the wrench for a skill point, read below. <<< Time Challenge 1 >>> Prize 1,500 bolts Rounds 1 Difficulty Medium Information You have to defeat 30 enemies in 30 seconds. The main trick on winning here is to just spray your Heavy Lancer around like a madman. The only thing you have to watch out for is, that when you've defeated almost all enemies in the arena, you don't wait too long in getting the last one. New enemies will only appear when you have killed all enemies, so you should clear the arena as fast as possible. The Blitz Gun also works well here. <<< Battle the B2 Brawler >>> Prize 5,000 bolts (thanks to Alex Antliff and Lou Binetti) Rounds 1 Difficulty Medium/Hard Information The second boss is the Brawler. This gigantic robot has two attacks: when he's walking, he'll shoot purple balls at you, and from time to time he'll get down on the ground and start spinning towards you. The balls can be easily dodged if you keep jumping and moving around. You shouldn't fire at him when he's walking. When he gets down on the ground, take out your Heavy Lancer or Blitz Gun. The Blitz Gun works much better than the Lancer. Press and hold L2, and fire while constantly walking away from the robot. When you're walking away, you shouldn't just back off to the edge, you should be turning around the center as well. If you turn counter-clockwise, the Brawler has a smaller chance of hitting you. Whatever you do, don't let him knock you out of the arena. He'll stay near the edge, and you'll have a VERY hard time to get back in the ring. The Brawler's a lot tougher than Chainblade. If you can't kill it with the Blitz Gun either, come back later with some stronger weapons. You can get another skill point if you defeat him without taking damage. Read below for more information. <<< Time Challenge 2 >>> Prize 2,000 bolts Rounds 1 Difficulty Medium/Hard Information Just like the other Time Challenge, but slightly harder. This time you have to defeat 60 enemies in 60 seconds. You'll have to defeat the same number of enemies per second, but you have to keep this up longer. If you keep spraying your Heavy Lancer, you should be okay. <<< Mega Challenge >>> Prize 3,000 bolts Rounds 10 Difficulty Medium Information Not that much tougher than the other, normal battles. You simply have to battle enemies for 9 rounds. Traps will be all over the place again. In round 10, our good friend Chainblade will return. He still has the same attacks, so read the information about his fight for tactics. <<< Limited Weapon Challenge 1 >>> Prize 1,500 bolts Rounds 15 Difficulty Hard Information You have to complete 15 rounds with just 300 rounds for your Heavy Lancer. You can't switch weapons, not even to your wrench. And believe me when I say it's going to be close one. Even when you hit every possible shot, you'll still win the battle with less than 50 rounds left. So the only tactic here is to make every last shot count. You should try to hit every shot. Only fire when there's a green circle on the enemy, this means you're aiming at him. Take your time, and don't be afraid to run from bigger groups. One of the most challenging fights. A pretty cool tactic is to let the enemies hit each other. Let them come at you, and when they're about to strike, jump away. The Gladiators will hit all enemies around them, dealing massive damage. This will save you a lot of ammo. Also, modding your Lancer will help a lot too. The Shock Mod does wonders: when you hit an enemy, all surrounding enemies will take damage too. Great for tight groups of monsters. <<< Limited Weapon Challenge 2 >>> Prize 2,000 bolts Rounds 4 Difficulty Hard Information you can only do this challenge when you've got the Mini-Nuke. Your objective is to kill all enemies with just 8 Mini-Nuke shots. Well, there are four rounds, so that means you'll have to kill all enemies in one round with just two Nukes. The trick is to let them come close around you. Try to gather up all enemies in tight group, then launch a Mini-Nuke at the group. As long as you don't screw up the shots, you'll be fine. Miss one shot, and you're screwed. Like in the previous challenge, you won't get any extra ammo. <<< Tag Team Battle >>> Prize 6,000 bolts Rounds 1 Difficulty Hard Information Chainblade and the B2 Brawler will take turns in this tag battle. You'll start with Chainblade, and when you've done enough damage to him the Brawler will take over. The bosses aren't any tougher than normally, but the thing that makes this fight more challenging is the fact that there are a lot of spinning blades on the floor, making it tougher to dodge the shots. Apart from that, the normal tactics apply. <<< Endurance Challenge >>> Prize 6,000 bolts Rounds 20 Difficulty Medium Information Simply put, you have to fight for 20 rounds without getting any health. So the key is to take as little damage as possible. Having high maximum health will help you even more. <<< Ultimate Challenge >>> Prize 5,000 bolts Rounds 16 Difficulty Hard Information It isn't called the Ultimate Challenge for nothing. The fight starts normally, with some basic enemies. Then in round 6, you have to fight Chainblade. After that, some rounds with normal enemies, followed by a fight against the B2 Brawler in round 11. And if you thought that was it, you're sadly mistaken. In round 15, Chainblade will return once again, accompanied by some Blade Balls and a floor full of spinning blades. And the last round is another fight versus the Brawler, and here you'll have to deal with Blade Balls and spinning blades too. And the worst thing is that you won't get any health during this fight. This makes it very challenging. If you can't make it, come back later when you have higher health and better weapons. <<< Timed Avoidance Challenge >>> NOTE Challenge Mode Only! Prize 60,000 bolts Rounds 1 Difficulty Easy Information You have to dodge Chainblade for two minutes in a row, in other words, don't get hit! A really easy challenge if you know what to do. When Chainblade is on the ground, run away from him, and he'll never hit you. When he takes the air, jump whenever he 'fires' at you. This takes timing, but it's not tough. <<< Wrench Expert Challenge >>> NOTE Challenge Mode Only! Prize 90,000 bolts Rounds 9 Difficulty Very Hard Information The people who tried this challenge have to agree with me that it's the toughest Arena battle in the game. Your goal? Kill all enemies with just the wrench, and don't take any damage! Very tough indeed. The Blade Balls aren't so bad, but when you're up against large groups of MSR's or Gladiators, you've got a problem. And like that isn't enough, you'll also have to deal with Chainblade in the last round. Try to run away from large groups. It works really well to try to 'pull' the group apart: try lure one enemy away from the group. Take on lonely enemies, and you've got less chance of getting hit. Defeating the enemies isn't extremely tough, and staying clear of damage is pretty possible too, but the problem is that a mistake is easily made. It really sucks to screw up your timing in the last round so that you'll get hit. Keep trying, once you've got to know how to use the wrench, persistence is all it takes. You can also wait until you've got another Wrench upgrade. More tips: try using the First Person Mode for fighting Gladiators and MSR's. Just don't use it when up against some Blade Balls! //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Clank's in trouble! \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// After winning the Electrolyzer, exit the Arena. You'll be on a small ledge. In front of you is a panel for the Electrolyzer. Press [Triangle] when near to play a mini-game. On a grid, several blue energy bits are moving around. In the center are some connectors. Press [O] to turn the connectors. You need to align the connectors with the energy bits. You have to stay sharp, and watch all of the grid to see if a bit is approaching the connector. Don't worry is this sounds confusing, the game is simple enough. You can keep trying if you fail. When you succeed, a bridge appears. Walk over it. On the next ledge, the thief will contact Ratchet. He has kidnapped Clank, and you have to save him. You will now get the co-ordinates for planet Endako. Solve another Electrolyzer puzzle to summon the bridge that leads back to your ship, and blast off to Endako. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - On the Jamming Array, jump on top of the Space-Limo. Now get on one of the Limo's rockets. From this rocket, you might be able to make it onto a platform nearby. Here's a Jump Pad. Use it, and you will jump up very high. You will pick up the Bolt at your highest point. Note that even though other FAQ's tell you differently, you don't need Clank for this one. You can get it with just Ratchet, but Clank's Boost Jump does make it a lot easier. - On your way to the Arena you'll have to get in a Limo at some point. After exiting it, move over the ledge and climb up the ladder. You're in a big open area, with two cranes above it. Climb onto the ledge with the right crane on it. Double jumping is a must. It's much easier to get if you've got Clank. The bolt's on the ledge. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Skill Points \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Vandalize >>> One of my favorite skill points. All you have to do is smash up everything there is to smash up. And believe me, that's a lot. A few general pointers: - You don't have to destroy every last thing. I think you need around 90% of the destructables. - When you die, all objects you've destroyed will be back. - It's best to try this after completing all other objectives. This means most of the enemies will be gone, and you'll have a smaller chance of dying. - There are five destroyable objects: yellow lamps, orange lamps, big rotating lamps, video screens, slot machines and satellites. - Some things might be hard to get. One example are the lampposts on the part where you have to use the Electrolyzer, many people tend to forget these. - If you look left from your ship, you'll see two satellites in the distance. You can't hit them with your wrench or your Lancer, so you have to take them out with two well-placed Chopper rounds. - In the area with the second slingshot, near the Space-Limo, there's a glass floor. If you look carefully, you'll see orange lamps hanging under this floor. To destroy those, you have to hit the bolts that keep them in place. The great thing about this skill point is that it's a lot of fun, and it gives you a LOT of bolts. <<< Wrench Ninja: Blade to Blade >>> In the Arena, defeat Chainblade with just your wrench. It's quite easy actually. Get near him, double jump, and press [Square] to hit him. If your timing is right, he'll hardly ever hit you. Avoid his shots when he takes the air. If you have trouble with it, wait until you have some of your wrench upgrades, that makes it even easier. When you've defeated him, and you've used no weapon besides the wrench, you'll get the point. <<< 2B hit or not 2B hit >>> To complete this one, you have to defeat the B2 Brawler without getting damaged. Does that sound hard? Well, it is. You shouldn't try this one until you have some better weapons, like the mini-turret gun. You probably have to practice a couple of times, to learn how to avoid his shots and his spinning attack. If you have the Mini-Turret Gun, and the Blitz Cannon, do the following: when he's walking, shoot down a couple of turrets. When he gets on the ground, switch to the Blitz cannon and fire while strafing away. The key in getting this Point is that you have to defeat him very quickly, thus making it harder for the robot to hit you. <<< Clank needs a new pair of shoes >>> Scattered over the Resort are a lot of Slot Machines. Each slot has five symbols. One of them is the 'BAR' icon, but it's very rare. To get this skill point, all you need to do is get three bars. It will take a lot of tries, and you have the chance of destroying the machine in the progress (by hitting 3 yellow rings). When you've finally got three BAR's, you will get the skill point, along with 300 bolts. _______ _ _ (_______) | | | | _____ ____ _ | | ____| | _ ___ | ___) | _ \ / || |/ _ | | / ) _ \ | |_____| | | ( (_| ( ( | | |< ( |_| | |_______)_| |_|\____|\_||_|_| \_)___/ #5END The whole planet seems to be one big city. As you exit your ship, prepare for the most breath-taking view so far. Checking your missions learns you that you have two objectives: - Rescue Clank from the Thief. - Visit Clank's apartment. We'll start with the latter. Before you start, check out the vendor. He will now sell the Pulse Rifle for 20,000 bolts and the Mini-Turret gun for 25,000 bolts. If you're low on cash, and you can only afford one weapon, go for the Mini-Turret, the other one can wait. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Visit Clank's Apartment \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// From the vendor, head right. Ignore the hovering camera's, they won't hurt you. Hit the trash can up ahead. If there's one thing they don't like in this city, it's littering. Immediately, the force field in front of you disappears, and Sweeper Bots will appear to clear up the trash...and you. The Blitz Gun disposes of them quickly. Enter the area behind the first force field, and hit the trash can there. Now a Laser Bot appears. Kill him too, and take out the Sweeper Bots in the next area. Climb up the 'stairs', and enter the room. Another trash can...you know what to do. This time, a bunch of Sweeper Bots will be beamed in, followed by two Laser Bots. Continue through the door. A helicopter will appear, with the Thugs-4-Less leader in it. You won't have to fight it...yet. Continue, jump over a few platforms, and defeat two more Laser Bots. Jump down the right, and knock down another trash can. This time, a whole hoard of Sweeper Bots will try to take you out. On the next ledge you'll see a green ball hovering in the air. R&C veterans will recognize it as a place you can fire the Swingshot at. You don't have that gadget yet, so ignore it, and take the elevator up. The heli appears and disappears again. Take out the two Laser Bots ahead. Take another elevator up to a room with two trash cans. Knocking one of them down summons a hoard of Sweeper Bots and a couple of Laser Bots. When you knock down the one on the right, a door will open on the right of the room. Enter it. Load up on ammo here. When you approach the ring, you'll have to fight the chopper. This is a pretty easy fight. The Thugs-4-Less boss has got three attacks: he shoot electricity bolts, he fires his machine gun and he uses rockets. All three attacks can easily be avoided. If you want to end this quickly, just take out your Heavy Lancer, hold L2, and fire while strafing, until he's down. Piece of cake, walk in the park, nothing to it. When he's down, a teleporter will pop out. Use it to get to the apartment. Here you can admire the nice art on the wall, and you can get two very useful gadgets: the Swingshot and the Grind Boots. If you use the Dynamo on the pyramid shaped object on the table, you'll play a nice mini-game called Sheep Blaster. Exit the room to practice a bit with the Swingshot. If you shoot at those green balls, and hold [O], Ratchet will pull himself to it. A green ball with yellow lights means you can swing from it. A blue ball is attached to an object that you can pull towards you. Practice for a bit, then take the teleporter back to the ship. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Rescue Clank from the Thief \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Back at the vendor, head left. A door will open, and a Laser Bot will come out. Defeat him, then use the Electrolyzer on the panel to open the next door. Fight your way through two rooms filled with robots. You will arrive at a crane you can control. First activate the crane controls with your Electrolyzer, then use the controls. Lift up the gray block, and drop it near the exit on the left. You can drop it onto the robots for a skill point (read below). When the block's in place, head into the room and jump to the exit. Kill the two Laser Bots in the red room. Exit out onto the bridge. There's yet another Laser robot to kill on the other side of the gap, Behind him is a new enemy, the Rivet Bot. Watch out for his double guns. He also has pretty high health, so don't underestimate him. Turn left, and take out another Rivet Bot. When you approach the blue force field, a bunch of Sweeper bots appear. Head left, and destroy the two enemies here. Jump over the gap, enter the building. More Sweepers, and another crane to control. First activate the controls, and then it's time to play. Pick up the Laser Bot in the first room, and use him to take out the other bots. Pick up the red crate, and drop it near the door near the controls to destroy it. Drop the gray crate near the exit. Go to this exit, and fight yourself through another room filled with enemies. Ride up the elevator. When you approach the end of the corridor, the thief will push Ratchet down. You have found Clank! All you need to do is repair him with your Electrolyzer. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Free Ratchet \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Clank's back on his feet, but Ratchet is trapped inside this room. Clank goes through an air shaft, and has to free Ratchet. You'll control Clank. Jump and float over the first gap. Take out the two Sweeper Bots (Clank can punch with [square]). Ignore the Laser Bot for now: head past him to find four Micro Bots. Free them, and order them to attack the Laser Bot (use [triangle] to bring up the command menu, then select 'Attack'). Don't worry if a Micro Bot dies, he'll respawn soon enough. After defeating two Laser Bots, free the Bridge Bot on the left. Walk up to the gap ahead and order him to build a bridge. Cross the bridge, and let your minions take out yet another Laser Bot. Now free the Lifter Bot that's trapped here. Use him to lift up that big block ahead. Exit the building, and defeat the Laser Bot up ahead. Order the bridge Bot to build a bridge again at the next gap. Two more Laser Bots await on the other side. Now give your Micro Bots the command 'Enter'. Two of them will enter the little house here, and the door opens up. Enter it (the robots stay behind, but you don't need them anymore), and step on the button to free Ratchet. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Shady Business \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// After freeing Ratchet, the game will give you a few pointers about jumping with Clank on your back. If you don't get it, read the manual. Anyway, the road ahead should take you to the center ring of the level. Get the goodies there, and warp back to the vendor. Now remember that green ball you saw before? Let's go there now. Follow the path you took to get to the apartment. Keep going until you see the green ball. It's just before an elevator. Use your Swingshot on it. You will now land on a rail, and you will automatically equip the grind boots. When you grind, you can still jump. You'll have switch tracks a couple of times, and you have to use your Swingshot to get to the next parts of the rail. When you reach the end (which is very simple), you will come to a shop that will modify your weapon. It seems pretty shady and illegal, and it costs Platinum Bolts. I'll write down the upgrades and costs in the 'Platinum Bolts' chapter of this FAQ. Anyway, when you're done here, get onto the translocator. You're back at your ship again, and a shiny new translocator will pop up, so you can now go to the dealer without any trouble. It's now time to head for the planet of Barlow. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - Take the path leading to the apartment. When you're past the place where you first saw the helicopter, you had to jump down to the right to get to another trash can. This time, don't go right, but continue to the edge ahead. You will face the central structure. To get this Bolt, simply drop off the edge. You'll land on a lower ledge, the Bolt's right there. - Go to the second crane. In the second room, in the area where the Sweepers are, there's door a bit above the ground. You can't see it with your Crane Cam, so you might need to search for it yourself. When you've located it, return to the crane controls and drop the gray crate in front of this door. Now get the red crate and drop it on top of the gray one. It will explode, and the door will probably be destroyed. Now simply enter the room behind that door, using the gray crate or a Double Jump to get up. The Bolt's inside this room. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Skill Points \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Destroy all Breakables >>> Much like the 'Vandalize' point on Maktar Resort. To get this one, you have to destroy almost all breakables. Yes, I said ALMOST all: you're allowed to miss a few here and there. You should looking for: - Camera Bots - Lamps (both red lamps and big hanging lamps) - Lampposts - TV screens When you've destroyed almost all of them, you'll get the point. <<< Operate Heavy Machinery >>> To get this one, you have to kill 10, that's TEN enemies with the cranes. It's pretty simple to get it. At the first crane, drop the block on all Sweeper Bots. At the second crane, pick up the Laser Bot in the first room and use his Laser to take out all robots in this room. You should have it very soon. If not, try jumping off a cliff or going to another planet. Return to the cranes and kill the robots again. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Nanotech Boost \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// You will need the Infiltrator, found on planet Joba, to get this Boost. Go to the room of the second crane. You'll see a door with an Infiltrator panel next to it. The Infiltrator puzzle is quite tough, but you'll get it with some trying. Just try to remember the path. When you've got it, the door will open, and you can grab the Boost behind it. ______ _ (____ \ | | ____) ) ____ ____| | ___ _ _ _ | __ ( / _ |/ ___) |/ _ \| | | | | |__) | ( | | | | | |_| | | | | |______/ \_||_|_| |_|\___/ \____| #5BAR On this desert planet, you have to fight a whole tribe of aggressive persons, you have to freeze and melt water, and of course you have to race. Let's look at the objectives: - Find the Desert Riders. - Scout the ruined machinery. - Battle the native tribesmen. Let's start with the last, shall we? If you haven't been to Endako yet, this is the only objective you can complete anyway. Check out the vendor for a new weapon, the Seeker Gun. Low-priced (only 5000 bolts), but not too useful in most battles. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Battle the Native Tribesmen \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// From your ship, head west. You'll first have to go through a cave, filled with Gadgetron Hounds of Cuddly Death. I'm not making this up. Anyway, as you have noticed by now, each planet has a type of enemy you can destroy in one shot, and that doesn't do much damage. For Barlow, this enemy is the Hound. Anyway, after exiting the cave two more new enemies are waiting for you, namely the Vukovar Tribesmen and a Saur Beast. The Tribesmen aren't tough, but they attack in big groups. Use the Blitz Gun (or Blitz Cannon, if you already have the upgrade) to take out a lot of them in one shot. The Saur Beast is considerably harder, the only weapon that can kill it one shot (at least at this stage of the game) seems to be the Pulse Rifle. So from now on, whenever you see a Saur Beast up ahead, you can take it out with one shot by sniping. Anyway, the route through this part of the level is really straightforward. All you have to do is follow the path, and blast every single enemy that crosses your path. Pretty easy. At one point, you'll encounter a Tribesman riding a Saur Beast. This means trouble: together, these two enemies can shoot purple bolts at you. When you see a rider, he should be your main target. After walking for some time, you'll come to a big ring. Step in it. The gate closes, and a bridge appears. The tribesmen launch a final assault on you. Don't be intimidated by their number. I've got two words for an easy victory: Blitz Gun. Also, lobbing a Gravity Bomb in their middle isn't a bad idea either. When they're all gone, the objective will be complete. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ The Antique Shop \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// When you cross the bridge, you will find yourself in a shop that sells some of the weapons from the original Ratchet and Clank. It seems that if you have a save-game from R&C1, you can get these for free. To get a weapon for free, you need to have acquired that weapon in R&C first. Also, you'll never get the RYNO II for free, not even if you have bought the RYNO in part one (thanks to David Birddogs for this information). Well, if you can't get them for free you might just want to forget about them altogether, since all weapons but the RYNO II are craptastic. I mean, why would anyone want the Bomb Glove if you have the Mini-Nuke? The RYNO's worth it, but it's very expensive. I'd suggest you try to get it on a replay game, since you'll then have a bolt multiplier. Well, alright, if you want all skill points you do need to buy these weapons, since you need them for 'Weapon Envy' and 'Old Skool'. Here's the pricelist if you're interested. Bomb Glove 1,000 VisiBomb Gun 15,000 Decoy Glove 5,000 Tesla Claw 8,000 RYNO II 1,000,000 Walloper 8,000 If you exit the store, you'll see a gap with a Biker on the other side. Ignore it for now, enter the cave on the left to get back to your ship. Be careful, for a LOT of Hounds will be waiting for you. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Scout the Ruined Machinery \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Head up the sloped part behind your ship. You have to have your Swingshot for the next part, but you should already have it from planet Endako. Over three gaps. You'll see a flying cart up ahead. It has got a blue ball attached to it. Pull it in using your Swingshot, then jump on it and ride it to the other side. Jump on one of the rotating carts. On the other side, fight a bunch of Hounds. Pull another cart towards you. Swim through the tunnel. Ratchet already has an oxygen mask, so you shouldn't worry about drowning. Jump out on the other side. Jump on the rotating carts. From here, swing two times towards the next ledge. Now you have to swim through another tunnel. On the other side, swing a couple of times to reach the carts. Jump off on one of them. When you approach a cart with a blue ball attached to it, pull it towards you and get on. At the next ledge, you have to defeat a LOT of Hounds. After that, it's two more swings to the next platform. Enter the building to end the objective. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Get and use the Thermanator \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// When you enter this building, you'll see a professor covered in ice. Hit the ice with your wrench to break it. The professor will now offer you his latest invention, the Thermanator. Pay a lousy 1,000 bolts to buy it. Now look to your left. You'll see a pool of ice. Use your Thermanator to melt the ice: just aim for it, and fire until the bar is completely filled. The ice melts, and you can swim through the tunnel. At the other end, jump out of the water and freeze the ice again. This is done the same way as melting: fire at the water until the bar on the right is filled. Cross the ice, get onto the next ledge, and exit to the left to get back to the ship. Now head left, into the cave, and cross the gap to the Biker. You need to use your Long Jump ability. After the conversation, use the Electrolyzer to repair your vehicle. Gentlemen, start your engines! //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Barlow Hoverbike Races \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// The controls are simple: accelerate with [X], fire a weapon with [L1], and use a turbo with [R1]. At the start, you can gain an initial boost by tapping [X] a couple of times as the lights go out. You can pick up boosts along the track. You can see the number of boosts left in the top left corner. The maximum of boosts you can carry is 3. Each turbo will stop working after a while, check the bar in the upper left corner to see how much turbo is left. First, let's take you around the track. <<< The Track >>> Race around the pillars at the start, and enter the tunnel. It leads to the right and down, to an area with water. Try to stay out of the water, it can slow you down. Use the ramps to jump over it. Next, you'll enter a fairly big tunnel with red lights. After a turn to the right, you'll go into a fairly long turn to the left. This is where the two shortcuts start, read the description for Challenge 3 for more details. Anyway, keep going on, into an area with some machinery. Next, you'll come to a narrow bridge, but don't worry, you can't fall off it. After that, there's a field with some Beasts. Try not to hit these, you won't survive the crash! Then there's one last tunnel. At the end, go up the sloped tunnel, and you'll launch towards the finish line. Now for a walkthrough of the various Challenges. <<< Amateur Circuit >>> Information This is the first race. Turbo's are available. Weapons and shortcuts are locked. Prize Biker Helmet, co-ordinates to the Feltzin System. Strategy Take your time to get to know the circuit, especially the locations of the Turbo Boosts. Get as many boosts as you can, and you'll be cruising towards the finish. Nothing to it. <<< Intermediate Circuit >>> Information Turbo Boosts and Weapons available. Short-cut locked. Other racers won't fire at you. Prize 2,000 bolts Strategy Basically, do the same thing as in the first race. Get as many Turbo Boosts as possible. If you can manage to get some weapons too, go you, but you should focus on the Turbo Boosts if you want to win. <<< Vukovar Circuit >>> Information Turbo Boosts and Weapons available. Shortcuts unlocked. Other racers won't attack you. Prize 3,000 bolts Strategy Now, the shortcuts have been unlocked. There are two shortcuts in this level. They both start in the tunnel with the red lights, after the water part near the start. From the water, follow the curve to the right. When the tunnel start to curve to the left, look for the shortcuts. There's one on the right side, it's a pretty broad tunnel, so it's easy to see. This will take you through another tunnel, over a Booster field. Then you have to jump over the normal road, after which you'll land on the narrow bridge. The second shortcut is much faster than that. It start at the same spot as the previous shortcut, but on the opposite side of the road, the left side. It's entrance is pretty narrow, so it's easy to miss. Just hug the inner wall in this curve and you should find it. It takes you almost immediately to the narrow bridge, saving you around 10 seconds per lap! So, to win this and the upcoming challenges, just take this shortcut every time, and you should be fine. <<< Assault Canyon >>> Information Turbo Boosts and weapons available. Shortcuts unlocked. Other racers attack Ratchet. Prize 4,000 bolts Strategy Basically the same as the previous race, but this time you will be fired upon by the other racers. When you see a green ring around you, know someone's aiming for you. You can then try to shake the enemy with a Turbo or a sudden turn. If you don't outrun him, the circle will turn red and you'll be blasted to pieces. This costs you a lot of time. Like in other races, get as many Turbo Boosts as you can. This time you might also want to try to get some weapons, because there's a chance you'll get a shield. The Shield will protect you from the enemies' attacks. <<< Expert Circuit >>> Information Weapons and Turbo Boosts available. Shortcuts unlocked. Other racers attack Ratchet. Prize 5,000 bolts Strategy Same deal as with the fourth challenge. If you could beat the Assault Canyon, you can beat this one too. After the first race, you can choose to keep racing, or you can head to the new location on your map, the Thug Rendezvous in the Feltzin System. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - When scouting the Ruined Machinery, you'll have to swim through a couple of tunnels. After the first water tunnel, turn left. Facing the building with the tunnel, you should see a very small ledge. Grab it, and move around the building hand-over-hand. Drop onto the ledge at the other side. Swing towards the rotating carts, get onto them, and then enter the cave. The cave is filled with Hounds and some machines that keep spitting out more Hounds. In the back of the cave, you'll find the Bolt. - In the Hoverbike Races, race past the part with the water. When leaving the water, you'll enter a tunnel. The tunnel immediately makes a sharp turn to the right. Instead of going right, go left. You'll find the Bolt lying here. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Skill Points \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Speed Demon >>> To get this one, you have to complete three laps in the Hoverbike Races in a time UNDER the 2.10. Attempt this in Challenge 3: the shortcuts will be opened, which saves you around 10 seconds per lap, and the other racers won't attack you. If you take the best shortcut (the one on the left, read Challenge 3's description), you'll take this prize without breaking a sweat. _______ _ (_______) | _ | | _ _ _ ____ | | | || \| | | |/ _ | | |_____| | | | |_| ( ( | | \______)_| |_|\____|\_|| | #5REN (_____| ______ _ (_____ \ | | _____) ) ____ ____ _ | | ____ _____ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ (_____ ( / _ ) _ \ / || |/ _ |___ ) | | / _ \| | | |/___) | ( (/ /| | | ( (_| ( (/ / / __/ \ V / |_| | |_| |___ | |_|\____)_| |_|\____|\____|_____) \_/ \___/ \____(___/ Time for more space battles. In case you forgot, you can shoot with [X], launch missiles with [O], roll with [L1] and [R1], activate the turbo with [square], and steady the ship with [L2]. You can complete four challenges here. At the start, only the first will be open. You'll unlock the other three by winning challenges. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Feltzin Space Battles \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Challenge 1 >>> Objective Fight the thugs Information 2 waves of 25 ships each Prize Some bolts (don't know the exact number) and the co-ordinates for planet Notak. Strategy Don't be fooled by the big number of ships (50 in total), this challenge is actually pretty easy. The ships are all down in a couple of shots. They will come flying into your range of fire all the time, so you don't even have to hunt them down. Use your missiles only when you're locked onto an enemy, the aiming rectangle will be flashing red. You can collect shields, missiles and of course Raritanium from the ships you've defeated. When you're under fire, roll to shake off your attackers. You also have to roll at the start of the second wave, where a lot of green shots will be heading your way. This challenge is the best one to get the Nanotech Boost in. Read below for more information. <<< Challenge 2 >>> Objective Defeat 30 Space Wasps in two minutes Information 1 wave, 30 Wasps Prize 5,500 bolts Strategy To be honest, I had some trouble with this one. The Wasps can take quite some damage (more than the Thugs at least), and they're harder to hit. Use your Missiles at much as you can. Even when you hit all Wasps that appear, you'll still win with only several seconds left. I don't really have a tactic for this one. One time you're lucky, a lot of Wasps will be flying in front of you, the other time you might be out of luck, and the Wasps will stay away. Just try a few times, you'll get it. <<< Challenge 3 >>> Objective Defeat the Thugs' best pilots Information 1 wave, 10 ships Prize 6,500 bolts Strategy Not that tough. The Ace Pilots do more damage, are more accurate and take more damage, but their lower number makes this fight only a little tougher than the first Challenge. Missiles are the way to go. <<< Challenge 4 >>> Objective Race against the Thugs' best pilot Information 50 rings to fly through Prize 8,000 bolts Strategy Quite a tough challenge. First, you might want to go to Slim Cognito's ship upgrade shop, and buy some new turbo boosters. To learn how to get to Slim's, read the walkthrough for Notak. These new boosters allow you to use the turbo for a longer time, making the race a little easier. You have to get to know the track too. There are 50 rings on the track. You should try to hit as many as possible. It's no problem if you miss one or two, but it seems that if you miss too many rings, you'll loose the race. The opponent is fast, but you can outrun him with your turbo. You have to get to know when to use the turbo. Usually, I fly the first stretch, to the first asteroid, on full speed, and then I use the turbo whenever there's a long straight stretch ahead. Takes a bit of practice, but the real challenge starts if you want to get the Platinum Bolt here (read below). //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - In the fourth challenge, you have to fly to every ring. That's right, you must pass all 50 rings. If you succeed, you'll find the Bolt at the end. Does that sound difficult? Well, it is. This is probably one of the hardest Bolts to get. I could write a whole text file on this subject, but I'll save myself and you time by giving the only tip worth giving: practice! Practice a lot, practice for hours, for days if you must. Make sure you can dream the track, and all its rings. Try to find out for yourself how the ship is controlled the easiest. Personally I prefer Analog over Digital here, but like I said, that's personal. After a lot of practice, you should be able to get it. I wish you the best of luck. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Nanotech Boost \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Here you can find the first Nanotech Boost of the game. Getting it is easy: just fly into the big spaceship, the Boost's in one of the rooms. An easy way is to go straight from the start of the first challenge. You'll find the entrance into the ship almost straight ahead. Fly through the first corridor. You'll arrive at a central room, the Boost's right there. ______ _ | ___ \ _ | | | | | | ___ | |_ ____| | _ | | | |/ _ \| _)/ _ | | / ) | | | | |_| | |_( ( | | |< ( |_| |_|\___/ \___)_||_|_| \_) #5NOT Another city level. This one's filled with Chickenbots, Thugs-4-Less Henchmen, and some Attack Ships. When you arrive, the Thief will fly away. Too late again...Anyway, you can check out the vendor for the Synthenoid weapon, but it costs a hefty 65,000 bolts. You have two objectives: - Search Canal City for the thief. - Explore the Promenade. By the way, I wouldn't recommend going for a swim here. The water's infested with fish that can swallow you in one bite. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Explore the Promenade \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// From the vendor, head left. Defeat the crowd of Robochickens, and head left into the building. More Chickens are waiting for you, as well as a new enemy: the Thugs-4-Less Henchman. These guys are armed with Assault Rifles that shoot blue spheres at you, and they can take quite a punch. The Blitz Gun (or Cannon) will do the trick in most cases. If you find yourself overrun by Henchmen, either use the Gravity Bomb/Mini-Nuke to clear them out or use a Mini-Turret and back off a little. Anyway, after defeating this first Henchman, head towards the big planet up ahead. Some Henchmen appear, and more Chickens to accompany them. There's some sort of Chicken-dispenser behind the planet, it will keep spawning Chickenbots until you destroy it. You can have some fun with the Planet for a Skill Point, read below. When you approach the glass window near the elevator, some Henchmen will break out and attack you. After clearing them out, head up the elevator. Another group of Henchmen will break through the glass window on your left. After defeating them, take a look at the ship up ahead. It's probably already shooting balls of fire at you, so watch out. This is a Thugs-4-Less Attack Ship, and it's quite tough. Run up to it while dodging the fire, and blast your Blitz Cannon when close to take it out. Now cross the bridge, and prepare for another group of Henchmen to break through the window. There's an elevator nearby. Take it up, after checking the area on the other side of the next bridge for a Platinum Bolt (read below). Here you'll find a lot of enemies: Chickenbots, Henchmen, an Attack Ship, and a Chicken-dispenser. If the action gets too heavy, don't be afraid to run to one of the elevators, and head back into safety to catch your breath. Go up the next elevator, and you'll find a Nanotech boost. The objective is now done. Enter the Teleporter to get back to your ship. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Investigate the Wharf Area \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Back at the vendor, cross the bridge. Defeat the Chickenbots and the Henchmen that appear. Note that you can smash up the light poles around this area for some easy bolts. There's a purple force field up ahead. You can't cross it, so head left into the building. Use the Thermanator you got on Barlow to freeze the water, then use a Boost Jump to get onto the ledge. The next room contains a lot of Chickenbots. Use the Mini-Nuke for an easy victory. Exit outside, and defeat the Henchmen waiting for you. Check ahead to see an Attack Ship. If you're still out of it's fire range, you can take it out easily with 2 shots from the Pulse Rifle. Continue on the path, defeating a lot of Chickenbots and Henchmen as you pass. You'll also pass a Dynamo panel, which you should use to get a Platinum Bolt. Read below for more information on the Bolt. When you get to the end of the path, make a long jump to the big platform. Kill all the enemies that appear. Take up the elevator. Defeat the Attack Ship to your right. Remember to strafe a lot to avoid its attacks. Clear out the Chickens, and check out the video screen there. You will now get co-ordinates to the Ship Shack of Slim Cognito. Objective complete. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Search Canal City for the Thief \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// From the video screen, float down to the platform below. You're now on the other side of that purple force field mentioned earlier. Cross the bridge to the factory. There's a Chicken-dispenser on it, so watch out. Turn the bolt in front of the factory to open the door. Inside, use wall jumps to get up to the higher ledge. In this very big area, freeze the water with the Thermanator. Skate to the low ledge on the right, and climb up. Turn the bolt here to create a bridge. Cross the bridge, defeat another Chicken, and thaw the ice in front of you. Swim through the tunnel. On the other side, drop down to the bolt behind the fence, and turn it. Another bridge appears. Thaw the ice around the bolt you've just turned. Swim through yet another tunnel, and climb out on the other side. Freeze the water you've just left. Wall jump up, head left, and you'll drop down on the platform you were on earlier. This time, cross the bridge you've made. You'll get to another pool with water. This time the water's rising and falling. You have to freeze it when it reaches the highest point. To make it easier, fire the Thermanator until the water's almost frozen, then complete the task when the water reaches the highest point. Don't jump into the water by the way, the fish will eat you instantly. Get across the ice. There's another fish in the next pool. A tunnel leads to the other side. Freeze the water when half of the tunnel is filled. Skate through the tunnel. On the other side, grab the ledge. If you can't reach it, the water level's too low. Go back, thaw, and refreeze. When you've climbed out on the other side, thaw the ice, then freeze it again when it's on it's highest point. Continue to a pool very similar to the one you've just left. Again, freeze the water when the tunnel's half filled. Skate to the other side. You'll finally get to the last room. Here you'll encounter some friendly robots. You can buy a transmission from them for 6,000 bolts. Doing so will give you co-ordinates for the planet Siberius. Use the yellow taxi to get back to your ship. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - The first Bolt's on the promenade. At the Planet, go up the elevator. Just before the next elevator, turn left and cross the bridge. Defeat the Henchmen behind the glass. Now turn right in front of that glass, and turn left when you reach the wall. You should now be facing a big yellow Megacorp sign. Destroy it, and you'll find the Bolt in the room behind it. - Cross the bridge near the vendor, and immediately head left. Walk on the small strip of grass between the water and the building. You'll find the Bolt behind the building here. - In the Wharf area, you'll come past a Dynamo panel. Before activating it, clear the whole area, up to the elevator, of enemies. Now activate the panel, and run towards the elevator. You'll see that door that was previously closed is now opened, and the Bolt's right behind it. You can't possibly miss it. You'll have around 20 seconds to get through the door from the moment you activate the panel. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Skill Points \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Planet Buster >>> While exploring the Promenade, you'll come past a big brown planet. You have to bust it up (what's in a name?). To do so, you first have to destroy the rings around it. Then take out the three spheres flying around the planet. When all things are gone, shoot a couple of times at the planet itself to destroy it. This easy Skill Point will be yours when the thing blows up. You can use the Comet Strike of your wrench ([Square] when in First Person Mode) if you want to take it out without wasting ammunition. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Nanotech Boost \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// You can get a Nanotech Boost at the end of the Promenade. It's impossible to miss. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Slim's Ship Shack \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// If you want, you can pay a visit to Slim already. You've probably found some Raritanium, so you can spend it on a couple of upgrades. The upgraded laser is good, and so is the new missiles launcher. Paint jobs are rather useless. Get the Turbo upgrade to make the fourth Challenge of the Feltzin System a lot easier. _ _ _ _ | | (_) | (_) \ \ _| | _ ____ ____ _ _ _ ___ \ \| | || \ / _ )/ ___) | | | |/___) _____) ) | |_) | (/ /| | | | |_| |___ | (______/|_|____/ \____)_| |_|\____(___/ #5SIB I have yet to see a platform game without a 'snow/ice' level. R&C2 is no exception. This is a pretty short level, with only one task. The whole planet can be done in 15 minutes or even less. Your only objective is to find and confront the thief. There aren't even any new weapons for sale here. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Find and Confront the Thief \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// From your ship, head left. Some holes in the ground will open up, and big Blade Balls pop out. Even though they're not listed as a unique enemy, these bigger balls are definitely different from their smaller brothers. The main difference is that they pop out their blades much sooner, making them far deadlier. Anyway, after killing a few Balls the holes close. Continue to the little garage. The door breaks open, and some MSR's attack. These robots are bigger too. The 'V2.0' MSR can take more damage, do more damage, and are bigger. The flamethrower robots can now shoot balls of fire. Basically they're a lot tougher. As soon as the door breaks down, lob in one or two Gravity Bombs (or Mini-Nukes) to make the fight a lot easier. Cross the bridge, and fight more chainsaw MSR's. When they're all gone, some flame throwing robots will jump down too. The Blitz Cannon works great at short distances. If you don't want to use it, go for the Heavy Lancer. The Synthenoids are a great help too, but I guess they always are. Anyway, jump to the next ledge when you're done, and kill the MSR's there. Step into the elevator, and ride it down. Two flamethrowers are standing near some boxes. If you use the Blitz Cannon here, you'll probably blast them off the edge of the platform. Jump to the next platform, and fight the numerous Blade Balls that appear. Then onto the next ledge. A big ship is floating here, and it will throw down several waves of MSR's. Don't be afraid to back off a bit when the going gets tough. After a while the ship will disappear. Restock your ammunition at the vendor. If your health is low, jump into the water below. You'll die, and start near the vendor with full health. You'll need that for the next part. Jump into the wagon here, and the train will start moving. Defeat half a dozen of chainsaw MSR's. Use your slingshot to get to the next car. Kill a bunch of Blade Balls, and the MSR's that appear after that. When you approach the edge of the car, the Thief appears. You'll have to fight him. Just pop out your heavy Lancer and strafe/dodge while shooting. After a while, the Thief flies away and the next car comes closer. Swing to it, and kill the Blade Balls and robots inside. Swing to the next car, and head up via the sides. The Thief reappears. Like last time, just shoot your Heavy Lancer until he gives up. Don't worry too much about your health. When you've beaten the Thief for the second time, the train will crash. Climb the ladder in front of you, and defeat the two MSR's up there. A lot of Blade Balls will come out of the ground. The Synthenoids really help here, just activate them and then sit back and watch the fireworks. Get to the vendor. Again, if you're low on health it's better to kill yourself now, because a boss battle is coming up. Enter the big round arena. Time to fight the Thief. He has two attacks: he can shoot straight beams at you, or he can throw some explosive projectile in your direction. Both do little damage, and can easily be dodged. The bigger problem is that the Thief will 'summon' various enemies, such as gun turrets and MSR's. The turrets are easy, the MSR's aren't. For a quick victory, you should try to kill him before he gets the chance to summon anything. This is my tactic: at the very start, summon four Synthenoids, throw down one or two Mini-Turrets, and then start shooting at him with the Heavy Lancer. He should be down very soon if all your 'allies' focus their attacks on him. When he's gone, Ratchet and Clank get back the experiment and contact Mr. Fizzwidget. He tells them to come to a desert planet. You'll automatically go there. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - When you go down the elevator at the start, you'll see a column with the Tractor Beam signs on it. Push this column into the elevator, and take it back up. At the top, push it all the way to the edge of the platform (at the place where you first jumped onto this platform). Jump on top of it, and then perform a Boost Jump. You should be able to jump onto a smaller ledge. From here, jump into the hangar. The Bolt's right there. - At the top of the elevator, look to the right. You should be able to see a gray roof of a building far below. Jump off the platform, and float down to this building. When you land, go straight, off the building, and you'll find the Bolt near another small building in the fenced-off area. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Skill Points \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< You can break a Snow Dan >>> One of the most ridiculously easy Points in the game. From the start, head left. Just before the bridge, you'll pass a small garage-like structure. Walk around it to find a snow man. Hit it, destroy it, and earn a Skill Point. Wow. _______ _ (_______) | | _ ____| | _ ___ ____ ____ | | / _ | || \ / _ \ / ___) _ | | |____( ( | | |_) ) |_| | | ( ( | | \______)_||_|____/ \___/|_| \_||_| #5TAB After your confrontation with the 'easily distracted' Fizzwidget, you have to find a way out of the caves. First, check the vendor and buy back the ammo you've used in the last fight. There are two new weapons: the Lava Gun for 25,000 bolts and the Bouncer for no less than 100,000 bolts. You'll probably only have cash to buy the first. Don't worry, you can get a lot of Bolts later on. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Find a way out of the caves \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Up ahead are two new enemies: the Spitting Dune Crawler and the Mutant Sandfly. The flies are really easy, the Crawler can be a problem. Throw a Gravity Bomb in the middle of a group to weaken them, and then finish them off with another weapon. This is a good place to upgrade your Gravity Bomb, if you haven't done so already. Continue to a place with a lot of Crawlers, and some sort of organism that spits out Crawlers. The spitting thing should be your main target. You'll also find a purple Nanotech sphere here. These things restore 4 health instead of the conventional 1. Climb up the ledge in front of you, and beat a couple of Sandflies. In the next cave there are a lot of Crawlers, two Crawler spitters, and one Sandfly spitter. After killing all of them, jump over the platforms above the lava. When you get to the other side, kill two more Crawlers. You'll now get an upgrade of your wrench. It does a lot more damage. You can now kill those nasty Crawlers with two normal hits of your new wrench, or with one 'Hyper-Strike' (press [square] while jumping). Now keep on walking through these caves, taking out a lot of enemies. If you see a 'Spitter' in the distance, you can kill it with the Pulse Rifle before it starts spitting out enemies. After a while, you'll have to swing over a gap, to a platform with some Crawlers. After defeating these, swing at the next green ball, and then float down through the tunnel with lava. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Get and use the Hang Glider \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// When you land on the platform below, the Thief will appear. After a short conversation, it turns out he...is a she. And a she of Ratchet's race to boot. Anyone feel a love affair coming up? She shows our heroes a video of a Test Facility on the planet Dobbo. After that she leaves. Before we can head to Dobbo, we first need to find a ship. Take the elevator. In the desert town you'll encounter a psych near your shipwreck, I'll get back to that later. You can also find another illegal mod-shop slightly north of the town. For now, head through the house on the west side of town, and go down the slope. At the end, freeze the water. Climb onto the next ledge. In the next pool are three blocks. If you stand on the first, the second and third will rise. Stand on the first, and freeze the water. Climb the other blocks to the next ledge. You'll get to a pond with two waterfalls. Freeze it, and wall jump up via those waterfalls. Defeat some enemies, and glide down to the next part of the cave. Here you'll find the Hang Glider. Launch it from the pad you find it on. You need to fly through the gorges here. Don't touch the walls, because you'll loose control and crash into the lava if you do. The path's not difficult once you get the hang (hahaha) of it. You can find a Nanotech Boost on top of one of the towers, and a Platinum Bolt at the end. Read below for more information. At the end, use the translocator to get back to town. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Repair the ship and earn a lot of bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Back in town, use the vendor and approach the shipwreck. The psych next to it will offer to repair the ship. All you need to do is bring him 10 crystals. If you check your map, you'll see that there's a really big area around the town. This is the desert, where you'll find the crystals. There a total of 100 crystals in the desert. You'll need 10 to repair your ship. The psych will then offer you 1,000 bolts for every crystal you bring him. This way, you can get 90,000 bolts in around an hour. Great if you want to get the Bouncer as soon as possible. Anyway, there are two ways to get Crystals. First, you can find them in the desert. Hit them a couple of times, and you'll get it. Also, you can find Desert Dune Monsters in the desert. They're hiding below the sand, and will appear when you approach them. When you kill them (4 shots of the Blitz Cannon does the trick just fine), they will drop a crystal. You can easily recognise a Dune Monster below the sand: there will be a pile of rubble. So, if you want to get a lot of bolts (and a Skill Point, read below), head out into the desert and completely search it for crystals and Dune Monsters. Take a look at your map from time to time, make sure you don't skip any areas. Enemies will pop out of the sand often, especially when you're near a crystal. This part isn't really tough, it just takes up a lot of time, so know what you're starting. If you head east from the town, you can find a Hovercraft on a platform. You need the Gravity Boots to get it. It will greatly speed up the process. Anyway, when you've got a lot of crystals, head back to the psych, have him repair the ship, and trade the remaining crystals for cold hard bolts. Time to head to Dobbo. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - On your way to the Hang Glider, You'll come past a pool with three blocks in it. This is like a balance: if you stand on the first block, the other two will go up. Normally, you'd have to stand on the first block and freeze the water to get to the next ledge. Now, stand on the last block (the one near the next ledge), and freeze the water. Jump over the other two block, and then perform a double jump to get to the ledge above. The Bolt's right there. - A very easy Bolt can be found at the end of the Hang Glider course. - The third Bolt's in the desert, near the northern edge. From the town, head north, slightly east. You'll find the Bolt near the edge. You'll probably run into it if you try to get all 100 crystals anyway. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Skill Points \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Heal your Chi >>> Simple: find all 100 crystals in the desert. Be sure not to skip any areas. Use you map to check for spots you've missed. Use the Hovercraft to get it faster. Not too tough, but it takes a lot of time. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Nanotech Boost \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// There's another boost on this planet. Go to the Hang Glider course. The Boost's on top of one of the towers you pass. It's on the fourth tower from the start. Just stay as high as you can, and you'll find it. Another way to get it is to float down from the ground above you. First, look into the big canyon and try to locate the Boost, and then drop off and glide to it. Downside is that you will always land in the lava with this method. _____ _ _ (____ \ | | | | _ \ \ ___ | | _ | | _ ___ | | | / _ \| || \| || \ / _ \ | |__/ / |_| | |_) ) |_) ) |_| | |_____/ \___/|____/|____/ \___/ #5DOB Welcome to Dobbo, another high-tech level. It features a bunch of new enemies, upgraded versions of some old friends, and some destructive fighting with Clank. There's one new weapon here: the Minirocket Tube. You'll have to pay 50,000 bolts to get it. Near the normal vendor is an armor vendor. Here you can buy the Tetrafiber armor for 25,000 bolts. This new suit blocks 33% of the damage you'd normally take. Anyway, you can enter the facility first, or you can head north. Let's start with the latter. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Explore the planet \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Near the armor vendor you will find a crowd of Robochickens. These guys have been upgraded to version 2.0, making them a lot deadlier. Still, smashing around with your wrench takes them out really quickly. North of them are some more serious enemies: the Megacorp Troopers. They have pretty powerful guns, and they can take quite some damage. The best way to go is to first throw in a Mini-Nuke, and then finish off the survivors with the Blitz Cannon. You can take cover behind those blocks. When you've beaten them, activate a couple of platforms up ahead with the dynamo. Cross to the platform with the Robochickens. Climb onto the next ledge, and defeat another crowd of Troopers. Past the barrier in front of you is a third new enemy, the Hover Tank. This one's tough. The shots do a lot of damage, even with your shiny new armor, and it has high health too. The Multi-Star works pretty well here, around 5 rounds will take the thing down. Otherwise, you can also try to snipe it with the Pulse Rifle/Vaporizer. When it's gone, swing to the next ledge. Turn right, and head into the tunnel. More Troopers are awaiting you. Use the crates for some cover. Throw in one or two Mini-Nukes, try to snipe the ones further away from you. Don't leave your cover until most enemies are down. When they're all gone, climb the ladder to the 'tower', and swing to the next ledge. A bunch of Troopers are waiting in the room to the right. The Blitz Cannon works well here. If you fall down, you'll have to fight a dozen of Chickens before you can climb up. You'll find two purple nanotechs here. Up ahead is another Hover Tank. For some reason, this tank isn't able to fire into the room you're in. So if you stay inside the room, you're safe, and you can snipe the thing with ease. Also take out the two Troopers. Now swing to the ledge the Tank was on, and head right. There's another group of Troopers in the next area. Try taking the ones on the little tower out first. When you've defeated all enemies, climb the ladder and swing to the next ledge. Some more Troopers to deal with. Use your Dynamo to activate a set of platforms, and jump across. Now swing four times to the little island. Clank will transform into Giant Clank, and you're off to the moon. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Battle the Thug Mech Leader \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// It's time for a boss battle. On this small but crowded moon you'll fight the thug boss, who is controlling a very big mech. First, some controls. You can punch with [square], fire rockets with [O], throw a bomb with [triangle] and jump with [X]. On the planet you can find rocket ammo, bomb ammo, and health. You'll get these power-ups for smashing up buildings. Also, if you destroy a chopper with a punch, it drops some health. Now the boss has pretty much the same attacks as you. He'll use the rockets most of the times, but they're not too bad. Sometimes he'll take the air. If the screen flashes red, you know he's about to throw a bomb. Jump to avoid the blast. That said, what is the key to victory here? Well, the tougher part, as most of you will agree, is staying alive. The boss can do some handsome damage, but the real problem are those nasty choppers. Luckily, the choppers are also your salvation, because they'll drop some health when you kill them with a punch. So, when you're not fighting the boss (he'll run away from time to time), kill as much choppers as you can to keep your health high. This way, you won't have to worry too much about your health. The boss himself is pretty easy. Just use your rockets and bombs whenever you can, punch him if he gets close. Piece of cake, but the fight might take pretty long, up to 10 minutes. When you've beaten him, you'll get co-ordinates for Joba. Take the taxi back to your ship. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Explore the Testing Facility \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// After buying some ammo, step through the transponder to enter the facility. You'll immediately see three Sentinels up ahead. When a Sentinel sees you (if you walk under it), it will start shooting at you, and you don't want that. If you have the Vaporizer, you can take them out in one shot. If not, the Multi- Star will do the job just fine. Behind the Sentinels are some Blade Balls v2.0. They can take much more damage than their red brothers, and are deadlier too. After beating them, cross the bridge with the moving lasers. You can take out the turret that creates these lasers with your Vaporizer for a safer passage. Up ahead is a group of Troopers, and two more Sentinels. After beating them, jump and float down to the ground below you. There are two Troopers here, and a lot of Blade Balls. Up ahead are two more Sentinels, snipe them for an easy victory. You can also snipe the turret that creates lasers. Take the elevator on the other side up. A Hover Tank is up ahead. This fight can be tough, if you're not good at dodging. You don't have time to snipe the Tank, so use Multi-Stars instead. Keep moving, and try not to get hit. When the Tank's gone, swing to the other side. Using your dynamo, activate a bunch of small platforms. This might take some practice, since the platforms disappear pretty fast. When you reach the other side, take the elevator up. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Activate the Computer \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// You have found the computer screen, but it seems to be broken. A maintenance robot appears, but it seems he's malfunctioning too. You'll have to follow him to a place where you can repair the Computer. You'll have to use your Hang Glider to do this. Launch from the nearby pad. You first have to cross the room with the diagonal beams, but it's really easy. Even if you don't steer at all, you'll make it. Then, into the corridor. There are some beams, but they're easy to avoid. You'll then be in a tunnel with rotating rings in it. Beware of the sudden descent near the end. Lastly, you have to cross another room with diagonal beams. If you stay near the left of the right of the room, you'll get to the end. Here, use the Electrolyzer to repair the computer, and warp back to it. It seems the greedy thing requires 10,000 bolts to operate. Pay the machine, and watch the cut-scene. It seems the experiment is actually pretty dangerous. Ratchet and Clank contact mister Fizzwidget, and they arrange a meeting in the Hrugis Cloud. With these new co-ordinates, head back to your ship, and fly to Joba. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - The first Bolt is in the Hang Glider course in the facility. Follow the course like you normally would. When you get to the last room (with the diagonal beams and the lava), steer up sharply. The Bolt is near the roof of the room. - To get the second Bolt, you'll need the Spiderbot Glove. You can first buy it on Joba. First, take the yellow taxi to the Giant Clank Launch Pad. From there, retrace your steps via the 4 swing spots. Land on the ledge, and get to the ledge to the left by using the Dynamo. On this bridge, there'll be a niche to the right. If you look at the walls of the niche, you'll see the start of an air duct. Throw down one Spiderbot, and have it enter the duct. Turn right after just one meter or so. You'll arrive in a room with the Platinum Bolt, but the robot can't pick it up. Let the robot step on the button on the floor to open the door. Destroy the robot, and make your way around the building as Ratchet. Enter the room you've just opened up to get the Bolt. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Skill Points \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Robo Rampage >>> On the moon, during the boss fight against the Thugs-4-Less leader, you have to destroy all buildings on the moon (thus turning it into a parking lot). A really easy task, just walk around and smash things up until you get it. <<< Dukes Up >>> Again on the moon, but now you must defeat the Thug Leader with just melee attacks. Punching is melee of course. When you jump, and land on his head, he takes damage too, this will count as melee too. So basically you should only touch [square] and [X] during this fight. If you use the Bombs on the helicopters, you have the risk of hitting the boss, and you won't get the point. This fight isn't that much tougher than the normal fight, really. Just like before, you have to remember to smash up some helicopters from time to time. Not only will doing so get those nasty buggers off your back, it also gives you some much needed health. The fight becomes frustrating near the end, where the boss will be running away from you most of the time, so you won't get to punch him. Just keep pressing towards him, and punch when you're near. Also, when he takes the air, run towards him, you can get a few punches in when he lands. The fight will take some time, but it's very well possible. <<< Old Skool >>> To get this one, you have to defeat every enemy on the planet using only the weapons from R&C1. You can buy these on Barlow. You're not allowed to use the RYNO II. You can use the wrench however. The main weapons should be the wrench, the Visibomb Gun, and the Bomb Glove. You can upgrade these weapons, and still get the point, so if you can't make it, come back with some upgraded versions. Of course, you shouldn't try to get this one the first time you explore the planet. After completing all missions, only half of the initial enemies will keep coming back. Start with the planet surface. Use your wrench for Chickenbots and small groups of Troopers. The Bomb Glove is useful for bigger groups, and you should use the Visibomb Gun against those Tanks. When you reach the Launch Pad, get back to the ship, restock on ammo, and enter the facility. Retrace your steps to the point where you originally started. The Visibomb Gun works great against sentinels. Take out the Security Turrets with the Bomb Glove. This point can be quite challenging, but with some determination you should get it. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Nanotech Boost \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Go to the Hang Glider Launch Pad in the facility. You'll see the Boost hanging in the air slightly to your left. Problem is, you can't immediately get it when you launch the Glider. You'll have to find a place to turn, then retrace your steps to get it. So, follow the Hang Glider course like you normally would. When you arrive in the last room (the one with all the diagonal beams and the lava), get near the wall on the right. Don't change your altitude. Just before you reach the first barrier of diagonal beams, make a very sharp left turn (in other words, press down the left arrow and don't let go). You should make the turn. If not, try moving more to the right before turning, or start turning earlier. The toughest part is still to come: the tunnel with the rotating rings in it. Normally you have to go down here, but now you have to go up, and the camera is really screwy here. You should wait until you're just in front of the vertical part, then press and hold up until you've risen far enough. After that, it's pretty easy. When you approach the room you've started in, gain altitude, and move slightly to the right. When you enter the room, move up and grab this tough Boost. Phew. For some tips on an easier route, check the Tricks section (#8 TRI, remove the space and search for it). _____ _ (_____) | | _ ___ | | _ ____ | |/ _ \| || \ / _ | ___| | |_| | |_) | ( | | (____/ \___/|____/ \_||_| #5JOB Let the games begin! This lovely, green planet features two maxi games: Hoverbike Racing and Arena Fights! A lot of bolts can be earned with these games, and you'll really need them if you want to buy the awesome Plasma Coil that's now available. The other weapon that's for sale now is the Spiderbot Glove. A pretty useless weapon, but cheap, and you need it to get a Platinum Bolt on Dobbo. First, let's get to the race! //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Get to the Hoverbike Races \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Across the bridge from where you start, you'll see a couple of Jobian Tribesmen. They're much like the Tribesmen on Barlow, only tougher. Equip your Vaporizer, and zoom in. There are three Tribesmen with swords standing around, and one with a gun patrolling the area. This last one is really dangerous: the gun will shoot green beams, and each beam will do 4 damage! So, it's best to snipe the one with the gun from here, and take out the others with some other weapons. Now, don't enter the 'cave' they're guarding. Instead, go right, and swing two times to the next platform. You'll see a bridge to the right, with a blue ball on it. Use the Swingshot to pull the bridge down, and cross it. Pull down another bridge, and you'll be at the start of the Hoverbike Race. It seems today's grand price is a pair of boots. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ The Jobian Hoverbike Races \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< The Track >>> Before I tell you a bit about the challenges, let me first take you around the track. You'll start in a tunnel. There are a lot of blue columns here, and of course you don't want to crash into one. I found it best to stick near the right wall. You'll avoid a lot of columns this way, and there'll be a Turbo on your way. At the end of this tunnel are two doors. When one closes, the other one opens. Stay sharp when approaching these, because the door you're aiming for might close in front of you. No matter which door you go through, you'll end up in a muddy area. It's really slippery, so watch out. There's a Boost Field in the centre, and the exit is at the back. After the swamp you'll have to make a jump. If you're still boosted, you'll make it onto the higher level, if not, you'll land in a lower tunnel. The higher tunnel saves you some time, so that one's better. After the tunnels comes a big field with some turrets. These turrets will throw down three bombs when you approach them. You can easily avoid them, and it also helps to have some weapons, so you can blast those bombs away. After that, you'll enter a narrow cave, that leads back to the start. There are two shortcuts, I'll discuss them in Challenge 3. <<< Amateur Circuit >>> Information Shortcuts are closed. Weapons and Turbo Boosts available. Other racers don't attack you. One turret active. Prize Charge Boots Strategy Get to know the track a little. Try to pick up every boost you can. Practice avoiding those turrets. Quite an easy race actually. The prize will be some Charge Boots. From now on, you can travel large distances fast by tapping and then holding [R1]. Be careful not to shoot over a ledge. Really useful in the desert on Tabora. <<< Intermediate Circuit >>> Information Shortcuts are closed. Weapons and Turbo Boosts available. Other racers don't attack you. All turrets active. Prize 4,000 bolts Strategy Pretty much the same as the last race. In the area with the turrets, stick to the right wall to avoid the bombs. After the second turret, go left for a Turbo Boost. Having weapons helps getting past those bombs. <<< Joba Circuit >>> Information Shortcuts are opened. Weapons and Turbo Boosts available. Other racers don't attack you. All turrets active. Prize 5,000 bolts Strategy There are two shortcuts on this track. First, shortly after the start, you'll arrive in a swampy area with a lot of mud. Instead of going straight ahead, turn right, and you'll find the entrance to a small canyon. Race through this, and you'll arrive near the end of the turret area. You can then immediately enter the second shortcut: at the end of the turret area, turn right instead of going into the cave. Jump over two gaps, and you'll be at the start in no time. Try to get both cuts every round, it saves you a lot of time. <<< Assault Canyon >>> Information Shortcuts are opened. Weapons and Turbo Boosts available. Other racers attack you. All turrets active. Prize 6,000 bolts Strategy Your opponents are pissed off again, and they'll try to hit you. To avoid their blast, you simply have to outrun them. If you take both shortcuts, you'll have a really big lead soon, and the other racers will be too far behind to fire at you. Not that much tougher than the Joba Circuit. <<< Expert Circuit >>> Information Shortcuts are opened. Weapons and Turbo Boosts available. Other racers attack you. All turrets active. Prize 8,000 bolts Strategy Pretty much the same as with the assault Canyon, but now the opponents will go a lot faster. Still, if you keep taking those cuts, your lead will be too big for them to attack you. Rather easy too. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Get to the Arena \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// When you're done racing, return to the ship. Now enter the cave. There's a Dynamo panel to the left. When you activate it, a door on the other side of the pit will open, a floor will cover the pit, and several horizontal beams start moving back and forth. There's a small army of Tribesmen behind the door, and they're accompanied by a Jobian Saur Beast. One of the Tribesmen is sitting on the Beast, and together they can shoot purple lasers at you that do lots of damage. You should use your Charge Boots to get to the other side of the pit as quickly as possible. There, fight off all the enemies. The Blitz Cannon does wonders, and it also helps to activate some Synthenoids before crossing the pit. After some time, the door will close and the pit will open up again, swallowing any enemies that stayed behind. Turn left. You'll see a gun turret up ahead. Several Tribesmen are standing around it. When you kill the enemy that's using the gun, a new one will come to the gun and start shooting at you. You can snipe the gunner for an easy victory. Once the Tribesmen are all gone, use the gun turret. Blast away the door to the left, and use the turret to kill all the enemies that come out. Enter the building. After this short building, you'll be outside again. A lot of enemies are waiting up ahead. Amongst them are some Saur Beasts and some of those Tribesmen with guns. They should be your priority. If you've still got some ammo for the Vaporizer left, snipe them. If not, the Minirocket Tube works great too. There's also a bunch of normal Tribesmen in the area, they will use the turret to shoot at you. Best thing is to stay at a distance. If you want a really easy victory, find some cover and send out a couple of Spiderbots. Clear the area around the turret of enemies, and get on the turret to activate it. There are two doors here. First blast away the one on the left, and kill the Saur Beasts behind it with the turret. There's some health and ammo in this small room. Now blast away the door to the right, and kill the Tribesmen behind it. Use the Dynamo activator here. This platform doesn't disappear after some time, like all Dynamo platforms. Step on it, and it starts moving. Beams will come out of the wall, and try to shove you off or block your path. The first part isn't that tough. It does get tricky near the end: after going right, you'll go up, and a big barrier will block the way to your left. Jump onto the single beam to the right, and then wait until the big barrier to the left disappears. Now double jump and glide to the left, and land on the beam that is now above the moving platform. Jump onto the next beam, and then back onto the green platform. With some practice, you'll reach the top. Note that from now on the green platform will take you to the top linea recta, so you won't have to do all that jumping again. Enter the next room, and be prepared for a massive attack of tribesmen. You can take cover outside the room, but be warned: if a Saur Beast comes rushing out, it can very well push you off the edge. These Saur Beast are behind a pair of doors, and they will only appear when you or a Tribesmen opens the door. Try to snipe the turrets, or use rockets. The higher turrets will probably hurt the Tribesmen on the ground. When most enemies are gone, enter the room. Some Tribesmen with guns appear when you approach the ledge at the back of the room. Climb the ledge, and immediately get on one of the turrets. Some enemies will appear, and one will probably open the door, spawning forth more foes. While in the turret, you're pretty safe from most attacks, and you can kill the enemies with easy. After killing them, head out and stand on the red spot. Jump to grind down to the platform below. You can now buy the Levitator from the shady guy (remember him from R&C1?) for 20,000 bolts. Stand on the blue circle, and press and hold [X] to fly. Fly straight ahead from the launch pad to reach the Arena entrance. It's far above the launch pad, so you'll have to fly up several hundred meters to reach it. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ The Joba Arena \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// This Arena features two new bosses and some cage fighting. Enjoy! <<< Flowchart >>> How to unlock all challenges? Rik's flowchart will show you! Battle for the Gravity Boots | Cage Match for the Infiltrator | |--> Arachnoid Battle --> Hazard Cage Match | |--> Damage Avoidance Challenge 1 --> Megapede Battle --> Time Challenge 2 | |--> Time Challenge 1 --> Limited Weapon Challenge -\--> Impossible Challenge! | | | \--> Timed Limited Weapon | Challenge | *\--> Damage Avoidance Challenge 2 --> Timed Cage Match Challenge * Note: these last two battles are Challenge Mode Only! <<< Battle for the Gravity Boots >>> Prize Gravity Boots Rounds 8 Difficulty Easy Information Just a fight to introduce you to the new enemies and the new Arena. The Nidbots (the small spiders) are a piece of cake. The Elite Gladiators aren't that much tougher than their brothers. MSR v2.0's and Blade Ball v2.0's aren't that tough either. The Saur Beasts deserve some extra attention, but it's nothing the Minirocket Tube can't fix. You'll get the prize without too much trouble. <<< Cage Match for the Infiltrator >>> Prize Infiltrator Rounds 6 Difficulty Easy Information Get to the center of the Arena quickly, and launch up. If you wait to long, you'll be swallowed by lava. Anyway, you'll 'land' on one of the vertical walls. You'll now have to defeat enemies in the inside of a big cylinder. Not necessarily tougher than the normal fights. Balls of fire will shoot up, but they're easy to dodge, and they will even help you by hitting the enemies sometimes. <<< Arachnoid Battle >>> Prize 7,500 bolts Rounds 1 Difficulty Easy/Medium Information Arachnoid is the first of the two new bosses, but he's pretty easy. You'll fight him in the vertical cage. He only has one attack, which is shooting electricity at you. These bolts can do some damage, but if you jump a lot he'll have a really hard time hitting you. He'll also dispatch a lot of Nidbots, but since you're jumping a lot anyway, it's pretty safe to ignore them. Your weapon of choice should be the Minirocket Tube, or the Plasma Coil if you've already got it. He doesn't have a lot of health, so it's a fairly easy battle. <<< Damage Avoidance Challenge 1 >>> Prize 5,000 bolts Rounds 5 Difficulty Hard Information What's in a name? You simply have to avoid all damage. Erm, scratch the word 'simply', because it's far from simple. One hit, and it's over. So take out every weapon to kill the enemies before they can even come close. The Synthenoids are a great help against Blade Balls. Use your Minirocket Tube and Plasma Coil against the tougher enemies, like the Saur Beasts in the last round. The Shield Charger that you'll get later in the game will help a lot. <<< Hazard Cage Match >>> Prize 5,000 bolts Rounds 9 Difficulty Easy Information Another Cage Fight, but this time the balls of fire will be shooting up all the time. Like I said before, the balls are more a help than a threat. A lot of enemies will get hit by the balls, leaving less for you to do. Apart from the balls, it's a fight like any other. <<< Time Challenge 1 >>> Prize 5,000 bolts Rounds 1 Difficulty Hard Information A really tough battle. You have kill 90 enemies in 90 seconds. Use the weapons that work fastest. The Minirocket Tube does miracles against MSR's and Gladiators. Save the Plasma Coil for the Saur Beasts. The Gravity Bomb, Bouncer and Blitz Cannon are also very useful weapons. This challenge might take a couple of tries. <<< Megapede Battle >>> Prize 12,500 bolts Rounds 1 Difficulty Medium Information The second boss is a big snake. It circles around the Arena, and it never attacks you directly. Instead, it will shoot down small bombs, that fly towards you and explode when they get too close. If you keep running, these bombs will hardly ever hurt you. To damage Megapede, use your Minirocket Tube or the Plasma Coil. When the snake's hurt, he'll loose a segment. This segment will fall into the Arena, and it will start firing. You'll have defeat the segment before you can take on Megapede again. A Mini-Nuke does the job. Near the end the big snake will stop throwing down segments. At the end, it will split up in three segments. Defeat these three enemies, and you're done. Disappointingly easy, really. <<< Limited Weapon Challenge >>> Prize 5,000 bolts Rounds 6 Difficulty Medium/Hard Information You can only use the wrench in this fight. Smash around you to kill smaller enemies like Blade Balls and Nidbots. Use your Hyper Strike a lot when up against bigger enemies. Don't get caught in a melee, run away if things get too hot. Try to tear apart groups, and then take on the enemies separately. The tough part is staying alive. <<< Timed Limited Weapon Challenge >>> Prize 10,000 bolts Rounds 1 Difficulty Hard Information Defeat all enemies in 60 seconds, using only the Heavy Lancer. First, be sure to buy both modifications (Shock and Lock-On) for the Lancer. You'll get extra ammo as you go, so you shouldn't worry too much about ammunition. This means you can spray all you want. The Saur Beasts are the toughest, the rest isn't that bad. There are only two waves of enemies, so it's quite possible. Still, one of the tougher challenges. <<< Time Challenge 2 >>> Prize 10,000 bolts Rounds 1 Difficulty Medium Information Defeat Megapede in 3 minutes. Well, you'll only need about 1.30 minutes, so it's not that much tougher than the normal Megapede battle. Kill the segments as soon as they appear, hurt the snake whenever you can, and you'll beat it with more than a minute left. <<< Impossible Challenge! >>> Prize 200,000 bolts Rounds 60 Difficulty Very Hard Information Sixty rounds of rock hard action. You'll have to switch between cage fights and the normal Arena from time to time. There isn't much of a strategy for this one, really. If you fail to get it, simply come back later, with better weapons, more health, and better armor. Every time you get a Nanotech upgrade, your health will be back at its maximum again, so try to use this to get some much needed healing. The fighting is just like in the normal challenges, only now you have to keep it up for 60 rounds. The Black Sheepinator is great help, it will dispose of dozens of enemies in mere seconds. But, beware! As much as the Black Sheepinator can help you, it can also trigger a bug. If you use the weapon a lot, there's a chance that enemies will stop appearing, and so you can't complete the challenge. This mainly happens when you go from the normal arena to the cage or back. Personally, I have fought with the Sheepinator for over 40 rounds without any problem, but if the bug does occur, you're screwed. Don't say I didn't warn you. On a side note, it may be a good idea to use the Shield Charger to stay alive, but for some reason the shield always disappears when you go to the cage or back. So, you can't keep it for more than 5 rounds in a row. Given the little ammo, and the fact that you won't get any extra ammo for the Shield Charger, it's best to save the shields for the second half of the challenge, when you really need them. Thanks to Zoop for pointing this out. Another nifty trick, submitted by various people. Fight until you go into the cage. Now, fight normally for 4 rounds. In the last Cage round, kill all enemies except for one. Now, equip your Decoy Glove, and place a decoy somewhere near the bottom of the Cage. Now kill the last enemy before it can attack the decoy. You'll fall back to the Arena, and new enemies appear. However, they will all focus on the decoy that's still in the Cage. And since they can't reach it, you have plenty of time to kill them all with your favourite weapon. This makes half of the Impossible Challenge a piece of cake. <<< Timed Cage Match Challenge >>> NOTE Challenge Mode Only! Prize 100,000 bolts Rounds 1 Difficulty Medium Information You have to kill 100 enemies in the cage in 100 seconds. That's 1 enemy per second. Well, since this is Challenge Mode Only, I suggest you first get some cool weapons. The RYNO II is absolute gold. The Ultra Mini-Nuke is too awesome, and the Black Sheepinator still works well too. The problem with the cage is that you can't always see all enemies. A properly upgraded Kilonoid will take care of this problem. If you could win the other time challenges, you can win this one too. <<< Damage Avoidance Challenge 2 >>> NOTE Challenge Mode Only! Prize 100,000 bolts Rounds 1 Difficulty Hard Information Beat Megapede without taking any damage. How? Two words: Tesla Barrier. It will take care of all those little bombs, and the segment's shots will be blocked too. However, after zapping a certain number of bombs, the shield will drop away. You always have to be careful: as soon as you see the shield disappearing, summon a new one. This way you'll always be safe from any damage. Megapede can be defeated the same way as before, so that's not really a problem. Keep your shield up and you should be fine. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ After the Arena \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Right, after you have the Infiltrator, exit the Arena. You now have to use this gadget to lower the force field. This is another mini-game. You'll see a ball, with a lot of blue spot on it. There are paths between the spots. The green lights show in which direction you can 'move' from your current spot. When you move from the first spot, a timer will start. You'll have to start again if the timer reaches zero. Your goal is to reach the start position again. You'll see your progress on a bar on the right. When you don't see any green lights from a spot you've arrived on, it means you're at a dead end, and you have to get back. There's only one possible route, try to remember it. This mini-game is a lot tougher than the Electrolyzer game, so you might have to practice a little. When you get it, take the yellow taxi back to the ship. Before you head off to the Hrugis Cloud, pay a visit to Slim. Buy the upgraded shield, laser and rockets. If you don't have enough Raritanium, return to the Feltzin System and fight Challenge 1 there. When you're done, head to the Deep Space Disposal. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - On your way to the Arena, you'll come past a couple of gun turrets. After the first turret, you'll pass through a small building. After that, you're on a path to the second turret, with the mountain on your left and nothing on your right. Turn to your right here, and you might be able to see a Swingshot target. It's easiest to see when you're walking back from the second turret. Swing to this, and defeat all the enemies on the next ledge. Continue until you find a door. Step on the button in front of it to open the door. The Bolt's right there, in the room. - At the launch pad of the Levitator, face the direction of the Arena. You'll see two towers in front of you, one to the left and one to the right. Use your Levitator, and fly all the way to the top of the tower on the left. The Bolt's on the top of this tower. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Skill Points \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< How fast was that? >>> To get this point, you have to beat the time of 2.27 in the Hoverbike races. Piece of cake, actually. Use the third challenge, since the shortcuts are opened but the other racers won't attack you yet. If you take both shortcuts each lap, and take care not to miss too many Turbo Boosts, this Point will be yours very soon. If you want a slightly bigger challenge, try getting the point in the first or the second challenge, without the shortcuts. <<< Bye Bye Birdies >>> There are a lot of purple birds flying around on the planet. You have to kill at least 12 of them to get this point. Some spots to get easy kills: - At the very start, there are four birds on the bridge. You can take out the two closest to you with the Lancer, and the other two with the Vaporizer. - After passing the first gun turret, you'll go through a small building. After that building, there are about 6 birds sitting close to each other one the ground. Don't come to close, and throw in a Mini-Nuke. - To get to the dealer that sells you the Levitator, you'll have to slide down a rail. There are a lot of birds on this rail, use the Vaporizer to take them out. - A couple of birds are on the ground on the path to the first Platinum Bolt. Use the Vaporizer to snipe them. - If you still haven't got the Point, return to the ship and snipe some birds to the left of the vendor. These are flying, though, and that makes them a lot tougher to hit. <<< That's Impossible >>> To get this point, you have to beat the Impossible Challenge in the Arena. Tough, no doubt about that, but not impossible. Read the section about the Arena for some strategies. <<< Wrench Ninja II: Massacre >>> You have to defeat every enemy in the level using only your wrench. The ones in the Arena don't count. However, I found out that you can also use those gun turrets to kill the enemies. Even if you kill 40 enemies with the gun turrets, and just 10 with the wrench, you'll still get it. (note: I'm talking about those stationary thing you can find in this level, not about the Mini-Turret Gun). So, if you enter an area with a turret, run towards it (use you charge boots), jump when near, and press [square] to knock the enemy on the turret away. Then get on, and blast away. You can't get hurt on the turret, so it's pretty easy. However, even when using the turrets you'll still have to beat a lot of enemies by yourself, with the wrench, and especially the Saur Beasts can be tough. If you take too much damage, return here once you've got the next upgrade of your wrench, some better health, and better armor. *** NOTE: If you can't get this skill point, even after a lot of tries, you're probably forgetting to walk to the Hoverbike Races first. As I explained in the F.A.Q. section of this document, you need to walk to the continue point near the Hooverbike Races, even though there aren't any enemies there. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Nanotech Boosts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// You can get two Boosts on Joba: - In the Hoverbike Races, enter the third, fourth or fifth challenge. In the muddy, swampy area, turn right, and enter the narrow canyon (the first shortcut). The Boost will be in plain view, you can't really miss it. - Near the start, you'll have to use the Dynamo to cross the pit. When you've crossed the pit, you'll see a Boost behind another big door. Return to the entrance of the cave. On the outside, to the right of the entrance, there's another Dynamo panel on the rock wall. If you activate this one, the door in front of the Boost will open for a short time. So, activate this one, enter the cave and activate the other panel too, cross the pit, and enter the room on the right to get the Boost. You'll have to be fast, the Charge Boots can really help you to cross the pit quickly. It also helps to stand as close to the cave as possible before activating the Dynamo target outside. Use the [R3] button to aim for the target when you're really close to the entrance of the cave. This way you'll have plenty of time to get the Boost. _____ _ (____ \ | | _ \ \ ____ ____ ____ \ \ ____ ____ ____ ____ | | | / _ ) _ ) _ \ \ \| _ \ / _ |/ ___) _ ) | |__/ ( (/ ( (/ /| | | | _____) ) | | ( ( | ( (__( (/ / |_____/ \____)____) ||_/ (______/| ||_/ \_||_|\____)____) |_| |_| _____ _ _ (____ \ (_) | | _ \ \ _ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____| | | | | | |/___) _ \ / _ \ /___)/ _ | | | |__/ /| |___ | | | | |_| |___ ( ( | | | |_____/ |_(___/| ||_/ \___/(___/ \_||_|_| #5DEE |_| It turns out the password Fizzwidget gave you was wrong. You will have to fight off the Disposal's defense systems. After that, you can try some of the other challenges. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Hrugis Space Battles \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Challenge 1 >>> Objective Fight off the Disposal's defense systems. Information 6 Turrets. Prize Co-ordinates for planet Todano. Strategy The Turrets don't have that much firepower. Especially if you have the shield upgrade, you shouldn't worry too much about your health. The problem is, that when you destroy a turret (just spraying with [X] as you approach is all it takes), a Repair Robot will be dispatched, and it will repair the turret. You can destroy the Robot, but they're pretty hard to spot. The best thing to do is to just fly around the center, destroying any turrets on the way. If you can destroy some Repair Robots, don't hesitate, because destroying one means that the turret won't get repaired. So just try to circle the Disposal, shooting at all Robots and active Turrets. You'll get it with some determination. CATZ suggested this next tactic: Attack each turret until it is burning blue but DONT DESTROY IT! When all turrets are burning blue, each one will only take a few hits to finish off. Make one more circle around and you finish off each turret so quickly that you never even have to see the repair bot because they won't get even 1 done before you finish off all 6. <<< Challenge 2 >>> Objective Take out the saboteurs before they can destroy all power reflectors. Information 20 saboteur ships, 20 power reflectors. Prize 9,000 bolts Strategy The saboteurs won't fire at you, so as long as you don't crash into something, you don't have to worry about your health. At the start, try to get as many ships as you can. Use your upgraded missiles, one is all it takes to destroy a ship. If you take out a lot at the start, the remaining ones will have a hard time sabotaging the power supply. Remember, the less enemies are left, the less damage they can do. So this fight gets easier near the end. A good start is half of the work. <<< Challenge 3 >>> Objective Kill the Berserk Repair Robots. Information 25 Robots. Prize 10,000 bolts Strategy A simple space battle. The Robots aren't that tough, and they don't do much damage either. Your upgraded weaponry will take them apart before you know it. With some decent shield, you won't have to worry about damage either. Easy. <<< Challenge 4 >>> Objective Race against Ace Bunyon. Information 60 rings this time. Prize 11,000 bolts Strategy Maybe it's because I had been practicing on the other race, but this one seems considerably easier than the race in the Feltzin System. The path of the rings is more straightforward, there are less obstacles, and if you have the upgraded Turbo, Ace will be biting the dust. Just use your Turbo whenever you can, and try not to miss too many rings, and you'll be cruising to the final ring. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - Like in the Feltzin System, you can get a Platinum Bolt by flying through all the rings in the fourth challenges. Again, it takes a lot of practicing to get it. Know the track. Again, I wish you good luck. _______ _ (_______) | | _ ___ _ | | ____ ____ ___ | | / _ \ / || |/ _ | _ \ / _ \ | |____| |_| ( (_| ( ( | | | | | |_| | \______)___/ \____|\_||_|_| |_|\___/ #5TOD Are you ready for a guided tour through the Megacorp Weapon Facility? Let's go then! First, you might want to buy the Hoverbomb Gun from the vendor for 120,000 bolts. Now, before you can do any of the objectives, you first need to get onto that big dam in front of you. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Explore the Weapons Facility \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// In this first area, a robotic Fizzwidget will lead some robotic tourists around, and he will show them four equally boring rockets. You can get no less than 3 Skill Points here, read below to find out how. For some fun, kill all the tourists that come out of the bus before the bus leaves. Keep doing this, and you will get various messages telling you to stop killing the tourists. If you keep doing it, some Robot Guards will be sent in to stop you. Anyway, the place is also crawling with Mutant Test-Squirrels. They're not too much of a problem. You don't have to stay near the tour group, just continue to the end of the area. Here you'll have to use the Electrolyzer. An elevator comes down, ride it to get onto the dam. You can smash these yellow lights (with the Box Breaker) for a vast amount of bolts, if you like. There's a cable that leads back to the ship, and a Teleporter too. From the vendor here, you can head north or west. For now, head north. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Investigate the Facility Interior \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// From the vendor, head north, and kill the Squirrels in the ring. Enter the building. There's a column with a Tractor Beam sign on it. Use the Tractor Beam to push the column into the force field to your left. This should create a gap in the field. Go through the gap. In the next room, there a two moveable columns, two force fields, and one maintenance robot. Place the columns in the force fields, thus creating a safe path across the field. Now drag the robot onto the identification pad to open the door. Use the elevator. In the next room, kill all the Chickenbots, and then move the column with the rocket in it to the 'hatch' at the back of the room. The wall will blow up. Cross the long corridor. Some Troopers are waiting for you in the next room. When you kill one, a new one will spawn. Keep killing these sissies until they stop coming. Now drag the column into force field, and leave it there. Drag the Robot through the gap you've just made. Put it onto the blue circle to open the door. Ride the elevator up. You'll see two columns, one small and one big. First, move the big column to the left. Now move the smaller one to the slot on the left. Place it in the slot, and the rocket will be armed. Now drag the big rocket to the slot on the right. Once both rockets are in place, the wall blows up. In the next room, you'll see a field of lasers to your right. Put the column here on the conveyor belt. Wait until it comes back your way. When it stops near you, jump onto the ledge to the left of the column, and follow the gap the column makes in the laser field. This way, you should reach the other side. After beating a couple of Chickens, you have to solve another column puzzle. Put the small and the middle rockets on the path towards the middle hatch. Drag the biggest rocket to the right, and put it in the slot there. Move the middle rocket to the right, and put the small one in the slot to the left. Now put the middle column in the middle, and watch the wall blow up. Another laser field. Put the small column onto the conveyor belt. When it stops near you again, jump on top of it, and ride it to the other side. There are a lot of Troopers to kill in the next room, and they will keep spawning too. If you don't feel like taking them all on, just jump into the next corridor. Another Trooper is waiting there, and more will appear when you kill this one. Once it's safe again, go into the room with all the sheep and get the Sheepinator, one of the coolest weapons in the game. It works simple: aim it at an enemy, and press and hold [O]. A progress bar on the right shows you how much longer you need to keep firing. When the bar's full, the enemy changes into...a sheep. It's now completely harmless. Note that it will take longer to 'sheepinate' bigger enemies. Use the Teleporter to get back to the dam, and practice your new weapon on the Squirrels that have appeared. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Search the Rocket Silo \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// From the vendor on the dam, head west. Use the Infiltrator to take down the force field. Now it's best to snipe those big robots ahead of you: these Robot Guards do quite some damage, and you'll have your hands full with the Squirrels anyway. Two Vaporizer shots is all it takes. Now enter this mine field. Those blue thingies are mines. If you come near one, it will explode. The blast is pretty easy to avoid, and it also hurts the Squirrels, so you can just walk through the field, and watch how the mines blow up the Squirrels for you. Use the elevator at the end of the field. You're in a big rocket silo. A lot of Troopers attack you. Take cover, and use the Minirocket Tube to take them all out. Continue through the next door. There a more Troopers in the next room, and of course they're respawning. The Bouncer works great: throw one into the room, and watch the suckers suffer. After the room's cleared, enter the next corridors. Three Troopers are across the gap, and they will respawn too. If you fire a Minirocket at the one in the center, you can take all three out with one shot. Across the gap, use the Infiltrator. Defeat the Robot Guard behind the door, and enter the room with the video screen. Finally, the big plan is revealed...you now have to save the galaxy from the Protopets. The female Lombax Angela will give co-ordinates for planet Boldan. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ The Qwark Fanboy \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Go to the room with the second Platinum Bolt (read below for information on how to get there). Outside the room is a Megacorp employee in a Captain Qwark costume. After a rather embarrassing 'fight', he'll offer you to trade his Armor Magnetizer for a Qwark Action Figure. You can find this figure on Aranos, during your second visit. Once you've got it, come back here, and trade the doll for the Magnetizer. You can now pick up bolts from a greater distance. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - At the end of guided tour, the Tourists will get into a bus. The Fizzwidget robot will then go into a building. Follow him, and you'll arrive in a room with the Platinum Bolt. - From the vendor on the dam, head north. Get past the first force field. In the next room are two force fields, and two columns. Get both of them to the part in front of the door to the next room. It's easier to do when you've completed all objectives, because then the force fields will be gone. If you look up, you'll see a doorway to your left, far above. Use the two column to get up there. The Platinum Bolts is in the little building at the end of this path. The Qwark Fanboy is here too. To get to the buidling, you first have to fight a Robot Guard. - Head north from the vendor on the dam again. Go through two rooms with force field. In the third room, there will be Troopers and Chickenbots, a maintenance robot, a force field, and a column. Leave the column where it is, jump on top of it, and then jump onto the conveyor belt to your right. At the end of this Belt, you'll see a small air duct. Activate a Spiderbot, and send him through this duct. At the end, let him step on the button on the floor to open the door. Now detonate it. As Ratchet, jump onto the highest conveyor belt, and follow it to the ledge. You can now enter the room you've just opened, the Bolt's inside. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Skill Points \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< You're my hero! >>> In the first area, a group of tourists will be walking. They will get attacked from time to time by Squirrels. To get this Skill Point, you have to make sure they all reach the end of the tour. Don't worry, you can keep trying if you fail, the Tourists will keep coming. It's really easy to get this point: first, clear out the area of all Squirrels. If you didn't get it now, return to the start, and follow the new group. There won't be any Squirrels now, and all you have to do is wait until the ten tourists reach the end. Simple. <<< Nothing to see here >>> Also in the first area, you will see four big rockets. To get this Point, you simply have to destroy all four of them. They can take a lot of damage, but they'll also give more than 500 bolts each, so you can but back the ammo you've spent on destroying them. You can also just use your wrench, of course. Stand near the rocket, go into First Person Mode, and rapidly press [Square]. <<< Try to Sleep >>> After getting the Sheepinator, go to an area where there are a lot of Squirrels. The first area's good, the mine field is too. Now, simply turn 16 Squirrels into sheep with the Sheepinator. They're really easy to turn, so it should be much of a problem. The best thing is to go to another planet first, and then return here. This way, you know for sure that there will be enough Squirrels, since they will respawn if you leave the planet. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Nanotech Boost \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// In the big rocket silo (at the west side of the map), there's an Infiltrator pad next to a door. It's hidden behind some crates. Play the Infiltrators mini-game, and you will activate an elevator. Ride it up, and walk around the rocket to find the Boost. ______ _ _ (____ \ | | | | ____) ) ___ | | _ | | ____ ____ | __ ( / _ \| |/ || |/ _ | _ \ | |__) ) |_| | ( (_| ( ( | | | | | |______/ \___/|_|\____|\_||_|_| |_| #5BOL It's time to find that clumsy mister Fizzwidget before he can sell those Protopets. There aren't any new weapons for sale. You're blessed with three objectives: - Find Mister Fizzwidget. - Open the main entrance. - Explore Silver City. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Open the main entrance \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// At the vendor, step onto the taxi and take it to another platform. Here, take the elevator down. You'll see a Levitator pad in front of you. Activate it, and fly through the tunnel with all the clockworks. Behind it is another platform, land on it. Now from the Levitator pad here, you have to fly north, against the stream of the traffic. This flight is VERY tough, you need every drop of fuel in your Levitator to make it to the next ledge. The stupid thing is, that when you're out of fuel, you'll crash and die instantly, even if you're only 2 inches away from the ledge, and you could make it easily. Anyway, you need to practice a bit, and then pray you get to the next ledge. When you're on it, you have to fly again. This part is pretty easy, you have to avoid electrical wires, but that's not really tough, and this time you'll at least have enough fuel. At the end, take the elevator up. Step on the button here to lower the force field in front of the main entrance. Objective completed. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Grind the Power Cables \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// From the intersection with the button, head east, and take the elevator up. You now need to grind over a bunch of power cables and steel beams. On the cables are insulators. Of course, you shouldn't bump into one, but if you stay on the cable that leads to a tube for too long, you'll get electrocuted, and you don't want that either. To start, jump on the rightmost cable. After the second set of tubes (sorry, I don't know what else to call them), jump to the middle cable. Grind two steel beams, and when you get back on the power cables move to the middle one. After more beams, you'll have to get past some tubes again. After that, it's pretty straightforward to the end. At the end, you'll find a weapon modification shop just like the one on Endako. Upgrade the weapons you use most frequently. The Shock Mode for the Heavy Lancer is great if you want to win the Timed Limited Weapon Challenge on Joba. Anyway, step into the teleporter to get back to the ship. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Find Mister Fizzwidget \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// From the ship, head south. In front of the building ahead of you are some Thugs-4-Less Elite Henchmen. Needless to say, they're a lot tougher than the normal Henchmen. Use the cover that's provided. The Minirocket Tube does wonders, so does the Vaporizer. Continue to the building, and step on the button in front of the door to open it. Fight the enemies inside. There's also a Thugs-4-Less Brute Class II here, and it's even tougher than the Elite Henchmen. After that you'll have the choice to go either left or right. Going left allows you to get a Platinum Bolt, read below for more info. Go right, and defeat all the Henchmen, Brutes and Chickenbots in this area. The Bouncer is a pretty good weapon to take out the enemies that are taking cover. Once all enemies are gone, go up the elevator. Now you need to fight yourself past a whole group of Thugs. Remember to take cover often. As for weapons, the Vaporizer, Minirocket Tube, Plasma Coil, Bouncer and Mini-Nuke should be in your Quickselect menu for these fights. After going down another elevator, you'll have to fight even more Thugs. Go up the elevator at the end of this area to reach a continue point. You can now buy the Duraplate armor from the armor vendor for 100,000 bolts. Quite a sum, but worth it. Damage is now cut in half. Restock on ammo at the normal vendor, and then head out of the building. The small ledge will move down, and you'll be on the vertical wall of a building. Move down. Thugs will pop out of the building from time to time. One shot is usually all it takes to push them off their ledges. After that, gravity will take care of the rest. When you're almost at the bottom, a hatch will open. Enter the building, and go through the corkscrew to get your feet back on the actual ground. Snipe the Thugs in the next area, and collect a lot of bolts. Continue, up the elevator, across the gap, and through a very big corkscrew. Thugs will be waiting for you at every step, so be prepared. After a lot of fights, you'll find yourself on the wall of a building again. Walk down again, defeating all Thugs that pop out. At the end, you'll find a robotic Fizzwidget. Ratchet and Clank are then captured by the thugs, and brought to the prison on Aranos. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - From the ship, head south. Go into the building, and then turn left. In one corner of this area, there's a glass wall. You can see the Platinum Bolt behind it. In the wall there's an opening big enough for a Spiderbot. Activate one, and send it into the area with the Bolt. Let it step on the floor switch, then detonate it. Back as Ratchet, head back into the building, and now go right. You can now enter the area with the Bolt. - First and foremost, go to the armor vendor. From here, head down the side of the building. After going through a small corkscrew, cross the big area to your right, and take the elevator up. So far so good. Now, just before you get to the big corkscrew, look over the edge to your left. You'll look down at the area you've just crossed, and you can see a platform with the Platinum Bolt about halfway down. Simply glide down to get it. - After you've escaped from Aranos, return here, and go to the room where you were captured. Here, look up to see a Swingshot target. Pull yourself up, and collect the Bolt on the ledge. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Skill Points \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< No shocking Developments >>> Grind the power cables to the end without taking any damage. Practice is all it takes. Pretty easy Point if you've got the hang of the grinding. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Nanotech Boost \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// This Boost appears on top of one of the fountains. Head south from the ship, and go right in the first building. The fountain with the Boost is right in front of you. Now, Aturian's guide told me that this Boost only appears every other hour. Since he's got the information from the official strategy guide, I have no reason to doubt this. When I found the Boost, it was 18.20 hours, so I guess the Boost only appear in even hours. If you can't find it, try coming back an hour later. I don't really get the theory, but you should find it if you keep trying. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Insomniac Museum \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// In the Silver City, you find the famous Insomniac Museum. I'll include a whole chapter of the things you can find here, and the entrances, later in this FAQ. /\ / \ ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ / /\ \ / ___) _ | _ \ / _ \ /___) | |__| | | ( ( | | | | | |_| |___ | |______|_| \_||_|_| |_|\___/(___/ ______ _ _ _ (_____ \ (_) (_)_ | | _____) ) ____ _ _ _ ___ _| |_ ____ _ | | (_____ ( / _ ) | | | |/___) | _)/ _ ) || | | ( (/ / \ V /| |___ | | |_( (/ ( (_| | |_|\____) \_/ |_(___/|_|\___)____)____| #5AR2 Welcome back on Aranos, my friends. Unfortunately, this time we find our heroes captured, and locked in a cell. Then a girly robot appears, and opens a hatch for Clank. You'll play the first part as Clank. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Free Ratchet from his Cell \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// First, cross the lava pit. The lava is rising and falling, start crossing when it's going down. On the other side, kill the Chickenbots, and free the Hammer Bot. This big guy can smash things...wow. Order him to hammer the crate blocking the door. In the next room, there's another crate for your friend to hammer. Stand on one end of the balance, and have the Hammer Bot hammer the other end. You'll fly up, into an airduct. A lot of Chickens are waiting here for you, but one punch from Clank will take them out. Free the two Micro Bots along the path, and have them kill the enemies up ahead (don't worry, they'll come back if they're killed...the Micro Bots that is). When you get to an elevator, ride it down and step on the button to open the door. The Hammer Bot can now enter. Get your Micro friends on the balance, and have the Hammer guy hit the other end to fly to the next air duct. Order the two Micro Bots to enter the door, and continue. Two MSR's will appear to the right, but you can ignore them for now. Go up the elevator, and free two Micro Bots. Have them attack the MSR up ahead, and free two more Bots here. Now walk towards the door, and let the Micro Bots kill the MSR's on the elevators. Order them to enter the door, and step on the button. The power will now be down in this section, meaning Ratchet is free. You'll switch back to him automatically. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Meet up in the Hangar Bay \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// First of all, kill the flame throwing MSR's in the corridor. There are three of them, so it shouldn't be too tough. Now check out the vendor. You can get the Zodiac from now on, but it costs 1,500,000 bolts O_o. A better buy is the Shield Charger, although you might not have enough cash at this point to get it. Now continue down the corridor. When you step on the next platform, it will turn around, and you'll have to cross this room hanging from the ceiling. Some flying robots will appear, you can shoot them down but it's safer to just ignore them. At the end, another platform will take you back to the ground. Perform a wall jump to get further up here. After killing more MSR's, jump onto the block in the corner. Now you have to jump over some little platforms. The platforms will disappear if you stand on them for too long, but don't worry, you'll have plenty of time. Once you reach the elevator at the end, you'll switch back to Clank. Get to the room with all the lava, and glide down to the platform in the lava. When the lava is sinking, jump via some platforms to the other side. Free the Bridge Bot that's waiting here. A big gap is up ahead, use the Bridge guy to cross it. There are some Chickenbots on the other side, be careful not to get hit because Clank's got very low health. Get onto the elevator behind that. The bridge Bot will follow you. Wait until it's on the elevator as well, then go up. At the top, defeat some more Chickens. If they accidentally kill your Bridge Bot, head down the elevator again to find it. Now at the top of the elevator is a big room. Order your Robot to build a bridge. From the end of this bridge, you should be able to glide down to the next platform. Here, free two Micro Bots and another Bridge Bot. Order it to build a bridge again, and have the Micro guys take out the MSR at the other side. Now free the Hammer Bot, and another Micro Bot. Let the Hammer guy clear the doorway, and free a fourth Micro Bot in the next room. Clear the crate in front of the gap (by hammering of course), and create a bridge. Send your Micro Bot friends into the door here. When you enter the doorway, you will switch back to Ratchet. Ratchet will now find a new Wrench. It's much more powerful than the old Wrench, so...hooray! After the painfully not-funny cut-scene, get to the wall and perform a wall jump. You should land on the small platform to the left. It's one of those disappearing things, so don't wait too long! You'll now find yourself on the outside of the ship. Walk along the magnetic path, killing enemies as they come. Remember, gravity is your friend, so if you hit the MSR once, it will fall off. Continue along this path until you get inside the ship again. Clear the room of all MSR's (the Bouncer works great), and prepare for another jumping puzzle. This time, some of the little platforms will appear vertically. This means you have to jump to them, and press [X] again when you hit it to perform a wall jump. You'll then land on the next platform. After this part, Ratchet and Clank meet up again, and it's time to explore the rest of the base. Your ship is blocked by a force field, so you can't enter it yet. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Get the Qwark Action Figure \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Enter the door on the southwest end of the docking bay, and climb the ladder inside. You now have to fly with the Levitator again. Wait for the lava to drop, and then fly ahead. When you've crossed about half of the distance, the lava will rise again, so stay near the ceiling to avoid it. When it falls again, continue to the end of the path. Here you'll find the plumber who was also in R&C1. You can buy a Qwark Action Doll from him for the sum of 20,000 bolts. If you do so, you can trade the Figure for the Armor Magnetizer on Todano. When you buy it, he will say "See you in a year or so...". Ratchet and Clank 3, anyone? Anyway, when you have the thing, return to the Docking Bay. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Lower the Force Field around your Ship \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Climb the ladder near your ship, and open the door using your Infiltrator. Now, you have to fly through 3 more tunnels using your Levitator. The first part is really easy. Just wait for the lava to drop, then enter the tunnel and fly through it to the next platform. You should have plenty of time. The second part's a little tougher. Wait for the red electricity up ahead to appear, then start flying. The red barrier should disappear as you approach it. Fly through the gap in the blue field to get to the next ledge. From here, you need to cross one last tunnel. The white force field's pretty easy to avoid. After that, fly under the blue field and over the red. It might take some practice, but you'll eventually reach the other side. Angela will contact you from the Thugs-4-Less fleet, but she's captured. You have to save her! First, step on the button here to 'free' your ship. Now head to the Fleet. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - Go to the ship. Face the ledge, then jump past your ship, off the ledge, into the air. Start hovering (press and hold [X]), and gently lower yourself. Once you're under the ledge with the ship, turn around. You should see a ledge with the Bolt in the distance. You can make it, although it's going to be a close one. From this ledge, you can fly back up using the Levitator pad. ______ / _____) | / ___ ___ ____ ____ | | (___)/ _ \ / ___) _ \ | \____/| |_| | | | | | | \_____/ \___/|_| |_| |_| #5GOR You have to find out where Angela is. Before you try the battles, head over to the Ship Shack and buy some upgrades. Torpedo's are really useful for the first challenge, and the second shield upgrade is very useful too. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Gorn Space Battles \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Challenge 1 >>> Objective Defeat the Thug Fleet. Information 4 big ships, an infinite number of smaller ships. Prize Co-ordinations for planet Snivelak. Strategy The four big, yellow dots on your radar represent the Thug's mother ships. To win this challenge, you have to destroy all four ships. They can take quite some damage. Use the Torpedo's if you already have them. Don't bother too much with killing the little ships, since they will keep coming. However, if you're low on shields, you might want to kill a few dozen of them. One might drop a shield. Anyway, this is a pretty easy challenge. Just kill all little ships that you see, and move from one big ship to the next. Piece of cake. Also, a great battle to collect Raritanium in, since many of the little ships will drop it when they're destroyed. <<< Challenge 2 >>> Objective Fight the Bandits. Information 32 Enemy ships. Prize 25,000 bolts. Strategy Just your average, everyday space battle. The Bandit's ships are easy to destroy, but they do quite some damage. Still, if your aim and weapons are alright, you shouldn't have any problem with this one. <<< Challenge 3 >>> Objective Destroy the Ghost Ship. Information One Ghost Ship, an infinite amount of smaller ships. Prize 30,000 bolts. Strategy In my humble opinion, the toughest space battle. Try to have as many upgraded weapons for your ship as possible. The full shield upgrade is really useful too, and so is the Nuclear detonation device. The Ghost Ship can take a lot of damage before it goes down. Its cannons are very powerful too. The main problem with the ship is that it will get transparent, and when it is, you can't hurt it. So you have to hit it when it takes its 'solid form'. And during the fight, you have to fight off a lot of smaller ships too. The best thing to do is to charge (with Turbo) towards the Ghost Ship. If you see it's solid, shoot until it gets transparent again. When it's a ghost, speed past it. Turn around when you've built up some distance, and repeat the process. Takes time, takes skill, and takes determination. <<< Challenge 4 >>> Objective Race against Ace Bunyan. Information 54 rings. Prize 35,000 bolts. Strategy Well, if you could win the other two races, you can win this one too. Same tactics apply as for the other races, and if you're trained with the flying, you should have no problem winning this race. One thing, remember to use the Turbo! //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Once again, you can get a Bolt by flying through all rings in the race. And while the race itself seems to get easier, this challenge stays hard. Good luck. _ _ _ _ | | (_) | | | | \ \ ____ _ _ _ ____| | ____| | _ \ \| _ \| | | | / _ ) |/ _ | | / ) _____) ) | | | |\ V ( (/ /| ( ( | | |< ( (______/|_| |_|_| \_/ \____)_|\_||_|_| \_) #5SNI The lair of the enemy...brace yourself, it's going to get rough from here...let me start by saying that having the Megarocket Cannon (upgrade of the Minirocket Tube) makes this level a lot easier. Anyway, there's only one objective, and only one path, so let's go! //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Rescue Angela \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// From your ship, swing a couple of times. Go through a little building, and swing on to the next ledge. The main entrance to the HQ is to your right, but it's blocked. Use the Swingshot on the blue ball in front of you. You will pull down a piece of rails. Grind down the rails, it's really easy. At the bottom, you need to get up again. Walk up the sloped path, so that you're on the vertical wall. Activate the first Dynamo panel in front of you. After a few seconds, a platform will move past you. Jump onto it, and quickly activate the second Dynamo panel. This activates a second platform, jump onto it when you pass it. Repeat this activating/jumping until you reach the top. If you stay on one platform for too long, you'll hit a blue barrier...and die. When you've reached the top, walk along the path, and then walk down to the choppers. The choppers will rise up, try not to get hit by their blades. When you're back on the ground, continue to a jump pad. You'll be shot to the entrance of the base. Check out the armor vendor here for the Electrosteel armor. It costs you 250,000 bolts. Now you need to cross the bridge. There are some tanks in front of you. These are Hover Tanks v2.0. They have very high health. Luckily, their shots can easily be dodged. When you destroy it (the Mini/Megarockets work great), a couple of Thugs will come out. There are three tanks on the bridge. Once you've killed them all, restock on ammo at the vendor, and continue. When you reach a set of lasers, some Thugs will appear on the other side. Take them out too, the Bouncer is very helpful here. After a big wave of Thugs, cross the lasers. You might want to head back to the vendor first if you need some ammo. Now, on the other side of the lasers, move left. Destroy the tank up ahead. When you cross the lasers leading to its wreck, an Attack Chopper appears. Take some distance, and let the Rockets do their work. It really helps if you have the Lock-On mode for the Mini/Megarockets. After the Chopper, turn right, and kill a whole bunch of Thugs. After killing the ones that spawned in from the force field, get to the next area and destroy two Choppers. Now go south, past the lasers, and kill another group of Thugs. When you smash the nanotech box in the center of this next square, two doors will go down, and you'll have to battle six Thugs. When they're gone too, head west, to the question mark. The Thug leader seems upset about something. You'll have to battle another giant robot controlled by him, but this time you don't have an oversized Clank to do the work for you. You can't hit the boss with your normal weapons. You will need to use the various turrets located around the base. They're all located on roofs; there are several jump pads to get there. Now for the boss, he has six attacks: when you just walk around, he will shoot blue lasers that are very easy to dodge. When you're shooting at him from a turret, he'll shoot some homing bombs. These things will always go to the turret, and then explode. To avoid them, simply leave the turret. Like I said, the bombs go for the turret, not for you. So if you keep your distance, you'll be fine. When the bombs have exploded, get back on the turret, and continue firing at him. When you've done some damage to the robot, it will try to destroy the turret you're on. It can do this in various ways: 1) Come close and fire a red laser at the turret 2) Come close and smash the turret 3) Rises up into the air and fires some missles at you, and 4) Takes the air, grabs an airship, and throw it at you. All attacks will destroy the turret, and the jump pad leading to it. This can't be helped. You can only try to avoid the fourth attack by shooting the ship before it reaches your turret. Don't worry, there are more than enough turrets around the area, if the robot destroys one it means you just have to move to the next one. Anyway, this is a really easy fight, but a long one. Just keep firing, back off when the bombs come, and you should be fine. You can even complete the whole fight without taking damage once. Another tactic from a guy that wants to remain nameless: "A strategy that works best and probably is very easy to do, to beat the thug boss on snivelak, is to use the tankbot glove on him after you are in a place where he can't hit you, such as around the corner of a building near the edge of a map. Fire 1 tankbot and rapidly fire a bunch of fireballs near his feet. It should create a "Flaming FIREBALL of death thingy." It should kill him with 8 shots if you take only 5 seconds to get to him." When the robot finally goes down, Angela will be freed. You will now split up again: she'll get her Megacorp ID from her home planet, you'll try to disrupt the Protopet transport. So, off you go, to planet Smolg. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - At the armor vendor, look south. Along the wall you'll see a bunch of Dynamo activators. Float down to the ledge below them. Get on the platform to the left, and use the Dynamo to get up. Now jump to the right. You can't land on the next platform, because it's upside down. Jump to it, and activate the Dynamo in mid-air to turn the platform. Continue to the right, and take the elevator up. Activate the two Dynamo activators here, and jump over the two platforms to a room with the Bolt. The jumping might take some practice. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Skill Points \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Moving Violation >>> You have to shoot down 14 ships from the skies. The best spot to shoot ships is near the bridge. After defeating the boss, you'll be back at your ship. Use the Teleporter to get back to the bridge. The barrier behind you will now be gone, go past it and you'll come to a platform where the enemy ships will come straight at you. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. The Vaporizer works best. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Nanotech Boost \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// The last Boost is pretty easy to see. From the start, swing to the west, and you'll see it on the roof of a building. To get there, build up some speed on the last swing (by pressing [up] and [down]), and then jump off and try to make it to the roof. It's not really easy to get onto the roof, but you'll get it if you keep trying. Try this: on your last swing to the roof, let go of the rope before you reach the highest point. Press [X] to float to the roof, and when near, perform a Hyper-Strike ([Square]) to get onto it. Works like a charm. _ _ | | | | \ \ ____ ___ | | ____ \ \| \ / _ \| |/ _ | _____) ) | | | |_| | ( ( | | (______/|_|_|_|\___/|_|\_|| | #5SMO (_____| This dirty-sounding planet is visually one of the most stunning in the game. There are three objectives to complete: - Search the Distribution Facility. - Explore the Docked Ships. - Traverse the Warehouse. Let's start by heading east. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Explore the Docked Ships \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Jump over two platforms (don't stand on them for too long), and swing twice to the next ledge. Kill the Grulches that are on this ship. Like all small monsters, one or two hits from the wrench does the trick. Now jump over more platforms, and use the elevator to go down. Here you'll find a Levitator Pad. Facing east, fly up and forward. You should arrive on a smaller platform with another levitator Pad. Fly to the next one, it's east of the platform you're currently on. From this platform, fly to the ship to the northeast. Here you'll encounter your first Two-Headed Smolgian Snapper. You'll also be attacked by a Robo Guard. Use your Megarocket Cannon to defeat them both. Now enter the ship to find another Levitator Pad. Fly through the gap between the lasers, and head to the next platform. After killing two Snappers, fly to the ship to the south. Here you'll encounter more Grulches, and a thing that keeps spitting out more Grulches. Once you've killed them, you can enter the ship. Use the pad here to fly through the roof, and to the big construction to the west. There are a lot of Snappers here, but you can ignore them: use the Levitator Pad at the very start of the area, and fly towards the big wall of crates to the west. Jump down on the other side to find another Pad. Fly to the last building, the one with the question mark in it. Here you can buy a transmission from an intelligent Snapper. It costs 40,000 bolts, and it will give you co-ordinates for planet Damosel. Use the teleporter to return to your ship. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Traverse the Warehouse \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Use the jump pad near your ship to be warped to the warehouse. Step onto the button in front of the force field to lower it, and kill the Snapper behind it. Now climb onto the boxes to the left, and kill a small crowd of Grulches. When you drop down into the next area, two Snappers will appear, they hardly pose any threat. Continue north. You'll pass a bunch of cages, a Snapper will come out of each one when you pass it. When you've dealt with them, jump down into the lower area. Kill all the Grulches, and the thing that spits out more of them. Step onto the button in the center to release all the Snappers. The Bouncer works great if they get you cornered. Continue into the next area, and locate a conveyor belt to the west. Use the Dynamo at the end of the belt, and the block on it starts moving. Jump onto this block, and when it reaches the end of the belt, jump off onto those big crates. Now activate the second Dynamo panel, and jump onto the platform that starts moving. Jump off onto the ledge to the east. Kill the Grulches, and step onto the platform here. Activate the Dynamo to ride up. Jump down to the next area. The wall of crates in front of you will steadily break down, and enemies will come out. The wrench takes care of the Grulches, the Snappers are easy to defeat with the Bouncer. When all boxes are gone, continue to the next conveyor belt. First activate the panel on the left with the Dynamo, and step onto the platform that starts moving. When you reach the end of the belt, use the Dynamo again, and the platform is pulled up. Use the Electrolyzer, and ride the elevator up. You will receive a message from Angela, she seems to be in trouble. Co- ordinations for planet Grelbin acquired. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Explore the Distribution Facility \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// After getting Angela's message, grind the short rails down to the vendor. Stock up on ammo. A Robo Guard will attack, kill it with your Megarocket Cannon. Use the Sheepinator to take out the various Grulches ahead. Another Robo Guard will attack when you approach them. Make your way to the end of the ledge. Jump to the ship via the small platforms. Kill all the Snappers on this ship. Then follow the other path of platform back to the ledge. Head to the force field. Use your Infiltrator to lower it, then kill the enemies in the area beyond it. Again, the Sheepinator works great, and the Black Sheepinator works fabulous. Jump to the next ship via the small platforms, you'll have to walk around the ship where you'll be attacked by 2 Robo Guards. Then use the small platforms to get back on the ledge. Defeat the 2 Snappers, climb the boxes on the left, and step on the button to lower the force field. Again use your Sheepinator on the small Grulches. Head through the small building, and you'll find the first piece of the Hypnomatic. The other pieces are located on other planets. Head back to your ship, and blast off, destination Damosel. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - Go to the warehouse by using the jump pad near your ship. Follow the normal path until you get to an area with a conveyor belt in the west. Use the Dynamo activator at the belt to get the block on it moving. Jump on the block, and when you reach the end of the belt, jump to the crates in the center of the room. Ahead is another Dynamo activator, but you can also wall jump up between the two piles of crates on this platform. Do so, and when you reach the top, look around to see the Platinum Bolt. You can now easily reach the Bolt. - Go to the part where you have to use your Levitator. From the start, fly to the first platform, and from there to the second platform. Stand on the Levitator Pad on the second platform, face the ship to the east, and then turn left and look up. You should see a floating platform several hundreds of meters above you. Fly up to this platform, you have just enough fuel to make it. On the platform you'll find the Bolt. _____ _ (____ \ | | _ \ \ ____ ____ ___ ___ ____| | | | | / _ | \ / _ \ /___)/ _ ) | | |__/ ( ( | | | | | |_| |___ ( (/ /| | |_____/ \_||_|_|_|_|\___/(___/ \____)_| #5DAM This big city is being overrun by the cute, cuddly Protopets. This is your chance to be a hero. From the vendor, you can head west, north and south. Let's start by going north. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Grind the Train Rails \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// When you go north from the vendor, you'll find the start of a very long rail. Jump on, and jump onto the train to the left that appears. Jump to the right twice, and then quickly go all the way to the left. Jump right twice again, and you'll be on a long winding rail. There are some Pets here, but they're no threat at all: just hit them with your wrench, and they'll fall off the rail. Timing is everything. Jump over some gaps, and then jump left, to the 5 parallel rails. The camera will switch, and you'll have to dodge some trains. Jump to the right twice, then to the left once, and then again twice to the right to survive the trains. Get past the part with all the Protopets. At the end of this long and winding rail, jump onto the train in front of you, and jump onto the trains as they appear. You'll land on a platform with the second part of the Hypnomatic device. Use the teleporter to get back to your ship. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Fight the Alien Mother Ship \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// From the vendor, head south, and you'll find a Giant Clank launch pad. Use it to go to the moon. Here you'll have to battle a big spaceship. The spaceship often drops down big robots, that can do some great damage too. This fight is considerably tougher than the other Giant Clank fight. If you don't have the right strategy, you'll be slaughtered. The main problem are those robots, they're plenty in number, they take a couple of punches to beat, and they do big damage. The spaceship itself doesn't fire very often in the first stage. To deal with the robots, try jumping. When you're in the air, you're safe for their shots. When you come down, try landing on top of one or two robots. You'll easily kill them this way, and they drop health, so you can stay healthy. So keep jumping to take down big crowds of robots. Now, for the spaceship. It will sometimes fire at you, but the shots are easily avoided. The problem is that the ship is protected by a force field. You can't really damage it while the force field is up. However, from time to time the ship will get down to drop some more robots. The force field will disappear. Shoot a bunch of missiles at it to damage it. Keep following the ship, meanwhile jumping to take out those robots, and you should be fine. When the ship's almost destroyed, it will remain stationary inside a ring, from which it will fire at you. The rings protected by electricity. You can just shoot your stuff at the ship, but it's easier to just try to get on top of the ship. If you can make it to the ship, keep jumping on top of it to destroy it. The fight's pretty long, and it can be tough at times. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Save the overrun planet from the Protopets \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Alright, back at the vendor, go west. The street is filled with Pets that try to eat innocent civilians. The Protopets can all be killed with one blow of the wrench, but when they attack in groups, it's hard to keep them all away. The weapon of choice against these cuddly things is the awesome Black Sheepinator (or the normal one, you'll upgrade it automatically if you use it a lot here). It takes less than a second to 'sheepinate' one Pet, and the black sheep can each take out at least one other Pet. Just spray your Sheepinator around, and enjoy the chaos. When you approach the back of the area, two Extermibots appear. These guys are pretty tough, they shoot electricity and they'll kick you if you come close. Use the Megarockets or the Bouncer to take them out. To stop the Pets from coming, destroy some vents around the area that spit out the Pets. Climb the ladder at the end, and fight some more robots. The Bouncer works great here. Swing to the next platform, and get ready to 'sheepinate' a lot of Pets. Some robots will appear too, but if you've got the Black Sheepinator, the explosive sheep will do most of the work for you. Enter the next room, and fight off another crowd of Protopets and Extermibots. Not much to say about this, really. Continue, and stretch jump over the gap to the next street. Kill all enemies here too. The two robots on the barricade shoot gas grenades at you, so watch out. Destroy the barricade, and take the taxi to the bank. Fill up on ammo at the vendor, then wall jump up. There are some Protopets here, and a ship will bring in a couple of robots too. Two of them will throw down gas grenades from the balcony. Kill the enemies, go up the stairs, and kill these two robots. Now exit the building. Walk around the big Megacorp sign. You'll be attacked by small and unnamed robots, but they're a piece of cake. At the end of the area is another crowd of Pets, accompanied by robots. By now, you should have figured out a tactic for yourself. Enter the next room. Protopets will jump at you from the shelves, and robots are awaiting you at the back of these shelves. After beating all enemies here, go up the elevator, and kill the robots and Pets in the next area. Kill the two robots that throw grenades, and then freeze the water. Jump up to the ledge to end this boring section. Here you'll encounter a guy who will assemble the Hypnomatic for you. In case you were sleeping: you can get one part on Smolg (at the end of the Distribution Facility), one part on Damosel (at the end of the Train Rails), and one on Grelbin (trade 16 moonstones for it). When you have all three parts, have the guy here make the gadget for 10,000 bolts. With this new gadget, hypnotize the Receiver Bot behind the bars. With the robot, clear the area of Protopets, then jump to the statue, and step on the button next to it. You have 30 seconds before the robot explodes. When you make it to the button, a taxi will appear, it will take you back to the ship. If you don't have all three parts yet, the taxi will be there anyway. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - In the first room of the bank, look to your right and you'll see a fountain. Use the Thermanator to freeze the water. Now grind the frozen beam of ice down to a small platform. The Bolt's right here. You can return to the bank with a taxi. - You need the Hypnomatic for this one. After going through the bank, you'll see a big, rotating Megacorp sign. Stand on the ledge north of it (on the path leading to the Protopets). Turn around, so that you face the sign. You should see a bunch of smaller bots, and one bigger Receiver Bot. Hypnotize the Receiver Bot (use L1 to aim). With the robot, jump down to the ground. Explode the robot (by pressing [triangle]) when you're near the north side of the sign. If you've got the right spot, the wall will explode, revealing a room under the sign. The Bolt's inside. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Skill Points \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Midtown Insanity >>> Easy: grind the train rails without taking damage. Really easy, since those Protopets are really easy to kill. You can use Synthenoids to make it even easier. If you know the jumps and stuff too, this Point shouldn't be any problem. <<< Safety Deposit >>> In the first room of the bank are four robots. To get this point, you have to make sure they all survive the attack from the Protopets and the robots. At the vendor, summon up some Synthenoids, and then climb up to the bank. If you hang from the ledge, so if you don't climb into the bank yet, the Extermibots won't appear. The Synthenoids will take care of all Protopets. After that, climb into the bank, and kill the couple of robots. Placing Turrets in the room also helps: this way you will avoid any 'friendly fire' (killing robots by accident). ______ _ _ _ / _____) | | | (_) | / ___ ____ ____| | | _ _ ____ | | (___)/ ___) _ ) | || \| | _ \ | \____/| | ( (/ /| | |_) ) | | | | \_____/|_| \____)_|____/|_|_| |_| #5GRE Another snowy planet. The Y.E.T.I's are pretty tough, so be prepared for some serious action. Like on the desert planet, you can go hunting for stones. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Moonstone Hunting \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// West of your ship, there's a big snowy field. Here you can find moonstones. Like on the desert planet, you can get these stones in two different way. You will see stones here and there, hit 'em to get one Moonstone. Also, there are Arctic Leviathans hiding under the snow. If you kill one of these big suckers, you get a Stone too. The Leviathans' hiding spots are easy to recognise. At the start, you can only explore around the ship. You have to go through the mines (read below) to activate some bridges to the big plain. The entrance to the mine is blocked by a big rock. The psych near the block will lift it for the sum of 9 Moonstones. So, head out into the field, and search for some Stones. The action's pretty tough, since the Y.E.T.I's will come in big groups. The (Heavy) Bouncer works great against these monsters. Use the Megarockets to take out the Leviathans here. You can get around 14 Stones in this small area. Return to the psych, and have him remove the block to the mines. Go through the mines (read below), and activate the bridges. Now you can explore the area even further. There are a lot of Stones, but a lot of enemies too. Carbonox armor and the Shield Charger will help a great deal. To speed up the process, you can grab a Raritanium hovercraft near Angela's house (again, read on for directions). Don't be afraid to return to the vendor for ammo often. After you had the psych remove the block, you can buy the last part of the Hypnomatic from him for 16 Stones. When you've bought that too, he'll give you Bolts for every Stone. This is a great way to get a lot of bolts in a short time, so hunting for Stones is really worth the time. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Explore the Caves \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// When you give 9 Moonstones to the psych, he'll remove the block in front of a room. Enter this room, and take the teleporter to the caves. First, you have to glide through some caves. This is pretty easy. Some stalagtites will come falling from the ceilings, but they're easy to avoid. Near the end you'll have to get into a cave with a really low ceiling, so you'll be pretty close to the lava. If you survive this cave too, you'll be at the end of the glider course. Use the vendor if you need to, use the Infiltrator at the door, and then continue into the next room. There are some Receiver Bots here. They're complete pussies, so don't waste too much time on them. Continue to a room where more Receiver Bots will keep spawning through some elevators. Again, use your basic guns to take them out. It's worth putting the Blitz Cannon in your Quickselect ring for this fight. Step on the button to open the door, and kill the mass of Receiver Bots that appear this time. Take cover if the resistance is too heavy for you. When you've defeated all robots, step onto the teleporter here, and warp back to the surface. You'll now be at an armor vendor, and this one sells the ultimate armor: the famous Carbonox! Unfortunately, you'll have to pay 1,000,000 bolts for it. Whether you buy it or not, you have to use the Infiltrator to open the door ahead. You're now back at the ship. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Find Angela \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// After you've bought the last Hypnomatic part from the psych for 16 Moonstones, return to Damosel and have the gadget assembled there. Now, back to Grelbin, and enter the teleporter east of the ship. There's a Receiver bot across the gap. Use the Hypnomatic to take control of it. With the robot, jump up the ledge, and then Hypnotize the robot behind the force field (with [O]). With this robot, fight your way through a crowd of other robots. When you get to the end of the path, hypnotize the robot across the water. With this last bot, get to the button on the floor, and step on it to activate some platforms. Back to Ratchet, climb up these platforms. Kill the robots, and hypnotise the one behind the force field. Take this robot down the elevator, and have him kill the other machines there. Hypnotize the next robot behind the force field. Now fight your way through this next tunnel (use your guns with [square]), and step on the button at the end. The force field in front of Ratchet disappears, and the tunnel is flooded by water. Back as Ratchet, swim through this tunnel, and jump out on the other side. Watch out for the lasers in the tunnel. Swim close to the ceiling to avoid getting hit by them. On the other side, exit the building and kill the small group of Protopets. Now knock on Angela's door, and you'll receive co-ordinates to the planet Yeedil. You can now grab the Raritanium hovercraft near the house, and mine for some Raritanium. When you're done with this, return to the ship and blast off to Yeedil. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - The first Bolt is on the big ice field. If you look at the map, you'll see two parallel lines north of the ship. The Bolt is hidden in the area between these two lines. If you have the Mapper from Damosel (you get it for the Giant Clank fight), it's much easier to spot: there will be a green dot at the location of the Bolt. - You need the hypnotizer for this one. In the caves, after the gliding part, you'll pass a closed gate. There's a Receiver bot behind the gate, and you can't open the gate. Hypnotize the robot, and let him walk towards a button on the ground. Some Y.E.T.I.'s will pop out of the ground when the robot approaches the button, but the robot can blast them away with [square]. Step on the button to open the gate. Back to the furry guy, enter the room, climb the ladder, and collect the Bolt here. - On your way to Angela's house, you'll have to swim through a tunnel. In the last room of this waterway, turn around and look for another tunnel. It's really easy to spot. Swim through this tunnel, and you'll find the Bolt in the room at the end. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Skill Points \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Be a Moon Child >>> Like on the desert planet, you'll have to collect all the Stones. Hey, what can I say? If you can collect one Moonstone, you can collect 'em all. Determination and time is all it takes. When you approach the psych, the game will tell you how many Moonstones are still out there. There's 101 of them in total, by the way. _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | (_) | | |___| |___ ____ _ | |_| | \_____/ _ ) _ ) || | | | ___( (/ ( (/ ( (_| | | | (___)\____)____)____|_|_| #5YEE Get ready for some of the most challenging fights in the game. This final planet features Troopers, Tanks, and one big, bad Protopet. Make sure you've got some strong weapons and ditto armor before you try this one. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Break into the Megacorp Headquarters \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// At the vendor, look north. You'll see a Receiver Bot in the distance. Hypnotize it with the Hypnomatic. With this robot, hypnotize the next one on the platform to the left. Step on the button, and kill the Protopets behind the force field. Hypnotize the next Receiver Bot, and after you've killed the other robots with this one, hypnotize another robot on a ledge to the right. Now, with this robot, you need to get past a lot of laser fields. Press the buttons in front of them to lower the fields. There's only one route, and it's not hard to follow. Blast all enemies that cross your path. After defeating a couple of Troopers, step on the last button to activate two Swingshot balls near the vendor. Time is of the essence in this part. Back as Ratchet, swing to the next ledge. Kill the Protopets behind the first force field. when you step on the next button, two Hover Tanks will appear. The Heavy Bouncer and Megarocket Cannon work great. When the tanks are gone, climb onto the ledge behind them, and kill two more tanks across the gap. Return to the vendor if you're low on ammo, you'll need a lot of ammunition for the next part. Cross the gap, to where those tanks were. Now a lot of Troopers will appear, plus another Tank. Take them out with your strongest weapons, especially the Heavy Bouncer does wonders. The Blitz Cannon is also worth using. When all enemies are gone, a door on the left will open. Enter this building, and hypnotize the Receiver Bot across the gap. With this robot, you'll have to beat a lot of enemies. If you kill enough enemies, the door at the back of the area will open. Inside is a button that activates a teleporter. The shooting is pretty easy, but the problem is time: 30 seconds isn't enough to kill all enemies. Luckily, there are some other Receiver Bots standing near the start of the area, so if your Bot is running out of time, hypnotize the next one, and you'll have 30 seconds again. When all enemies are gone, step onto the button in the room at the back, and switch back to Ratchet. Use the teleporter in the previous area. Buy some ammo at the vendor if you need to. When you go down the corridor, some Troopers appear. Use the Heavy Bouncer for some quick kills. Head into the next area. with your Gravity Boots, you can climb up onto the centre part. From here you can easily shoot at the Troopers around the centre, and the ones behind the barricade up ahead. Especially the ones behind the barricade take some time and a lot of ammo to beat, because when you beat them, new ones will be beamed in. Keep defeating the robots until they stop coming. You can either shoot at them from the centre part with the Megarockets, or get closer and use the Heavy Bouncer or other close-range weapons. The Kilonoids also work great, stand near the barricade, beam in some droids, and watch how they will obliterate all enemies. When you've killed them all, return to the vendor and get what you need there. Go past the barricade, and kill a couple of Protopets. You're now in a fan room. Use the Dynamo to activate the fans. When you get to the ledge in the centre, you'll be attacked by some Troopers. You have to be careful here, since if a Trooper hits you, there's a very real chance you'll get knocked off the ledge, and you don't want that. The best thing to do is to activate a Shield Charger before you get onto the ledge. You'll still get hit by the Troopers, but you won't get knocked off the ledge anymore. When you've killed the robots (with Rockets, preferably), continue to the end of this fan room. After the fan room, there's a big room with more Troopers behind barricades, and a Tank. Also watch out for the Troopers on top of the blocks to the left and the right. Take cover behind the low barricade at the entrance, duck to stay out of their shooting range. When all Troopers (including the reinforcements that are beamed in), are gone, use the infiltrator to open the door. Kill the Protopets on the small field of ice. Use the three small platform to get to the next ledge. In the next big room, swing to the ledge in the centre. Two Tanks will open fire. Use the Shield Charger to prevent getting knocked off the ledge. You can also stay near the entrance of the room (before you swing to the conveyor belt), and use your Vaporizer to snipe the Tanks from a safe distance. When you've destroyed both Tanks, swing to the green ball that appears. Use the vendor if you have to, and then use the Electrolyzer to activate a platform. Ride this platform to the next ledge. Now continue through this area, killing all robots and one Tank that cross your way. It's pretty straightforward, and if you know how to kill Troopers, you shouldn't have much trouble with this part. Pull down a bridge on the way, and kill the Troopers that appear. When you approach the door at the end, you'll see the biggest revealing cut-scene of the game. I won't completely spoil it, but it features the truth about Fizzwidget, the return of Captain Qwark, and the birth of a giant mutated Protopet. Time for a final boss battle! //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Defeat the mutated Protopet \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// You can go back to your ship, and prepare yourself for this last fight. I suggest you get some decent armor (the Carbonox is best, get the Electrosteel if you can't afford the Carbonox). Make sure you've got a couple of strong Gold weapons. The Heavy Bouncer works great, and so does the Megarocket Cannon. If you've got other strong upgrades, like the Megaturret Gun, or the upgrade of the Plasma Coil, the fight will get easier. Also, head over to one of the weapon-modification shops (on Endako, Tabora and Boldan), and buy mods for all weapon you frequently use. Now, let's fight! Swing towards the Protopet to start the fight. The Pet has two basic attacks: most of the time, it will be rolling towards you. If you don't move out of the way, you'll be squashed. The roll attack is pretty easy to avoid, use the Charge Boots if he's really got you cornered. After some time, the Pet will stop moving, and it will eat an object in the arena. This can be an ammo box, or a bomb. After eating the object, he will unleash one of these three attacks: 1) Shoot small homing missiles at you, 2) Shoot balls of fire at you (much like the Meteor Gun), and 3) Cover the arena with a truckload of small bombs. Number 1 is the most dangerous, since it's the toughest to avoid. You can easily dodge 2 is you keep moving. If it uses 3, take as much distance as you can, and wait for the bombs to disappear. All three attacks do quite some damage, but getting squashed by a rolling Pet still is the most painful experience. Now, of course, besides staying healthy yourself, you want to damage the boss. To do so, simply use the most powerful weapons in your arsenal. If you've bought the RYNO II, use it! Big chance is that you couldn't afford it though. Other great choices are the Megarocket Cannon and the Heavy Bouncer. The problem with the Megarockets is that with charged shots it runs out of ammo fairly quickly. The Heavy Bouncer's a great choice, especially with the Acid Mod. You can defeat the boss pretty easily with just the Heavy Bouncer. Using other weapons, like Kilonoids and Megaturrets, makes the job even easier. The Meteor Gun works surprisingly well, but only if you've got both the Acid and the Lock-On Mod for it. After you've done a fair amount of damage, the Pet will smash through the floor, and you'll have to follow him to a next arena. Here you'll encounter Troopers, but you shouldn't pay too much attention to them. The Pet will kill most of them with its rolling attack, and the area's too big for the Troopers' shots to be accurate. Keep moving, and keep firing your favorite weapon at the big sucker. He'll smash through the floor again after some time. In this last arena, you can see some Tanks, but again, ignore them. Focus on finishing off the Protopet. All in all, the big mutant is disappointingly easy for a final boss. Note from Android 93: "When the mutant protopet spits those rockets, you can run under it and shoot it from a safe position, however, the little meteors it shoots will hit you, so if you strafe and shoot, strafe and shoot, you can still hit it." An easy strategy from Greg: "Instead of jumping down and fighting the mutated Protopet right away, stand on the ledge and fire your long-range ammo at him. You don't have to worry about running out of ammo - just go the the ammunition station to your right and load up again. The only bad thing is that no matter how much you hit him, you can only knock off about one-fourth to one-third of his life. For players that get killed with that much life left, this may be just the help they need. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Platinum Bolts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - Between the ship and the vendor is a big bridge. Grind the northern rail of the bridge to the top. You have to start near the vendor. At the top, you'll bump into the Bolt. - In the Megacorp HQ, after defeating two tanks, you'll come to another vendor. Use the Electrolyzer at the pad near the vendor, then ride the nearby platform to the next room. First clear this room of all enemies, and then look to your right. You should see a column with a Tractor Beam target on it. Use the beam to pull the column away, and climb the stairs that you've revealed this way. At the top, jump onto the grind rail, and grind it to the end (really easy) to get the last Platinum Bolt. _______ _ _______ _ (_______) | (_______) | | _ | | _ ____ _____ ____ _ | | | | | || \ / _ ) | ___) | _ \ / || | | |_____| | | ( (/ / | |_____| | | ( (_| | \______)_| |_|\____) |_______)_| |_|\____| #5THE After you've finished off the boss, Qwark will reappear, but he's harmless now. The galaxy is saved from the Protopets, and peace is restored once again. Congratulations, you've just finished Ratchet and Clank 2! Enjoy the credits. You'll then get a choice: either you go back in time, before the final boss battle (to get some Skill Points/Platinum Bolts you've missed), or you can enter the Challenge Mode. Read on for more information on Challenge Mode. Well, that's it for this walkthrough, I hope you enjoyed reading it. See you next time. //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\\ 6) Collectables \\-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-// #6COL ______ _ _ ______ _ (_____ \| | _ (_) (____ \ | |_ _____) ) | ____| |_ _ ____ _ _ ____ ____) ) ___ | | |_ ___ | ____/| |/ _ | _)| | _ \| | | | \ | __ ( / _ \| | _) /___) | | | ( ( | | |__| | | | | |_| | | | | | |__) ) |_| | | |__|___ | |_| |_|\_||_|\___)_|_| |_|\____|_|_|_| |______/ \___/|_|\___|___/ #6PLA Here I will list all the Platinum Bolts I've found so far. Thanks to Aurain's guide for helping me find some of them. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Oozla \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - After completing all objectives on this planet, walk towards the Swamp Ruins again (go east from your ship). Jump over a couple of platforms. You will now see a new dragon to your left. Jump on his back, and ride him all the way to a cave filled with fireflies. Here you will find the Platinum Bolt. - In the area where you have bought the Tractor Beam, move the two pillars to the left of the area (instead of to the right, to the cliff that leads back to your ship). Climb on top of the highest one, and you should be able to reach a platform with the bolt on it. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Maktar Resort \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - On the Jamming Array, jump on top of the Space-Limo. Now get on one of the Limo's rockets. From this rocket, you might be able to make it onto a platform nearby. Here's a Jump Pad. Use it, and you will jump up very high. You will pick up the Bolt at your highest point. Note that even though other FAQ's tell you differently, you don't need Clank for this one. You can get it with just Ratchet, but Clank's Boost Jump does make it a lot easier. - On your way to the Arena you'll have to get in a Limo at some point. After exiting it, move over the ledge and climb up the ladder. You're in a big open area, with two cranes above it. Climb onto the ledge with the right crane on it. Double jumping is a must. It's much easier to get if you've got Clank. The bolt's on the ledge. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Endako \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - Take the path leading to the apartment. When you're past the place where you first saw the helicopter, you had to jump down to the right to get to another trash can. This time, don't go right, but continue to the edge ahead. You will face the central structure. To get this Bolt, simply drop of the edge. You'll land on a lower ledge, the Bolt's right there. - Go to the second crane. In the second room, in the area where the Sweepers are, there's door a bit above the ground. You can't see it with your Crane Cam, so you might need to search for it yourself. When you've located it, return to the crane controls and drop the gray crate in front of this door. Now get the red crate and drop it on top of the gray one. It will explode, and the door will probably be destroyed. Now simply enter the room behind that door, using the gray crate or a Double Jump to get up. The Bolt's inside this room. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Barlow \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - When scouting the Ruined Machinery, you'll have to swim through a couple of tunnels. After the first water tunnel, turn left. Facing the building with the tunnel, you should see a very small ledge. Grab it, and move around the building hand-over-hand. Drop onto the ledge at the other side. Swing towards the rotating carts, get onto them, and then enter the cave. The cave is filled with Hounds and some machines that keep spitting out more Hounds. In the back of the cave, you'll find the Bolt. - In the Hoverbike Races, race past the part with the water. When leaving the water, you'll enter a tunnel. The tunnel immediately makes a sharp turn to the right. Instead of going right, go left. You'll find the Bolt lying here. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Thug Rendezvous \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - In the fourth challenge, you have to fly to every ring. That's right, you must pass all 50 rings. If you succeed, you'll find the Bolt at the end. Does that sound difficult? Well, it is. This is probably one of the hardest Bolts to get. I could write a whole text file on this subject, but I'll save myself and you time by giving the only tip worth giving: practice! Practice a lot, practice for hours, for days if you must. Make sure you can dream the track, and all its rings. Try to find out for yourself how the ship is controlled the easiest. Personally I prefer Analog over Digital here, but like I said, that's personal. After a lot of practice, you should be able to get it. I wish you the best of luck. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Notak \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - The first Bolt's on the promenade. At the Planet, go up the elevator. Just before the next elevator, turn left and cross the bridge. Defeat the Henchmen behind the glass. Now turn right in front of that glass, and turn left when you reach the wall. You should now be facing a big yellow Megacorp sign. Destroy it, and you'll find the Bolt in the room behind it. - Cross the bridge near the vendor, and immediately head left. Walk on the small strip of grass between the water and the building. You'll find the Bolt behind the building here. - In the Wharf area, you'll come past a Dynamo panel. Before activating it, clear the whole area, up to the elevator, of enemies. Now activate the panel, and run towards the elevator. You'll see that door that was previously closed is now opened, and the Bolt's right behind it. You can't possibly miss it. You'll have around 20 seconds to get through the door from the moment you activate the panel. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Siberius \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - When you go down the elevator at the start, you'll see a column with the Tractor Beam signs on it. Push this column into the elevator, and take it back up. At the top, push it all the way to the edge of the platform (at the place where you first jumped onto this platform). Jump on top of it, and then perform a Boost Jump. You should be able to jump onto a smaller ledge. From here, jump into the hangar. The Bolt's right there. - At the top of the elevator, look to the right. You should be able to see a gray roof of a building far below. Jump off the platform, and float down to this building. When you land, go straight, off the building, and you'll find the Bolt near another small building in the fenced-off area. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Tabora \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - On your way to the Hang Glider, You'll come past a pool with three blocks in it. This is like a balance: if you stand on the first block, the other two will go up. Normally, you'd have to stand on the first block and freeze the water to get to the next ledge. Now, stand on the last block (the one near the next ledge), and freeze the water. Jump over the other two block, and then perform a double jump to get to the ledge above. The Bolt's right there. - A very easy Bolt can be found at the end of the Hang Glider course. - The third Bolt's in the desert, near the northern edge. From the town, head north, slightly east. You'll find the Bolt near the edge. You'll probably run into it if you try to get all 100 crystals anyway. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Dobbo \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - The first Bolt is in the Hang Glider course in the facility. Follow the course like you normally would. When you get to the last room (with the diagonal beam and the lava), steer up sharply. The Bolt is near the roof of the room. - To get the second Bolt, you'll need the Spiderbot Glove. You can first buy it on Joba. First, take the yellow taxi to the Giant Clank Launch Pad. From there, retrace your steps via the 4 swing spots. Land on the ledge, and get to the ledge to the left by using the Dynamo. On this bridge, there'll be a niche to the right. If you look at the walls of the niche, you'll see the start of an air duct. Throw down one Spiderbot, and have it enter the duct. Turn right after just one meter or so. You'll arrive in a room with the Platinum Bolt, but the robot can't pick it up. Let the robot step on the button on the floor to open the door. Destroy the robot, and make your way around the building as Ratchet. Enter the room you've just opened up to get the Bolt. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Joba \\---------------------------------------------------------------// - On your way to the Arena, you'll come past a couple of gun turrets. After the first turret, you'll pass through a small building. After that, you're on a path to the second turret, with the mountain on your left and nothing on your right. Turn to your right here, and you might be able to see a Swingshot target. It's easiest to see when you're walking back from the second turret. Swing to this, and defeat all the enemies on the next ledge. Continue until you find a door. Step on the button in front of it to open the door. The Bolt's right there, in the room. - At the launch pad of the Levitator, face the direction of the Arena. You'll see two towers in front of you, one to the left and one to the right. Use your Levitator, and fly all the way to the top of the tower on the left. The Bolt's on the top of this tower. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Deep Space Disposal \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - Like in the Feltzin System, you can get a Platinum Bolt by flying through all the rings in the fourth challenges. Again, it takes a lot of practicing to get it. Know the track. Again, I wish you good luck. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Todano \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - At the end of guided tour, the Tourists will get into a bus. The Fizzwidget robot will then go into a building. Follow him, and you'll arrive in a room with the Platinum Bolt. - From the vendor on the dam, head north. Get past the first force field. In the next room are two force fields, and two columns. Get both of them to the part in front of the door to the next room. It's easier to do when you've completed all objectives, because then the force fields will be gone. If you look up, you'll see a doorway to your left, far above. Use the two column to get up there. The Platinum Bolts is in the little building at the end of this path. The Qwark Fanboy is here too. To get to the buidling, you first have to fight a Robot Guard. - Head north from the vendor on the dam again. Go through two rooms with force field. In the third room, there will be Troopers and Chickenbots, a maintenance robot, a force field, and a column. Leave the column where it is, jump on top of it, and then jump onto the conveyor belt to your right. At the end of this Belt, you'll see a small air duct. Activate a Spiderbot, and send him through this duct. At the end, let him step on the button on the floor to open the door. Now detonate it. As Ratchet, jump onto the highest conveyor belt, and follow it to the ledge. You can now enter the room you've just opened, the Bolt's inside. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Boldan \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - From the ship, head south. Go into the building, and then turn left. In one corner of this area, there's a glass wall. You can see the Platinum Bolt behind it. In the wall there's an opening big enough for a Spiderbot. Activate one, and send it into the area with the Bolt. Let it step on the floor switch, then detonate it. Back as Ratchet, head back into the building, and now go right. You can now enter the area with the Bolt. - First and foremost, go to the armor vendor. From here, head down the side of the building. After going through a small corkscrew, cross the big area to your right, and take the elevator up. So far so good. Now, just before you get to the big corkscrew, look over the edge to your left. You'll look down at the area you've just crossed, and you can see a platform with the Platinum Bolt about halfway down. Simply glide down to get it. - After you've escaped from Aranos, return here, and go to the room where you were captured. Here, look up to see a Swingshot target. Pull yourself up, and collect the Bolt on the ledge. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Aranos Revisited \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - Go to the ship. Face the ledge, then jump past your ship, off the ledge, into the air. Start hovering (press and hold [X]), and gently lower yourself. Once you're under the ledge with the ship, turn around. You should see a ledge with the Bolt in the distance. You can make it, although it's going to be a close one. From this ledge, you can fly back up using the Levitator pad. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Gorn \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - Once again, you can get a Bolt by flying through all rings in the race. And while the race itself seems to get easier, this challenge stays hard. Good luck. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Snivelak \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - At the armor vendor, look south. Along the wall you'll see a bunch of Dynamo activators. Float down to the ledge below them. Get on the platform to the left, and use the Dynamo to get up. Now jump to the right. You can't land on the next platform, because it's upside down. Jump to it, and activate the Dynamo in mid-air to turn the platform. Continue to the right, and take the elevator up. Activate the two Dynamo activators here, and jump over the two platforms to a room with the Bolt. The jumping might take some practice. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Smolg \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - Go to the warehouse by using the jump pad near your ship. Follow the normal path until you get to an area with a conveyor belt in the west. Use the Dynamo activator at the belt to get the block on it moving. Jump on the block, and when you reach the end of the belt, jump to the crates in the center of the room. Ahead is another Dynamo activator, but you can also wall jump up between the two piles of crates on this platform. Do so, and when you reach the top, look around to see the Platinum Bolt. You can now easily reach the Bolt. - Go to the part where you have to use your Levitator. From the start, fly to the first platform, and from there to the second platform. Stand on the Levitator Pad on the second platform, face the ship to the east, and then turn left and look up. You should see a floating platform several hundreds of meters above you. Fly up to this platform, you have just enough fuel to make it. On the platform you'll find the Bolt. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Damosel \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - In the first room of the bank, look to your right and you'll see a fountain. Use the Thermanator to freeze the water. Now grind the frozen beam of ice down to a small platform. The Bolt's right here. You can return to the bank with a taxi. - You need the Hypnomatic for this one. After going through the bank, you'll see a big, rotating Megacorp sign. Stand on the ledge north of it (on the path leading to the Protopets). Turn around, so that you face the sign. You should see a bunch of smaller bots, and one bigger Receiver Bot. Hypnotize the Receiver Bot (use L1 to aim). With the robot, jump down to the ground. Explode the robot (by pressing [triangle]) when you're near the north side of the sign. If you've got the right spot, the wall will explode, revealing a room under the sign. The Bolt's inside. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Grelbin \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - The first Bolt is on the big ice field. If you look at the map, you'll see two parallel lines north of the ship. The Bolt is hidden in the area between these two lines. If you have the Mapper from Damosel (you get it for the Giant Clank fight), it's much easier to spot: there will be a green dot at the location of the Bolt. - You need the Hypnomatic for this one. In the caves, after the gliding part, you'll pass a closed gate. There's a Receiver bot behind the gate, and you can't open the gate. Hypnotize the robot, and let him walk towards a button on the ground. Some Y.E.T.I.'s will pop out of the ground when the robot approaches the button, but the robot can blast them away with [square]. Step on the button to open the gate. Back to the furry guy, enter the room, climb the ladder, and collect the Bolt here. - On your way to Angela's house, you'll have to swim through a tunnel. In the last room of this waterway, turn around and look for another tunnel. It's really easy to spot. Swim through this tunnel, and you'll find the Bolt in the room at the end. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Yeedil \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// - Between the ship and the vendor is a big bridge. Grind the northern rail of the bridge to the top. You have to start near the vendor. At the top, you'll bump into the Bolt. - In the Megacorp HQ, after defeating two tanks, you'll come to another vendor. Use the Electrolyzer at the pad near the vendor, then ride the nearby platform to the next room. First clear this room of all enemies, and then look to your right. You should see a column with a Tractor Beam target on it. Use the beam to pull the column away, and climb the stairs that you've revealed this way. At the top, jump onto the grind rail, and grind it to the end (really easy) to get the last Platinum Bolt. _ _ _ _ _ ______ _ | | | | (_) | | (_____ \ (_) _ \ \ | | _ _| | | _____) )__ _ ____ | |_ ___ \ \| | / ) | | | | ____/ _ \| | _ \| _) /___) _____) ) |< (| | | | | | | |_| | | | | | |__|___ | (______/|_| \_)_|_|_| |_| \___/|_|_| |_|\___|___/ #6SKI A list of the Skill Points in the game. Again, thanks to the other guides on GameFAQs for helping me find some of them. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Oozla \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Prehistoric Rampage >>> From your ship, head past the vendor and go down the path. Jump over the first stretch of swamp. When you get to a glass bridge, check the air on your left. You should see 4 Pterodactyls (flying dinosaurs) flying around in circles. All you have to do to get this point is kill all four of them. The Lancer will do the trick just fine (in first person view). <<< Smash and Grab >>> Smash up all the breakables in the Megacorp outlet. The Box Breaker works great, with it you'll have the Point in a very short time. Enjoy the smashing ^_^ //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Maktar Resort \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Vandalize >>> One of my favorite skill points. All you have to do is smash up everything there is to smash up. And believe me, that's a lot. A few general pointers: - You don't have to destroy every last thing. I think you need around 90% of the destructables. - When you die, all objects you've destroyed will be back. - It's best to try this after completing all other objectives. This means most of the enemies will be gone, and you'll have a smaller chance of dying. - There are five destroyable objects: yellow lamps, orange lamps, big rotating lamps, video screens, slot machines and satellites. - Some things might be hard to get. One example are the lampposts on the part where you have to use the Electrolyzer, many people tend to forget these. - If you look left from your ship, you'll see two satellites in the distance. You can't hit them with your wrench or your Lancer, so you have to take them out with two well-placed Chopper rounds. - In the area with the second slingshot, near the Space-Limo, there's a glass floor. If you look carefully, you'll see orange lamps hanging under this floor. To destroy those, you have to hit the bolts that keep them in place. The great thing about this skill point is that it's a lot of fun, and it gives you a LOT of bolts. <<< Wrench Ninja: Blade to Blade >>> In the Arena, defeat Chainblade with just your wrench. It's quite easy actually. Get near him, double jump, and press [Square] to hit him. If your timing is right, he'll hardly ever hit you. Avoid his shots when he takes the air. If you have trouble with it, wait until you have some of your wrench upgrades, that makes it even easier. When you've defeated him, and you've used no weapon besides the wrench, you'll get the point. <<< 2B hit or not 2B hit >>> To complete this one, you have to defeat the B2 Brawler without getting damaged. Does that sound hard? Well, it is. You shouldn't try this one until you have some better weapons, like the mini-turret gun. You probably have to practice a couple of times, to learn how to avoid his shots and his spinning attack. If you have the Mini-Turret Gun, and the Blitz Cannon, do the following: when he's walking, shoot down a couple of turrets. When he gets on the ground, switch to the Blitz cannon and fire while strafing away. The key in getting this Point is that you have to defeat him very quickly, thus making it harder for the robot to hit you. <<< Clank needs a new pair of shoes >>> Scattered over the Resort are a lot of Slot Machines. Each slot has five symbols. One of them is the 'BAR' icon, but it's very rare. To get this skill point, all you need to do is get three bars. It will take a lot of tries, and you have the chance of destroying the machine in the progress (by hitting 3 yellow rings). When you've finally got three BAR's, you will get the skill point, along with 300 bolts. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Endako \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Destroy all Breakables >>> Much like the 'Vandalize' point on Maktar Resort. To get this one, you have to destroy almost all breakables. Yes, I said ALMOST all: you're allowed to miss a few here and there. You should looking for: - Camera Bots - Lamps (both red lamps and big hanging lamps) - Lampposts - TV screens When you've destroyed almost all of them, you'll get the point. <<< Operate Heavy Machinery >>> To get this one, you have to kill 10, that's TEN enemies with the cranes. It's pretty simple to get it. At the first crane, drop the block on all Sweeper Bots. At the second crane, pick up the Laser Bot in the first room and use his Laser to take out all robots in this room. You should have it very soon. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Barlow \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Speed Demon >>> To get this one, you have to complete three laps in the Hoverbike Races in a time UNDER the 2.10. Attempt this in Challenge 3: the shortcuts will be opened, which saves you around 10 seconds per lap, and the other racers won't attack you. If you take the best shortcut (the one on the left, read Challenge 3's description), you'll take this prize without breaking a sweat. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Notak \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Planet Buster >>> While exploring the Promenade, you'll come past a big brown planet. You have to bust it up (what's in a name?). To do so, you first have to destroy the rings around it. Then take out the three spheres flying around the planet. When all things are gone, shoot a couple of times at the planet itself to destroy it. This easy Skill Point will be yours when the thing blows up. You can use the Comet Strike of your wrench ([Square] when in First Person Mode) if you want to take it out without wasting ammunition. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Siberius \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< You can break a Snow Dan >>> One of the most ridiculously easy Points in the game. From the start, head left. Just before the bridge, you'll pass a small garage-like structure. Walk around it to find a snow man. Hit it, destroy it, and earn a Skill Point. Wow. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Tabora \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Heal your Chi >>> Simple: find all 100 crystals in the desert. Be sure not to skip any areas. Use you map to check for spots you've missed. Use the Hovercraft to get it faster. Not too tough, but it takes a lot of time. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Dobbo \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Robo Rampage >>> On the moon, during the boss fight against the Thugs-4-Less leader, you have to destroy all buildings on the moon (thus turning it into a parking lot). A really easy task, just walk around and smash things up until you get it. <<< Dukes Up >>> Again on the moon, but now you must defeat the Thug Leader with just melee attacks. Punching is melee of course. When you jump, and land on his head, he takes damage too, this will count as melee too. So basically you should only touch [square] and [X] during this fight. If you use the Bombs on the helicopters, you have the risk of hitting the boss, and you won't get the point. This fight isn't that much tougher than the normal fight, really. Just like before, you have to remember to smash up some helicopters from time to time. Not only will doing so get those nasty buggers off your back, it also gives you some much needed health. The fight becomes frustrating near the end, where the boss will be running away from you most of the time, so you won't get to punch him. Just keep pressing towards him, and punch when you're near. Also, when he takes the air, run towards him, you can get a few punches in when he lands. The fight will take some time, but it's very well possible. <<< Old Skool >>> To get this one, you have to defeat every enemy on the planet using only the weapons from R&C1. You can buy these on Barlow. You're not allowed to use the RYNO II. You can use the wrench however. The main weapons should be the wrench, the Visibomb Gun, and the Bomb Glove. You can upgrade these weapons, and still get the point, so if you can't make it, come back with some upgraded versions. Of course, you shouldn't try to get this one the first time you explore the planet. After completing all missions, only half of the initial enemies will keep coming back. Start with the planet surface. Use your wrench for Chickenbots and small groups of Troopers. The Bomb Glove is useful for bigger groups, and you should use the Visibomb Gun against those Tanks. When you reach the Launch Pad, get back to the ship, restock on ammo, and enter the facility. Retrace your steps to the point where you originally started. The Visibomb Gun works great against sentinels. Take out the Security Turrets with the Bomb Glove. This point can be quite challenging, but with some determination you should get it. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Joba \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< How fast was that? >>> To get this point, you have to beat the time of 2.27 in the Hoverbike races. Piece of cake, actually. Use the third challenge, since the shortcuts are opened but the other racers won't attack you yet. If you take both shortcuts each lap, and take care not to miss too many Turbo Boosts, this Point will be yours very soon. If you want a slightly bigger challenge, try getting the point in the first or the second challenge, without the shortcuts. <<< Bye Bye Birdies >>> There are a lot of purple birds flying around on the planet. You have to kill at least 12 of them to get this point. Some spots to get easy kills: - At the very start, there are four birds on the bridge. You can take out the two closest to you with the Lancer, and the other two with the Vaporizer. - After passing the first gun turret, you'll go through a small building. After that building, there are about 6 birds sitting close to each other one the ground. Don't come to close, and throw in a Mini-Nuke. - To get to the dealer that sells you the Levitator, you'll have to slide down a rail. There are a lot of birds on this rail, use the Vaporizer to take them out. - A couple of birds are on the ground on the path to the first Platinum Bolt. Use the Vaporizer to snipe them. - If you still haven't got the Point, return to the ship and snipe some birds to the left of the vendor. These are flying, though, and that makes them a lot tougher to hit. <<< That's Impossible >>> To get this point, you have to beat the Impossible Challenge in the Arena. Tough, no doubt about that, but not impossible. Read the section about the Arena for some strategies. <<< Wrench Ninja II: Massacre >>> You have to defeat every enemy in the level using only your wrench. The ones in the Arena don't count. However, I found out that you can also use those gun turrets to kill the enemies. Even if you kill 40 enemies with the gun turrets, and just 10 with the wrench, you'll still get it. (note: I'm talking about those stationary thing you can find in this level, not about the Mini-Turret Gun). So, if you enter an area with a turret, run towards it (use you charge boots), jump when near, and press [square] to knock the enemy on the turret away. Then get on, and blast away. You can't get hurt on the turret, so it's pretty easy. However, even when using the turrets you'll still have to beat a lot of enemies by yourself, with the wrench, and especially the Saur Beasts can be tough. If you take too much damage, return here once you've got the next upgrade of your wrench, some better health, and better armor. *** NOTE: If you can't get this skill point, even after a lot of tries, you're probably forgetting to walk to the Hoverbike Races first. As I explained in the F.A.Q. section of this document, you need to walk to the continue point near the Hooverbike Races, even though there aren't any enemies there. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Todano \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< You're my hero! >>> In the first area, a group of tourists will be walking. They will get attacked from time to time by Squirrels. To get this Skill Point, you have to make sure they all reach the end of the tour. Don't worry, you can keep trying if you fail, the Tourists will keep coming. It's really easy to get this point: first, clear out the area of all Squirrels. If you didn't get it now, return to the start, and follow the new group. There won't be any Squirrels now, and all you have to do is wait until the ten tourists reach the end. Simple. <<< Nothing to see here >>> Also in the first area, you will see four big rockets. To get this Point, you simply have to destroy all four of them. They can take a lot of damage, but they'll also give more than 500 bolts each, so you can but back the ammo you've spent on destroying them. You can also just use your wrench, of course. Stand near the rocket, go into First Person Mode, and rapidly press [Square]. <<< Try to Sleep >>> After getting the Sheepinator, go to an area where there are a lot of Squirrels. The first area's good, the mine field is too. Now, simply turn 16 Squirrels into sheep with the Sheepinator. They're really easy to turn, so it should be much of a problem. The best thing is to go to another planet first, and then return here. This way, you know for sure that there will be enough Squirrels, since they will respawn if you leave the planet. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Boldan \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< No shocking Developments >>> Grind the power cables to the end without taking any damage. Practice is all it takes. Pretty easy Point if you've got the hang of the grinding. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Snivelak \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Moving Violation >>> You have to shoot down 14 ships from the skies. The best spot to shoot ships is near the bridge. After defeating the boss, you'll be back at your ship. Use the Teleporter to get back to the bridge. The barrier behind you will now be gone, go past it and you'll come to a platform where the enemy ships will come straight at you. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. The Vaporizer works best. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Damosel \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Midtown Insanity >>> Easy: grind the train rails without taking damage. Really easy, since those Protopets are really easy to kill. You can use Synthenoids to make it even easier. If you know the jumps and stuff too, this Point shouldn't be any problem. <<< Safety Deposit >>> In the first room of the bank are four robots. To get this point, you have to make sure they all survive the attack from the Protopets and the robots. At the vendor, summon up some Synthenoids, and then climb up to the bank. If you hang from the ledge, so if you don't climb into the bank yet, the Extermibots won't appear. The Synthenoids will take care of all Protopets. After that, climb into the bank, and kill the couple of robots. Placing Turrets in the room also helps: this way you will avoid any 'friendly fire' (killing robots by accident). //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Grelbin \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// <<< Be a Moon Child >>> Like on the desert planet, you'll have to collect all the Stones. Hey, what can I say? If you can collect one Moonstone, you can collect 'em all. Determination and time is all it takes. When you approach the psych, the game will tell you how many Moonstones are still out there. There's 101 of them in total, by the way. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Miscellaneous \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// The last three Skill Points can't be found on a planet... <<< Weapon Envy >>> Buy all Weapons, and upgrade them all to Gold. This includes the Zodiac, RYNO II, and the R&C1 weapons, although you can't upgrade these. Since the enormous price of both the Zodiac and the RYNO II, I suggest you try to get this Point in Challenge Mode, because you'll have Bolt Multiplier there. If you choose to do it in Challenge Mode, know that you don't have to get Mega or Ultra upgrades to get the Point, and you don't need the Clank Zapper either. This Point takes a lot of time and money. <<< Nice Ride >>> Buy all upgrades for your ship. This does not include wings and noses, since these parts are only for show. You also don't have to get all the Paint Jobs. Just buy all of the Upgrades left of the noses and you should get it. Great Space Battles to get a lot of Raritanium in are the Ghost Ship Challenge and the Bandits on Gorn. You can also get much Raritanium on Tabora and Grelbin, by mining with the hovercraft. <<< Nano to the Max! >>> In total, you can get 80 Nanotech Slots. Seventy of them are gained by killing enemies, the other 10 can be found as Nanotech Boosts. To get this last Point, you have to get all 80 Nanotech slots. Takes time, nothing more. If you play Callenge Mode it will come to you almost automatically. ______ _ | ___ \ _ | | | | | | ____ ____ ___ | |_ ____ ____| | _ | | | |/ _ | _ \ / _ \| _)/ _ ) ___) || \ | | | ( ( | | | | | |_| | |_( (/ ( (___| | | | |_| |_|\_||_|_| |_|\___/ \___)____)____)_| |_| ______ (____ \ _ ____) ) ___ ___ ___| |_ ___ | __ ( / _ \ / _ \ /___) _) /___) | |__) ) |_| | |_| |___ | |__|___ | |______/ \___/ \___/(___/ \___|___/ #6NAN //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Endako \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// You will need the Infiltrator, found on planet Joba, to get this Boost. Go to the room of the second crane. You'll see a door with an Infiltrator panel next to it. The Infiltrator puzzle is quite tough, but you'll get it with some trying. Just try to remember the path. When you've got it, the door will open, and you can grab the Boost behind it. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Thugs Rendezvous \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Here you can find the first Nanotech Boost of the game. Getting it is easy: just fly into the big spaceship, the Boost's in one of the rooms. An easy way is to go straight from the start of the first challenge. You'll find the entrance into the ship almost straight ahead. Fly through the first corridor. You'll arrive at a central room, the Boost's right there. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Notak \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// You can get a Nanotech Boost at the end of the Promenade. It's impossible to miss. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Tabora \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// There's another boost on this planet. Go to the Hang Glider course. The Boost's on top of one of the towers you pass. It's on the fourth tower from the start. Just stay as high as you can, and you'll find it. Another way to get it is to float down from the ground above you. First, look into the big canyon and try to locate the Boost, and then drop off and glide to it. Downside is that you will always land in the lava with this method. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Dobbo \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Go to the Hang Glider Launch Pad in the facility. You'll see the Boost hanging in the air slightly to your left. Problem is, you can't immediately get it when you launch the Glider. You'll have to find a place to turn, then retrace your steps to get it. So, follow the Hang Glider course like you normally would. When you arrive in the last room (the one with all the diagonal beams and the lava), get near the wall on the right. Don't change your altitude. Just before you reach the first barrier of diagonal beams, make a very sharp left turn (in other words, press down the left arrow and don't let go). You should make the turn. If not, try moving more to the right before turning, or start turning earlier. The toughest part is still to come: the tunnel with the rotating rings in it. Normally you have to go down here, but now you have to go up, and the camera is really screwy here. You should wait until you're just in front of the vertical part, then press and hold up until you've risen far enough. After that, it's pretty easy. When you approach the room you've started in, gain altitude, and move slightly to the right. When you enter the room, move up and grab this tough Boost. Phew. For some tips on an easier route, check the Tricks section (#8 TRI, remove the space and search for it). //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Joba \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// You can get two Boosts on Joba: - In the Hoverbike Races, enter the third, fourth or fifth challenge. In the muddy, swampy area, turn right, and enter the narrow canyon (the first shortcut). The Boost will be in plain view, you can't really miss it. - Near the start, you'll have to use the Dynamo to cross the pit. When you've crossed the pit, you'll see a Boost behind another big door. Return to the entrance of the cave. On the outside, to the right of the entrance, there's another Dynamo panel on the rock wall. If you activate this one, the door in front of the Boost will open for a short time. So, activate this one, enter the cave and activate the other panel too, cross the pit, and enter the room on the right to get the Boost. You'll have to be fast, the Charge Boots can really help you to cross the pit quickly. It also helps to stand as close to the cave as possible before activating the Dynamo target outside. Use the [R3] button to aim for the target when you're really close to the entrance of the cave. This way you'll have plenty of time to get the Boost. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Todano \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// In the big rocket silo (at the west side of the map), there's an Infiltrator pad next to a door. It's hidden behind some crates. Play the Infiltrators mini-game, and you will activate an elevator. Ride it up, and walk around the rocket to find the Boost. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Boldan \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// This Boost appears on top of one of the fountains. Head south from the ship, and go right in the first building. The fountain with the Boost is right in front of you. Now, Aturian's guide told me that this Boost only appears every other hour. Since he's got the information from the official strategy guide, I have no reason to doubt this. When I found the Boost, it was 18.20 hours, so I guess the Boost only appear in even hours. If you can't find it, try coming back an hour later. I don't really get the theory, but you should find it if you keep trying. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Snivelak \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// The last Boost is pretty easy to see. From the start, swing to the west, and you'll see it on the roof of a building. To get there, build up some speed on the last swing (by pressing [up] and [down]), and then jump off and try to make it to the roof. It's not really easy to get onto the roof, but you'll get it if you keep trying. Try this: on your last swing to the roof, let go of the rope before you reach the highest point. Press [X] to float to the roof, and when near, perform a Hyper-Strike ([Square]) to get onto it. Works like a charm. //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\\ 7) Weapons & Gadgets \\-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-// #7WNG //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ a. Normal Weapons \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// #7NOR Normal Weapons are the weapons you can buy from the vendor. They're pretty weak at the start. Use them often to upgrade them to stronger weapons. The formatting of this chapter is like this: <<< Name of the Weapon >>> Where On what planet you first buy it or find it Cost Bolts required to buy the weapon Max. Ammo The maximum amount of ammunition the weapon can carry Ammo Cost The cost for one round of ammunition Ammo Packs How many rounds you'll find for this weapon in ammunition boxes Description Information on the weapon, plus my thoughts on it Upgrade To what Gold Weapon you can upgrade this weapon <<< Lancer >>> Where You have it from the start Cost 0 bolts Max. Ammo 200 Ammo Cost 1 bolt per round Ammo Pack 20 rounds per pack Description The Lancer is your standard gun. It acts like a machine gun, shooting multiple rounds per seconds. The shots don't do a lot of damage, but the high rate of fire makes it a useful weapon against small groups of enemies. Runs out of ammo fairly quickly. Upgrade Heavy Lancer <<< Gravity Bomb >>> Where You have it from the start Cost 0 bolts Max. Ammo 8 Ammo Cost 50 bolts per round Ammo Pack 1 round per pack Description This weapon works a lot like a grenade. When equipped, you will see a white circle on the ground in front of you, indicating the target. You can change the direction and distance of the throw easily in First Person View. Press [O] to throw it. It will explode, dealing a lot of damage to all enemies around the white circle. A direct hit often means instant death with most enemies, and enemies in the vicinity of the blast will also take damage. Upgrade Mini-Nuke <<< Chopper >>> Where First for sale on Oozla Cost 5,000 bolts Max. Ammo 35 Ammo Cost 4 bolts per round Ammo Pack 5 rounds per pack Description The Chopper fires a spinning blade, that will automatically swirl towards the nearest enemy. It will hit, spin away, then come back and hit again. It can do up to three hits before it disappears. Even though the blade is homing, you still need to fire it in the general direction of the enemy: if you fire it the other way, it will never hit your target. Tough to use, but very useful to decimate big groups of weak enemies from a distance. Upgrade Multi-Star <<< Blitz Gun >>> Where First for sale on Oozla Cost 15,000 bolts Max. Ammo 40 Ammo Cost 5 bolts per round Ammo Pack 4 rounds per pack Description This is the shotgun of the R&C universe. When you fire it, a large number of small bullets will blast in all directions. Very powerful at close range, but at long range its inaccuracy makes it pretty much useless. Still, this should be one of your main weapons. Upgrade Blitz Cannon <<< Pulse Rifle >>> Where First for sale on Endako Cost 20,000 bolts Max. Ammo 8 Ammo Cost 50 bolts per round Ammo Pack 1 round per pack Description A standard sniper rifle. You have to go into First Person View to shoot. You can zoom in and out with the right shoulder-buttons. A very powerful weapon, capable of taking down big enemies from a distance. Unfortunately, the gun's very slow, which makes it completely useless for direct combat. Another downside is the low ammo capacity. Upgrade Vaporizer <<< Mini-Turret Glove >>> Where First for sale on Endako Cost 25,000 bolts Max. Ammo 20 Ammo Cost 15 bolts per round Ammo Packs 2 rounds per pack Description With this Glove, you can throw down a small turret, that will automatically fire at enemies. The turret will disappear after a while. Quite useful for clearing an area of dangerous enemies: enter the room, throw down some Turrets, and retreat while the Turrets do the work for you. Easy to use, but the damage isn't that big. It works best against big groups of smaller enemies. Upgrade Mega-Turret Glove <<< Seeker Gun >>> Where First for sale on Barlow Cost 5,000 bolts Max. Ammo 25 Ammo Cost 20 bolts per round Ammo Packs 5 rounds per pack Description When you shoot a Seeker shot, it will automatically charge to the nearest enemy, and explode on impact. It deals some good damage, and because of the auto-aim, it's very easy to use. Just remember to upgrade it soon, because the Seeker Gun is too weak on later planets. It's also a bit too slow for direct combat. Upgrade HK22 Gun <<< Synthenoid >>> Where First for sale on Notak Cost 65,000 bolts Max. Ammo 12 Ammo Cost 100 bolts per round Ammo Packs N/A (you'll never find Synthenoid ammo) Description When you 'fire' this weapon, four small robots will appear around you, and they'll open fire on nearby enemies. They'll disappear when they're out of ammo. It's a cool way to get some protection, but it's not too useful. The Synthenoids can't do a lot of damage versus bigger enemies. Still, they're a great way to keep a group of pesky Blade Balls away. Each 'shot' costs 4 ammo, so you can only use it three times before you have to return to the vendor. Upgrade Kilonoid <<< Lava Gun >>> Where First for sale on Todano Cost 25,000 bolts Max. Ammo 200 Ammo Cost 1 bolt per round Ammo packs 20 rounds per pack Description The Lava Gun shoots a stream of hot lava in the direction of your enemies. The problem with this gun is that the stream is lava is pretty tough to control. The lava's slow, and the range is pretty short. One of the toughest weapons to use, in my humble opinion. If you're good with it, it can be a great crowd-controlling weapon. Upgrade Meteor Gun <<< Bouncer >>> Where First for sale on Todano Cost 100,000 bolts Max. Ammo 25 Ammo Cost 50 bolts per round Ammo Packs 5 rounds per pack Description Quite a large price tag, but really worth it. It shoots a big bomb, that will explode on contact. It will explode into a dozen of smaller bombs, that can each do a nice deal of damage to the surrounding enemies. I'd say it's the perfect weapon to use against a crowd of enemies: simply throw a Bouncer in the group, and watch them suffer. Nice ammo capacity too. Upgrade Heavy Bouncer <<< Minirocket Tube >>> Where First for sale on Dobbo Cost 50,000 bolts Max. Ammo 20 Ammo Cost 50 bolts per round Ammo Packs 5 rounds per pack Description Another great weapon. Basically, it's just a rocket launcher, but when you see the damage it can do, you won't care about the lack of originality anymore. Great with the Lock-On mod. The high damage and the great ammo capacity make it one of the best weapons for the later levels. Upgrade Megarocket Cannon <<< Spiderbot Glove >>> Where First for sale on Joba Cost 15,000 bolts Max. Ammo 8 Ammo Cost 50 bolts per round Ammo Packs 1 round per pack Description Pretty useless. You can activate a small spider with this gun. You can then control the spider. With [O] you can make it explode, dealing damage to the enemy. The damage is pretty good, but there just aren't many occasions where you'll want to use it. Still, you have to buy it to get a couple of Platinum Bolts. Upgrade Tankbot Glove <<< Plasma Coil >>> Where First for sale on Joba Cost 150,000 bolts Max. Ammo 15 Ammo Cost 50 bolts per round Ammo Packs 5 rounds per pack Description An electric rifle. It deals a good deal of damage to the direct target, and from this target electricity can jump to nearby enemies. Enemies that are hit by this electricity take some damage too. Pretty useful, but nothing out of the ordinary. Upgrade Plasma Storm <<< Hoverbomb Gun >>> Where First for sale on Todano Cost 120,000 bolts Max. Ammo 10 Ammo Cost 50 bolts per round Ammo Packs 2 rounds per pack Description If you keep [O] pressed after firing this weapon, you can control the bomb you've just fired with the left analog stick. You can then let it explode when the bomb gets near an enemy. Useful? Sometimes, but the gun's much too hard to use. If the distance between you and your target becomes more than 50 meters, the bomb's almost impossible to manoeuver to the right spot. Sweet damage, though. Upgrade Tetrabomb Gun <<< Sheepinator >>> Where On Todano, inside the armory Cost 0 bolts (you find it) Description An absolutely wonderful weapon. Aim it at an enemy, and keep [O] pressed down to change the dangerous enemy into a completely harmless sheep! The stronger the target, the longer it takes to 'sheepinate' him, so it's best to use this weapon against big groups of small enemies. The weapon doesn't require any ammo either. And the upgrade is even sweeter... Upgrade Black Sheepinator <<< Shield Charger >>> Where First for sale on Aranos Revisited Cost 100,000 bolts Max. Ammo 5 Ammo Cost 100 bolts per round Ammo Packs N/A (you'll never find Shield Charger ammo) Description Creates a shield around you. The shield protects you from damage, and hurts every enemy that touches it. When the shield takes too much damage, it disappears. Useful when you're low on health and you don't want to get hit. When you're up against small enemies, you can kill them by touching them with the shield. Downside is the little ammunition. Upgrade Tesla Barrier <<< Zodiac >>> Where First for sale on Aranos Revisited Cost 1,500,000 bolts Max. Ammo 4 Ammo Cost 10,000 bolts per round Ammo Packs 1 round per pack Description Look at the price tag...Something this expensive should be the best weapon ever, right? Well, not really. All it does is instantly kill every enemy on the screen. You could have done the same thing with just your normal weapons, and it would have been much more fun too. Don't get me wrong, the Zodiac is a great weapon, but it's just not worth the money. If you do have a lot of bolts, spend them on the RYNO II instead. Upgrade None <<< Clank Zapper >>> Where Only in Challenge Mode Cost 1,000,000 bolts Max. Ammo 30 Ammo Cost 100 bolts per round Ammo Packs 5 rounds per pack Description When you use a Clank Zapper, Clank will start zapping enemies. It works much like the Kilonoids, really. Only thing is, this weapon sucks. The pattern of the zaps is completely irregular, the zaps do pathetic damage, and it's not clear at all how long one shot lasts. Plus, it's frigging expensive, and it's really NOT worth the money. And now for the good news: you don't need it for the 'Weapon Envy' Skill Point, so you can spend your million on something better. Upgrade Clank Shocker <<< RYNO II >>> Where In the 'Antique Shop' on Barlow Cost 1,000,000 bolts Max. Ammo 100 Ammo Cost 50 bolts per round Ammo Packs 20 rounds per pack Description Another very expensive gun, but unlike the other '1,000,000+' weapons, this gun is worth every last bolt. It allows you to shoot at multiple enemies at a time. It shoots blue bolts, that do a lot of damage to the enemies. Basically, you can charge to a big group of strong enemies while spraying the RYNO, and they'll be gone before you can say 'Rip Ya a New One'. Got to love it. Upgrade None //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ b. Gold Weapons \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// #7GOL When you use a normal weapon a lot, it will upgrade to the Gold version. Power will increase, along with other things like the name, the looks, and sometimes also things like ammo capacity and ammo cost. The formatting is like this: <<< Name of the Weapon >>> Upgrade of What weapon this is the upgrade of Max. Ammo The maximum amount of ammunition this weapon can carry Ammo Cost The cost of one round of ammunition Ammo Packs How much ammunition you'll find in ammo boxes for this weapon Description Information on the weapon and my thoughts on it Upgrading Some tips on upgrading the weapon <<< Heavy Lancer >>> Upgrade of Lancer Max. Ammo 300 Ammo Cost 1 bolt per round Ammo Packs 25 rounds per pack Description The Heavy Lancer has a higher rate of fire, a higher ammo capacity and it does more damage. A fabulous weapon against large groups: spray it during the Arena Battles and the numerous enemies will disappear in mere seconds. Useless later in the game. Upgrading You should upgrade the Lancer as fast as you can. Since the Lancer will probably be your main weapon in the first few levels, this shouldn't be too much of a problem. Try to get it before the first Arena battles to make these a lot easier. <<< Mini-Nuke >>> Upgrade of Gravity Bomb Max. Ammo 8 Ammo Cost 50 Ammo Packs 1 round per pack Description It works the same way as the normal Gravity Bomb, but it's just a lot stronger. A great way to clear out big groups of enemies. The weaker enemies will all die in the blast, the stronger enemies will be weakened, so that you can easily take them out with other weapons. Upgrading Use you Gravity Bomb as much as you can. Throw it in the middle of large groups of enemies, and watch the upgrade bar fill. The Gravity Bomb will suffice for most of the combat on the first few planets, but you should have upgraded it by the time you head to Notak. <<< Multi-Star >>> Upgrade of Chopper Max. Ammo 35 Ammo Cost 4 bolts per round Ammo Packs 5 rounds per pack Description Stronger than the Chopper, of course. This time, the blade will split in two after hitting the first target. The two parts can each do some major damage too. The damage done is pretty good, but it still remains an awkward weapon to use. I mainly use it to take out some enemies from a distance. In actual combat, it's too slow and too hard to aim. Upgrading Since you probably won't use the Chopper a lot, it might take some time to upgrade it. Not that you really need the Multi- Star, but still, it looks better to have an upgrade. If you don't want to use it in normal combat (can't blame you for that), take the Chopper to the Maktar Arena, and fight the Endurance Challenge with just the Chopper. This way, the upgrade bar will fill up pretty fast. Again, you don't really need the Multi-Star. <<< Blitz Cannon >>> Upgrade of Blitz Gun Max. Ammo 40 Ammo Cost 5 bolts per round Ammo Packs 4 rounds per pack Description I was sort of disappointed in this upgrade. I guess it's because the Blitz Gun already had such great power. The Cannon is stronger, sure, but not THAT much stronger. Still, it makes a formidable weapon against most opponents. Like the Blitz Gun, you should only use it at close range. A shot from less than a meter almost always means a certain death to your enemy. At 5 meters, the stronger enemies can survive it, and at 10 meters and more it does hardly any damage. Upgrading You'll probably use the Blitz Gun a lot, so it shouldn't take long before you get the upgrade. If it still goes too slow for you, take the Blitz Gun to the Arena and fight for a while there. <<< Vaporizer >>> Upgrade of Pulse Rifle Max. Ammo 8 Ammo Cost 50 bolts per round Ammo Packs 1 round per pack Description An awesome sniper rifle. THE way to take out strong enemies from a distance. Don't waste the little ammo you have on small enemies though. The shots will now also explode on impact, so you might have a chance of hurting enemies around your target too. The weapon lacks power in later levels, and the small ammo capacity is also a downside. Upgrading The best place to seriously start upgrading the Pulse Rifle is on Barlow. Whenever you see a Saur Beast in the distance, shoot it with the Pulse Rifle. You'll see the upgrade bar filling up in no time. You can also do this on other planets: just snipe the strongest enemies from a distance. Not tough to upgrade. <<< Mega-Turret Glove >>> Upgrade of Mini-Turret Glove Max. Ammo 20 Ammo Cost 15 bolts per round Ammo Packs 2 rounds per pack Description This time, the turrets will shoot rockets. This makes it a lot more powerful, and thus a lot more useful. Same tactics apply as for the Mini-Turret Gun: throw down a couple in a crowded room, then stand back and enjoy the fireworks. Not always really useful, but it definitely has it good moments. Upgrading Let the Mini-Turrets loose in a room filled with small enemies, and watch the upgrade bar fill itself. Make sure you have the upgrade before heading to Siberius, because the Mini-Turrets are much too weak in later levels. <<< HK22 Gun >>> Upgrade of Seeker Gun Max. Ammo 25 Ammo Cost 20 bolts per round Ammo Packs 5 rounds per pack Description The Gold Version of the Seeker Gun will shoot three homing missiles at a time. Each missile is about double as strong as the Seeker Gun's missiles. This makes it a great weapon for both big groups of small enemies, and for small groups of big enemies. Easy to use, and pretty powerful, so one of the better weapons out there. Upgrading The Seeker Gun isn't tough to upgrade, but you have to remember to use it often in the first levels, because it's too weak in later levels. If you use it on Saur Beasts on Barlow, you shouldn't have too much of a problem with getting the upgrade. <<< Kilonoid >>> Upgrade of Synthenoid Max. Ammo 12 Ammo Cost 100 Ammo Packs N/A (you'll never find Kilonoid Ammo) Description Again, four small robots will start floating around you. This time, they can shoot rockets too, and their normal guns do much more damage. They also seem to have more ammo, so it takes longer before they disappear. A pretty cool weapon, great to protect yourself against groups of small enemies. Each 'shot' requires four ammo, so you can only use it three times. Upgrading Getting the Kilonoids is pretty tough. Try to use the Synthenoids against lots of enemies on Barlow, and maybe some planets after that too: the enemies are still weak enough for the Synthenoids to handle them, and they give reasonable experience. <<< Meteor Gun >>> Upgrade of Lava Gun Max. Ammo 200 Ammo Cost 1 bolt per round Ammo Packs 20 rounds per pack Description The same goes for the Meteor Gun as went for the Lava Gun: strong, tough to use, and a short range. I don't like the gun, but that's probably just because I don't know how to use it. If you somehow figure out how it works, you'll have a great weapon. It shoots small meteors too now. The Lock-On Mod will greatly Increase its range, the Acid Mod will multiply the damage it does. Upgrading If you like the Lava Gun, you'll use it a lot, and the upgrade will come soon. If you don't like the Lava Gun, you won't like the Meteor Gun either, so it's not really worth upgrading. <<< Heavy Bouncer >>> Upgrade of Bouncer Max. Ammo 25 Ammo Cost 50 bolts per round Ammo Packs 5 rounds per pack Description I love this one. It's exactly the same as the Bouncer, only stronger, much stronger. The bombs are bigger, and they do a lot more damage. The best weapon against big crowds of enemies. Shoot one, and watch the bombs rip apart every enemy. The Acid Mod makes it even better. Upgrading If you're like me, you love the Bouncer, and so it shouldn't be tough to upgrade it. The Bouncer works in every situation, whether you're up against a lot of small enemies or one big enemy. <<< Megarocket Cannon >>> Upgrade of Minirocket Tube Max. Ammo 25 Ammo Cost 20 Ammo Packs 5 rounds per pack Description Another really cool weapon. You can now fire charged shots: if you keep [O] pressed down, and release it after a few seconds, you can shoot up to 4 rockets at once. Great against big enemies. Lock-On mod is really useful too. Another great thing is the reduced ammunition cost. Worth a quick-select position. Upgrading You should upgrade the Tube at least before you head to Snivelak. Use it against all stronger enemies. Having the Gold Version will make Snivelak a lot easier. If you don't have the upgrade yet when you arrive at the Thug HQ, then you can probably upgrade it by defeating Thugs, Tanks and Helicopters. <<< Tankbot Glove >>> Upgrade of Spiderbot Glove Max. Ammo 8 Ammo Cost 50 bolts per round Ammo Packs 1 round per pack Description Take control of a small tank, and blast away your foes without exposing Ratchet to damage. This time the robot can shoot, so it can do a lot more damage than the spider. It has decent firepower, and it can be pretty useful sometimes. Still, I hardly ever used it, just because there aren't too many situations in which you want to use it. Ratchet needs to take cover, and the enemy can't be on a lower or higher ledge. When you find a situation where you can use it, don't hesitate. Upgrading To get the upgrade pretty fast, you should try using the Spiderbots on big enemies that give a lot of experience. For example, you can go to the bridge on Snivelak, and blast way the tanks and Thugs with the spiders. Keep doing this for a decent amount of experience in a relatively short time. <<< Plasma Storm >>> Upgrade of Plasma Coil Max. Ammo 15 Ammo Cost 50 bolts per round Ammo Packs 5 rounds per pack Description Just like the Coil, only a lot more effective. It has the Shock effect built in, so if you hit an enemy with a shot, enemies around it will take damage too. This makes it really useful against groups of small enemies. On single enemies the shock effect is completely useless, and the weapon does less damage than other Gold weapons like the Megarockets. Upgrading Use the Coil against large groups of medium enemies. Think along the lines of the Tribesmen on Joba, the Protopets, or the Troopers in many other levels. Don't wait too long with upgrading, since the Coil is completely useless on later planets. <<< Tetrabomb Gun >>> Upgrade of Hoverbomb Gun Max. Ammo 10 Ammo Cost 50 bolts per round Ammo Packs 2 rounds per pack Description This time you can shoot 5 remote-controlled bombs with one shot. The bombs are still tough to control at long range, but they do quite impressive damage. I'm in doubt about this one, really. The controls suck, it's hard to use, but the damage is good, especially with the Acid Mod. You should judge for yourself. Upgrading If you really want to, upgrading the Hoverbomb Gun shouldn't be a problem. Just fire it at the strongest enemies from a distance. It shouldn't have much of a problem with Troopers and RoboGuards. <<< Black Sheepinator >>> Upgrade of Sheepinator Description Oh my god, this weapon rocks! Just like with the Sheepinator, you can turn enemies into sheep. But with the upgrade, you'll turn them into black sheep. These black sheep will walk up to another enemy, and explode, dealing massive damage. Also, when you've created a black sheep, all other enemies will focus their attacks on the sheep instead of on you. The perfect weapon against big crowds. Use it on Damsel, and the Protopets will become a piece of cake. Upgrading Simply use the Sheepinator against big crowds of small enemies. Again, the Protopets are a great choice. <<< Tesla Barrier >>> Upgrade of Shield Charger Max. Ammo 8 Ammo Cost 100 bolts per round Ammo Packs N/A (you'll never find Tesla Barrier ammo) Description The Tesla Barrier is one of the most useful weapons in the game. It will zap enemies that come close to you, and it will surround you by a green shield that blocks all damage. The shield will disappear when it takes too much damage, or when it has zapped a lot of enemies. The zapping function is great against small enemies like the Protopets. Use it when you don't want to receive any damage. Upgrading Killing with the Shield Charger is tough, since the enemies need to be touching the shield to receive damage. Your best bet is to go to a place with a lot of weak enemies. Activate the shield, and walk around while touching the enemies. Keep repeating this until you get the upgrade. Tough to upgrade, but it's worth it. <<< Clank Shocker >>> Upgrade of Clank Zapper Max. Ammo 30 Ammo Cost 100 bolts per round Ammo Packs 5 rounds per pack Description Well, the shocks are more powerful than the zaps of the Zapper, and the weapon's a bit faster now, but it still sucks. Why use this if you can use the Tesla Barrier instead? It's much stronger, and it has a shield to boost. Clank can now also shoot enemies behind you. Woohoo. Upgrading Getting the upgrade for the Zapper is one of the most annoying things you'll ever do. It involves jump around an enemy, waiting for the stupid thing on your back to zap the baddie. You can also just use it, and then switch back to your normal weapons, and hope the Zapper will take out one or two enemies, but this way is even slower than the other way. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ c. Ratchet and Clank 1 Weapons \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// #7RC1 On Barlow, you can buy some weapons from the original Ratchet and Clank. I've excluded the RYNO II, since it wasn't in R&C1. <<< Bomb Glove >>> Cost 1,000 bolts Max. Ammo 40 Ammo Cost 5 bolts per round Ammo Packs 5 rounds per pack Description Throw a bomb to your enemies. Much, much weaker than the Mini-Nuke, so pretty much useless. <<< Visibomb Gun >>> Cost 15,000 bolts Max. Ammo 20 Ammo Cost 20 bolts per round Ammo Packs 4 rounds per pack Description Guide your missile to its target. The strongest old weapon, but still completely useless because of the lack of power. Even the Lancer does more damage. <<< Decoy Glove >>> Cost 5,000 bolts Max. Ammo 20 Ammo Cost 10 bolts per round Ammo Packs 4 rounds per pack Description Throw down a blow-up version of Ratchet. Enemies will focus their fire upon this doll, at least until it's destroyed, which is pretty quickly. The most useful weapon of the pack, at least until you get the Sheepinator: the sheep will act as a primary target for the enemies, just like the doll. <<< Tesla Claw >>> Cost 8,000 bolts Max. Ammo 300 Ammo Cost 1 bolt per round Ammo Packs 50 rounds per pack Description Shoot electricity at your enemies. Comparable to the Lava Gun and the Plasma Coil, but of course much weaker. <<< Walloper >>> Cost 8,000 bolts Description Punch your enemies with this giant fist. Doesn't require ammunition, but that's the only good thing about the weapon. The wrench is much stronger. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ d. Weapon Modifications \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// #7MOD There are three illegal Mod-Shops to be found: 1. On Endako, at the end of the short rail track. 2. On Tobara, a couple of meters north from the town, look for a small pole with a button. 3. On Barlow, at the end of the Power Cables. Here you can buy modifications for your weapons. You pay with Platinum Bolts. There are three kinds of modifications: 1. Lock-On Mod. If a weapon has this mod, you can lock onto an enemy by pressing [L2] and [R2] at the same time. When you're locked onto an enemy, you'll see a bigger crosshair around it. A ring in this crosshair will also show you the health of this enemy. 2. Acid Mod. When you hit an enemy, it will be poisoned, and it will keep loosing health for a short period of time. 3. Shock Mod. When you hit an enemy, bolts of electricity will shoot to the enemies around your target, dealing damage to them too. Each weapon can have a maximum of two modifications. You'll never see Acid Mod and Shock Mod on one weapon. I've listed the Mods, the weapons that can have them, then the price (in Platinum Bolts) you have to pay, and in the rightmost column I've listed in which Mod-Shop you can buy the upgrade for the first time. (Note: if the Lancer can have Lock-On Mod, it means the Heavy Lancer can have it too). Mod Type Weapon Cost Planet -------- ------ ---- ------ Lock-On Mod Lancer 3 Tabora Gravity Bomb 1 Endako Chopper 1 Endako Blitz Gun 1 Endako Seeker Gun 1 Endako RYNO II 1 Any Lava Gun 1 Boldan Bouncer 1 Tabora Minirocket Tube 2 Boldan Plasma Coil 1 Boldan Hoverbomb Gun 1 Boldan Acid Mod Gravity Bomb 2 Endako Chopper 2 Tabora Blitz Gun 2 Tabora Lava Gun 2 Boldan Bouncer 3 Boldan Minirocket Tube 2 Tabora Spiderbot Glove 2 Boldan Plasma Coil 2 Boldan Hoverbomb Gun 3 Boldan Shock Mod Lancer 2 Endako Pulse Rifle 1 Tabora Mini-Turret Glove 2 Tabora Seeker Gun 1 Endako Costs of the upgrades vary, but in total they cost 40 Platinum Bolts, so you can get every modification. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ e. Mega Weapons Price List \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// #7MEG In Challenge Mode (after completing the game once), you can buy Mega Upgrades for your Gold Weapon. These expensive upgrades will make your weapon a lot stronger. When you've got a Mega Weapon, you can upgrade it to Ultra by fighting with it a lot. This is the price list for the Mega Weapons. Heavy Lancer 150,000 Mini-Nuke 1,500,000 Multi-Star 150,000 Blitz Cannon 375,000 Vaporizer 400,000 Mega-Turret Glove 550,000 HK22 Gun 200,000 Kilonoid 450,000 Meteor Gun 200,000 Heavy Bouncer 350,000 Megarocket Cannon 650,000 Tankbot Glove 375,000 Plasma Storm 750,000 Tatrabomb Gun 1,250,000 Tesla Barrier 250,000 //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ f. Gadgets \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// #7GAD Here's a list of the various gadgets in the game. I've listed them in the order you'll get them. Here's what the format looks like: <<< Name >>> Type There are several types of gadgets: - Hand Gadgets, like the Swingshot, need to be equipped and then used with [O] - Hacking Gadgets (Electolyzer and Infiltrator) can't be equipped. When you can use them, you have to press [triangle]. - Feet Gadgets are boots. The Gravity and Grind Boots will automatically be equipped when you need them. If you don't need either, the Charge Boots will be equipped. - Backpacks. The Helipack and the Thruster Pack. You can choose between them, but there's hardly any difference. - Automatic Gadgets can't be equipped, and you can't actively use them. Take the Armor Magnetizer for example: you can't use it, because it works automatically Where On what planet can you find the gadget How to get What you must do to get this gadget Description How it works <<< Tractor Beam >>> Type Hand Gadget Where Planet Oozla How to get Buy it from the nutty professor for 1,000 bolts Description With this handy, low-priced gadget you can move certain objects. You can easily recognize the objects you can move: they have an orange circle on one or more side. To activate the Beam, press [O]. You can then move the object around. When it's in position, press [O] again to deactivate the Beam. <<< Dynamo >>> Type Hand Gadget Where Oozla How to get After the fight with the Swamp Monster, and just before you enter the Megacorp store, you can find it near the entrance. Description When you've equipped this gadget, you can activate certain platforms and other things. When you see a green/silver panel, you know you can use the dynamo there. Press [O] when near to activate the panel's function. This might be a platform that appears, or a door that opens. The duration of the effect is limited, so after a while the platform disappears and the door closes. <<< Electrolyzer >>> Type Hacking Where Maktar resort How to get Win the first Arena Battle Description This handy gadget can activate certain panels. This has several functions. For example, a bridge might appear, or you will repair the vehicle next to the panel. To activate a panel, you have to play a short mini-game. You'll see a grid, with a number of blue energy bits moving around. In the center are some connectors. You can rotate these with [O]. You have to align the connectors with the bits that approach. This sounds complicated, but when you try it you'll get the hang of it in no time. Just be sure to pay attention to the whole grid, so a sneaky bit doesn't get you by surprise. If you fail, you can try again as many times as you like. <<< Swingshot >>> Type Hand Gadget Where Endako How to get You'll find it in Clank's apartment Description The Swingshots make its return in R&C2. On a lot of planets, you can find green floating balls. Fire your Swingshot at it to pull yourself up to the ball. There are two other balls besides the normal green one. If a green ball has got yellow lights on it, you can use it to swing. If the ball has got blue lights, you can pull it towards you. Especially the swinging might take some practice. <<< Grind Boots >>> Type Feet Gadget Where Endako How to get You'll find it in Clank's apartment Description Like in R&C1, the Grind Boots are used to...grind. In various levels you'll run across rails. Jump on them to start grinding. While grinding, you can jump with [X], you can jump sideways, and you can use your wrench or any other weapon you have selected. The Grind Boots are automatically equipped when you jump onto a rail. <<< Helipack / Thruster Pack >>> Type Backpacks Where Endako How to get Rescue Clank and he'll attach himself to your back Description These two packs allow you to make Stretch Jumps, Boost Jumps, and to float. The difference is that the Helipack is slower but easier to control. <<< Hydropack >>> Type Backpack Where Endako How to get Rescue Clank, he comes equipped with this pack Description You can't equip this third backpack. It's automatically equipped when you jump into the water. While in the water, press and hold [R1] to swim a lot faster. <<< Thermanator >>> Type Hand Gadget Where Barlow How to get Go north from the ship until you find a frozen guy. Break the ice, and buy the Thermanator from him for 1,000 bolts. Description The Thermanator can melt ice and freeze water. Simply aim at the water/ice, and press and hold [O]. When the bar on the right is full, the water will be frozen and the ice will be melted. <<< Momentum Glider >>> Type Automatic Where Tabora How to get Go to the southwest from the little town, and follow this path until you find the Glider. Description On some planets, you'll find a pad from where you can launch the Glider. While gliding, you mustn't hit anything, because it will make you spin and fall. <<< Levitator >>> Type Automatic Where Joba How to Get Follow the path to the Arena. Just before you'll get there, you have to buy the Levitator from the shady guy for 20,000 bolts. Description Here and there you'll find blue Levitator Pads. Stand on them, and press and hold [X] to launch the levitator. You'll only get a limited amount of fuel each time, so often you have to reach the next ledge as quickly as possible. <<< Gravity Boots >>> Type Feet Gadget Where Joba How to get Win the first Arena Battle Description On various planets you'll find sloped metal paths. The Gravity Boots allow you to walk over them. With these boots you can walk on vertical surfaces, or even upside-down. <<< Box Breaker >>> Type Automatic Where Oozla How to get After getting the Gravity Boots, return to Oozla and go to the Megacorp store. Find the sloped path, and walk up. Now you have to defeat a second Swamp Monster. See the walkthrough for Oozla for tactics. When you beat the monster, you'll get the Box Breaker. Description From now on, whenever you perform a Hyper Strike ([X] + [Square]), all breakable objects around you will break. <<< Infiltrator >>> Type Hacking Where Joba How to get Win the second Arena Battle Description A variation to the Electrolyzer, the Infiltrator can hack certain pads. You'll have to play a mini-game to succeed in the hacking. You'll see a big ball, with one blue spot. The green lines leading from this starting spot indicate directions you can move to. When you move to a next spot, you'll get some new choices. The object is to get back to the starting spot. There's only one possible route each time, the rest is all dead ends. You're on a time limit, so you have hurry. The bar on the right shows how much more steps you have to take to get to the goal. <<< Charge Boots >>> Type Feet Gadget Where Joba How to get Win the first Hoverbike race Description With these boots equipped, you can charge ahead by double tapping and then holding [R1]. You'll move a lot faster this way. After a while you'll slow down. Be careful not to charge over a cliff. <<< Armor Magnetizer >>> Type Automatic Where Todano How to get First, get the Qwark action figure from the plumber on Aranos Revisited. Now, go back to Todano and find the Qwark fan-boy (he's near one of the Platinum Bolts). Give him the action figure to receive the Armor Magnetizer. Description When you have this item, you'll pick up bolts from a bigger distance. Whoopie. <<< Mapper >>> Type Automatic Where Damosel How to get Defeat the Alien Mothership on the moon with Giant Clank Description The Mapper will show you hidden locations on your maps. If you look at your map, you'll see green spots here and there. These are hidden rooms, and you can find a Platinum Bolt or a Nanotech Boost there. A great way to find all collectables if you don't want to use this FAQ too much. <<< Hypnomatic >>> Type Hand Gadget Where Smolg / Damosel / Grelbin How to get You need to find three parts: 1. On Smolg, at the end of the Distribution Facility 2. On Damosel, at the end of the Train Rails 3. On Grelbin, trade it for 16 Moonstones with the psych When you've got them all, return to Damosel, and have the Hypnotist assemble the gadget. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ g. Armor \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// #7ARM You can buy four upgrades for your armor at special Armor Vendors. I've listed them here, along with the planet you can first buy them on, their cost, and the percentage of damage they reduce. <<< Tetrafiber Armor >>> Where Dobbo Cost 25,000 bolts Damage Reduced by 33% <<< Duraplate Armor >>> Where Boldan Cost 100,000 bolts Damage Reduced by 50% <<< Electrosteel Armor >>> Where Snivelak Cost 250,000 bolts Damage Reduced by 66% <<< Carbonox Armor >>> Where Grelbin Cost 1,000,000 bolts Damage Reduced by 90% //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ h. Ship Upgrades \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// #7SHI This list was made by Rik Smit. It shows all ship upgrades and their Raritanium Costs. Triple Boost Acceleration Engine 15 Allows you to use your boosters much longer Fusion Laser Cannons 30 Stronger version of your initial Laser Cannon Electro Mine Launcher 10 Shoot mines that will damage all surrounding enemies Mega-Mine Launcher* 20 Much stronger mines, the effect will last longer too Fast-lock Missile Launcher 20 When misseles are equipped, it takes less time to lock onto an enemy Torpedo Launcher 10 Launches a strong but completely incontrolable missile Multi-Torpedo Launcher* 20 Launch multiple torpedo's at once, does a lot of damage on big targets Advanced Shielding System 20 Shield upgrade; allows you to get up to two shield parts Ultra-Charge Shielding System* 40 Shield upgrade; allows you to get all three shield parts Nuclear Detonation Device 60 Shoot a nuke that will kill every enemy in a big area Hyperspace Warp System 45 Warp throguh space for small distances; use by pressing [R2]+[L2] All noses 5 Change the looks of the nose. Does not change performance All wings 5 Change the looks of the wings. Does not effect performance All paintjobs 5 Give your ride a nicer color The items marked with an * are upgrades for the item above it, and can only be bought when you have that other item. //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\\ 8) Extras & Secrets \\-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-// #8ESC In this chapter I'll talk about the various secrets, extras and unlockables that R&C2 features. ______ _ _ _ ______ _ / _____) | | | | | ___ \ | | | / | | _ ____| | | ____ ____ ____ ____ | | _ | | ___ _ | | ____ | | | || \ / _ | | |/ _ ) _ \ / _ |/ _ ) | || || |/ _ \ / || |/ _ ) | \_____| | | ( ( | | | ( (/ /| | | ( ( | ( (/ / | || || | |_| ( (_| ( (/ / \______)_| |_|\_||_|_|_|\____)_| |_|\_|| |\____) |_||_||_|\___/ \____|\____) (_____| #8CHA First and foremost, what IS Challenge Mode? Well, after you've finished the game once, you get a choice: you can either go back in time to just before the final boss battle, or you can enter Challenge Mode. If you choose the latter, you'll play through the whole game again. You will keep all the weapons, bolts, Skill Points, Platinum Bolts and Nanotech, as well as your Charge Boots, Mapper, Box Breaker and Armor Magnetizer, but there are a couple of differences. <<< Tougher Enemies >>> All enemies can do a lot more damage, and they have more hit-points too. This makes them much harder to kill with the weapons you currently have. Normal weapons will be almost useless, and even Gold weapons will have trouble with enemies in later levels. Luckily, it's possible to upgrade your weapons... <<< Mega and Ultra Weapons >>> When you have a Gold Weapon, you can upgrade it to Mega at the vendor. These Mega Upgrades usually cost a lot of money. When you upgrade it, the ammunition capacity and the power will increase. The name, the looks and the way it works will stay the same. I'll include a price-list for the Mega Upgrades here: Heavy Lancer 150,000 Mini-Nuke 1,500,000 Multi-Star 150,000 Blitz Cannon 375,000 Vaporizer 400,000 Mega-Turret Glove 550,000 HK22 Gun 200,000 Kilonoid 450,000 Meteor Gun 200,000 Heavy Bouncer 350,000 Megarocket Cannon 650,000 Tankbot Glove 375,000 Plasma Storm 750,000 Tetrabomb Gun 1,250,000 Tesla Barrier 250,000 There are some weapons that can't have a Mega Upgrade: the Black Sheepinator, the Zodiac, the RYNO II, and the Clank Shocker. The Mega Weapons are much stronger, but against some of the strongest enemies in the later levels they will still lack power. You can upgrade the Mega Weapons to Ultra to make them much stronger. Again, power and ammo will change, the rest stays the same. You can upgrade Mega Weapons to Ultra simply by fighting with them. When you buy a Mega Upgrade, you'll see another upgrade bar in the top left corner of your screen. It will go up when you kill enemies with the weapon, just like it did with the normal weapons. When the bar is full, you'll get the Ultra Upgrade. This is the ultimate version of the weapon, it doesn't get more powerful than this. The weapons from R&C1 can be upgraded to Mega, but they don't have an Ultra upgrade, so Mega is their ultimate form. When you look at the price list above, it must seem really expensive. Luckily, you can make a lot of Bolts in Challenge Mode... <<< Bolt Multiplier >>> When you kill enemies in Challenge Mode, the Bolt Multiplier will go up. You can see the Bolt Multiplier in the top right corner of the screen. It will start at 1X (you don't see it then), and the maximum it can reach is 20X. As said, kill enemies to increase the multiplier. The multiplier does increase in Arena Battles too, but only very slowly. When you're hit by an enemy, the Multiplier will go back to 1X. When you die in any other way, like by falling off a cliff, the Multiplier won't reset. So, what does it do? Well, it increases the number of Bolts you get by killing enemies. You should know that when you have the Multiplier at 20X, you won't get 20 times as much bolts from the enemy. It's pretty complicated to explain, I'll save you details. Fact is, that you will get much more bolts with a high Multiplier. There's one restriction: it only works on bolts that are dropped by enemies. The Multiplier won't have any effect on bolts in crates, or bolts you get by destroying objects. So, a high Multiplier allows you to get a lot of Bolts, needed to buy those expensive Mega Upgrades. Also, the price money for all the maxi-games (Arena Battles, Racing, Space Battles) will increase tenfold, so it's possible to get several millions of bolts in mere hours. _____ _ (_____) (_) _ ____ ___ ___ ____ ____ _ ____ ____ | | | _ \ /___)/ _ \| \| _ \| |/ _ |/ ___) _| |_| | | |___ | |_| | | | | | | | ( ( | ( (___ (_____)_| |_(___/ \___/|_|_|_|_| |_|_|\_||_|\____) ______ | ___ \ | | _ | |_ _ ___ ____ _ _ ____ | || || | | | |/___)/ _ ) | | | \ | || || | |_| |___ ( (/ /| |_| | | | | |_||_||_|\____(___/ \____)\____|_|_|_| #8INS If you've looked around some R&C2 forums, chances are you have already heard of the famous Insomniac Museum. I'll tell you how to get there, and a little bit about the things you can see there. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ How to get there \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// There are three ways to get to the Museum. 1. The 'Official' way. First, go to Boldan. From your ship, head south, into the building with the Thugs. Turn left in this building, and you'll be in a little park. Straight ahead from the doorway you came from, there's a dry fountain. If you look on top of it, you'll see something that looks like an inactive teleporter. This teleporter only becomes active once a day, at 3.00 am. You have to be an insomniac to be there. But rest assured, you don't need to stay up until 3.00 am. You can simply change the internal clock of your PS2. If you look south from the fountain, you'll see a big clock that displays the time. Alright, here's what you should do: turn on your PS2 without a disc in it, and go to the menu. Change the time of the clock to 2.55 am (or a little earlier or later, if you want to). Now put R&C2 in the PS2, start it up, and head to Boldan. Here, quickly fight your way past the bunch of Thugs, and head to the fountain. Wait until the big clock on the clock tower is at 3.00 am. A bell will chime, and the teleporter on top of the fountain will become active. Use it to warp to a small room. Here you first have to fight off a bunch of Thugs. Use the second teleporter here to warp to the Museum. Thanks to all the guys on the GameFAQs board for discovering this. 2. The 'Glitch' way. Thanks to JBaker for submitting this glitch. If you don't want to change your PS2's clock for some reason, you can utilize a glitch to get to the museum. Start grinding the power cables. just before you get to the first construction site (with the steel beams), get onto the left power cable, and hit the thingie at the end of the cable (an insulator I believe it's called). As soon as you hit it, press jump, and then perform a heli-glide to your left, towards the city. You should be able to make it onto a part of the street you normally can't enter. Made it onto the street? Wonderful! Follow the street around until you find a small building. If you had stayed on the power cables, you would have passed underneath it. When you arrive at the big garage door in front of it, turn left and go around the corner. After a couple of meters, turn right and try to walk into the building. You now should fall into the ground. Yes, INTO the ground. This is the glitch everyone has been talking about. You're now about 1 meter under the ground, and you can move around freely. Walk so that you're under the floor of the small building, and then jump up. You should be able to jump into the building. Watch out, because the same Thugs as in method 1 are waiting for you. Kill them, and use the right teleport to get to the Museum. 2b. Same glitch, different route. Thanks to Rik Smit for this method. You need to be in Challenge Mode to be able to pull it off. Follow the normal route you took when you tried to get to the robotic Fizzwidget. Just before the elevator that will take you up to the Armor Vendor, you'll pass through a small building filled with Thugs. Before that building there's a big square, with some Thugs behind shields. This is where you need to be. After clearing the area of enemies, stand near the building, facing it, and then turn right. You should see a glass wall consisting of four panels. Go into First Person Mode, then walk to the glass wall and climb over it using the Wall-Climb trick: stand near the glass wall, double jump, and then keep mashing [Square] until you reach the top of the wall. Press forward when you're near the top to get over the wall. You're now in the street I mentioned at the other method. Make your way through the building described in method 2, and get in using the same glitch. 3. The 'Shortcut' method. After you've beaten the game, you can choose to enter Challenge Mode. In this replay game, you can now enter the 'Shortcuts' menu in the 'Special' menu. Here you'll find a list of all maxi-games you've visited. You can immediately warp to any of the spots. The Insomniac Museum will be on the list too, but only after you've visited it for the first time. So the Shortcut method is only good for revisiting the Museum. You'll still have to use 1 or 2 to get there the first time, and the Museum only appears in the list after getting all collectables (this inclused the Weapon Modifications). //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ The Insomniac Museum \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// So, you've flown to that earth-like planet, and you've entered the Museum. Now, what there's to do? Well, a lot. You can listen to comments of the developers, you can drive around in small cars, you can walk on almost every wall, you can see things that didn't make it into the game, and, best of all, you can design your own gunshots and explosions. On the back wall you'll find an Electrolyzer pad. This is the toughest Electrolyzer puzzle in the game, so good luck to you. When you've finally beaten this puzzle, the doors to the balcony will open up. From here, you can see a big pink tower: the testing tower. Use the small teleporter to warp into the tower. Here you can walk up some steeped slopes (to discover that the maximum angle is 45 degrees), you can do some wall jumping, and you can climb some blocks. You can only get to the top by using the Wallclimb trick, that I'll describe below, but there's nothing to see there. When standing on the balcony from where you see the pink tower, jump over the rail and walk on the edge, going right. Jump around the column that blocks your way, and you'll arrive at a big open place with a very big metallic path. This is the metallic tower, you can climb it and try to get to the roof. There are more hidden things, read below. All in all, you might be disappointed in the Museum, because there's not much to do except from seeing stuff (just like in a real museum). Still, it's one of those places that you have to visit, just for the fun of it. Some hidden things that are hard to see: - In the pink tower, there's a hole in the wall near the 80 degrees ramp. If you send a Visibomb through this hole, and then go slightly right, to the clouds, you'll see the Electrolyzer grid. - From the Magnetic Tower, zoom in on a spot in the clouds, and you'll see a space-ship. - Beneath the balcony behind the Electrolyzer puzzle is an info-point that does nothing at all. There's another one of these. Have fun exploring the other hidden things in the Mudeum. Big thanks to the people at the GameFAQs board for a lot of this info. _ _ _ ______ | | (_) | | | ___ \ \ \ ____ ____ ____ _ ____| | | | _ | | ____ ____ _ _ \ \| _ \ / _ ) ___) |/ _ | | | || || |/ _ ) _ \| | | | _____) ) | | ( (/ ( (___| ( ( | | | | || || ( (/ /| | | | |_| | (______/| ||_/ \____)____)_|\_||_|_| |_||_||_|\____)_| |_|\____| #8SPE |_| In the Special Menu you can find cheats, movies, and a lot of unlockables. I'll go over the contents in this chapter. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Cheats \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// The 'cheats' are really cheats, since they don't help you in any way. For example, there isn't a God Mode cheat, there are only cheats that make the game look cooler or funnier. Cheat codes are unlocked by getting a number of Skill Points. I'll state the number of Points you need for the cheat next to it. - Ratchet has a big head 5 Skill Points - Ratchet in a Tux 7 Skill Points - Clank has a large noggin 10 Skill Points - Levels are mirrored 12 Skill Points - Actors have oversized craniums 15 Skill Points - Ratchet shows his funny side 20 Skill Points - Enemies have massive domes 25 Skill Points - Beach Boy 30 Skill Points - Snow Dude 30 Skill Points //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Skill Points \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Here you can see a list of all Skill Points. You'll get the location of each point. When you've got the Point, you'll get a short description of what you had to fo to get it. There are 30 Skill Points in total, here you can see how many you have. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Movies \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Here you can watch several movies, including game cinematics and credits. - Cinematics. Here you can watch all cut-scenes from the game again. The scenes are unlocked as you progress through the game. There's also a special video, that gives you information about your Commando Suit. - Credits. Simply watch the credits (without the cut-scenes in between). Unlocked from the start. - Cancelled US Commercials. Some hilarious commercials for R&C2 that never made it to TV. Maybe that's because the budget is somewhere around zero dollars ^_^ - Sketchbook. Sketches from the designers of R&C2. 'Credits' and 'Sketchbook' are unlocked by getting to Challenge mode. For the commercials, you need to be in Challenge Mode too, and you must have all Platinum Bolts, Skill Points, and Weapon Modifications. There's also a 'Making of' movie, but it's not in the PAL version... //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Short Cuts \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// This menu only opens up in Challenge Mode. You can use it to warp to any of the maxi-games instantly. You have to have been to the game at least once to unlock it in the Shortcuts menu. So, for example, the Insomniac Museum won't be in the list unless you've already been there. Theses are the locations you can warp to: - Maktar Arena - Vukovar Hoverbike Race - Megacorp Games Hoverbike Race - Megacorp Games Arena - Thugs-4-Less Battle Sphere - Giant Clank battle on Test Facility Moon - Giant Clank battle on Allgon Moon - Insomniac Museum //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Random Stuff \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// In this menu you can play some nice little games, and you can see some pretty funny pictures. The menu is opened in Challenge Mode, but you still have to unlock three of the five things yourself. - Clank's day at Insomniac. A hilarious photo-report of Clank (and all other R&C characters) visiting Insomniac. Unlocked by getting all weapons, fully upgraded, and with all weapon modifications, and all Platinum Bolts. - Sheep Blaster. Space Invaders with sheep. Only fun with two players. Unlocked by getting all Skill Points. - Space-ish Wars. Like Asteroids, only with sheep. Again, only fun with two players. Unlocked from the start. - Paintings. Some beautiful paintings of R&C2. Unlocked from the start of Challenge Mode. - Endorsement Deals. A couple of commercials in the R&C2 universe. Pretty funny stuff. Unlocked by getting all weapons, fully upgraded, and with all modifications, and all Platinum Bolts. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ First Person Mode \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// In Challenge Mode, you can choose to enter First Person Mode. Now R&C2 will play like a first person shooter. Strafe with the left diagonal stick, look around with the right. The two left shoulder buttons become fire buttons. Although it might take some time to get used to it, FPM can be pretty useful. For example, dodging the Trooper's shots is much easier in the first person. _______ _ _ (_______) (_) | | _ ____ _ ____| | _ ___ | | / ___) |/ ___) | / )/___) | |_____| | | ( (___| |< (|___ | \______)_| |_|\____)_| \_|___/ #8TRI A list of tricks, including the famous wall-climbing trick! If you've got any more suggestions, especially for the Bolt Tricks, please email me. The chapter will include the following tricks: - Wall-Climb Trick - Float Trick - Bolt Tricks - Raritanium Trick - Weapon Upgrade Trick - Dobbo Nanotech Boost Trick //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Wall-Climb Trick \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// The Wall-Climb trick allows you to scale any vertical wall. It's the only way to get to the top of the pink tower in the Insomniac Museum. Thanks to all the people at the GameFAQs Board for telling me about it. First of all, finish the game once. You'll now get the choice to go into Challenge Mode, do so. When you enter Challenge Mode, the last three items in the 'Special' menu are unlocked. One of these three is the 'First Person Mode' option, that allows you to play the whole game in First Person. Stand near a wall, and go into First Person Mode. Face the wall, standing about one foot away from it (not too close). Now double-jump. At your highest point, press [Square]. You'll perform a Comet Strike, in other words, you'll throw your wrench like a boomerang. It hits the wall, and bounces back. Immediately press [Square] again, and keep pressing [Square] in a very rapid tempo. If you're doing it right, you'll climb up the wall! //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Float Trick \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// This one is much like the Wall-Climb Trick. you also need to have access to the First Person Mode. Enter FPM, and look down at the ground. Double-Jump, and press [Square] at your highest point. Keep pressing [Square] in a very rapid tempo. If you're doing it right, you will keep floating about two meters above the ground! It looks awesome, unfortunately it's not as useful as the Wall-Climb Trick. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Bolt Tricks \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// You want to make a lot of bolts? Read on for a trick. <<< Nuke Trick >>> The best way to make a lot of bolts really fast is the Nuke Trick. For preparation, you first have to buy the Nuclear Detonation Device (short: Nuke) for your ship. This weapon allows you to win some space missions in mere seconds. So, if you keep winning these missions over and over again, you'll get a lot of prize-money really fast. With the Nuke you can win around 10 challenges per minute. There are three challenges that work with the Nuke Trick: - Challenge 2 (Space Wasps) of the Feltzin System - Challenge 3 (Ace Pilots) of the Feltzin System - Challenge 2 (Fight the Bandits) of planet Gorn The last option is the best, since it will give you the most bolts when you win. So, go to Gorn, select Challenge 2, select the Nuke, and fire straight forward. If done right, all ships will be destroyed in one blast. If not, try adjusting your aim next time until you've got it. Make sure no ship survives the blast, so the fight will be over in a couple of seconds. Now, collect the prize-money, and repeat the proces over and over again, until you have enough bolts. <<< Dam Trick >>> Submitted by Rutger Tuller. "Easy bolts can be gained on Todano. Go to the upper part of the dam (take the elevator at the end of the guided tour). Here perform the hyperstrike while walking over the dam. You'll recieve many bolts (few thousand) in a few seconds this way. At the end jump off the dam to kill yourself. You'll spawn at the beginning of the dam and you can do the whole thing over again. Only thing to watch out for are the squirrels." Of course, you have to have to Box Breaker to pull this one off. <<< Receiver Bot Trick >>> Submitted by RallySportEv. First, go to Damosel. "First, after you land go into the first dome that has the Vendor and the yellow taxi car. Jump on the yellow taxi car and it will prompt you to 'Return To Park Dome'. Do it. When it stops, hop off and go over to the blocked off, barred entrance with the robot standing behind the bars. Inside this area on the left is a trash can that Protopets exit out of. To the right is a small pond and a larger attack robot on the other side of pond and the statue is on that side also. Ratchet is no longer able to enter this area, HOWEVER, he can still hynotize the small robot for 30 seconds. I hynotize the robot and then go into the room and avoid shooting the trash can. Instead I stay on the left side of the room and shoot Protopets. In 30 seconds you can earn from 1500 to 3000 bolts depending on how quickly you can shoot Protopets and then gather up their bolts left behind before the robot self-destructs. When he does, just repeat the step. Walla! Lots of bolts!" <<< Protopet Trick >>> Thanks to the several people who came with this. Go to Damosel, and go into the street with all the Protopets. Kill them, then continue. Soon, you'll have to swing over a big gap. As you land, equip your Black Sheepinator, and start blasting at the Protopets here. Don't 'sheepinate' too many at once, you might kill them all. Just keep a few alive, and let the other sheep kill each other. Keep doing this to gain a lot of bolts in a short time. It workes even better in Challenge Mode. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Raritanium Trick \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// Need a lot of Raritanium really fast? Rik Smit told me a trick that will give you hundreds of Raritanium within minutes. First, collect enough Raritanium by mining or fighting to buy the Nuclear Detonation Device (Nuke). Got it? Then go to the Thugs Rendezvous map, and play the first challenge. At the start, quickly fire the Nuke straight ahead. With some luck, you'll take out all enemies in one shot. If one survives, restart the challenge. If you succeed in killing all enemies in one blow, you'll go to the second wave. But here's the trick: at the end of the first wave, you'll automatically collect all Raritanium that's still floating around. So, when the game shows you a cut-scene of the second wave of enemies, you should see your Raritanium counter jump up. In one wave you should be able to collect over 10 Raritanium. So, that's all there is to it: Start challenge, kill all enemies in one shot with the Nuke, automatically collect 10+ Raritanium at the end of the wave, restart as soon as you enter the second wave. You can really get sick amounts of Raritanium in no time at all. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Weapon Upgrade Trick \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// This is a trick sent in by Monkey Man. It's a great way to upgrade those weapon you hardly ever use. Note, that even though Money Man only tells about Challenge Mode, this trick also works in the normal mode. "I had quite a hard time upgrading some of the weapons and wanted them upgraded before entering Challenge mode. I found that the bosses in Challenge Mode to give insane experience points. So take a powerful weapon and keep attacking the boss until it has very little health left then pull out the weapon than you want upgraded and defeat the boss. For example I had never used the Syntheniod before (I had bought it before and never liked it so I didn't save my game) and upgraded it using it only twice. All I did was defeat the giant slime creature on the first level and the helicopter guy on Endako and it upgraded. This is a great strategy for weapons that just don't want to upgrade no matter how hard you try. (i.e. the stupid lava gun)" //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ Dobbo Nanotech Boost Trick \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// This is the trick that allows you to get the Nanotech Boost on Dobbo without flying through the whole course. Try it out, it might be easier than flying the normal route. The orginal Chuck Eggers Method: Instead of flying all the way to the end, you can turn in the first room with the diagonal beams. You have to pull up sharply, until you pull into a complete stall. Then, you might be able to turn the Hang Glider, and make your way back. It's easier...if you can pull it off. I tried it, and it didn't really work for me, but I guess that's just something personal. It's worth a try. This is Rik Smit's and Jorgen Munck's tactic: In the first room, with all the diagonal beams, fly OVER the first big 'X' (normally you'd go under it). You have to pull up sharply to get over the X, and you will slow down because of that. When you're past the first big X, raise a couple of more meters and fly over the second X. After passing this second X, steer to the right for a second, then steer sharply to the left. You should be able to make the turn, and fly back to the start. You don't have to change your altitude for this one. //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\\ 9) Monster List \\-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-// #9MON Here's a list of all enemies in Ratchet and Clank 2. The formatting looks like this: <<< Name >>> Looks How the enemy looks, some info about its attacks Health How much health this enemy has Defense How good this enemy's defense is Toughness How tough it is to defeat this enemy Damage How much damage the enemy does Planet Where you can find the enemy The Health, Defense, Toughness and Damage stats are based on the Monster Encyclopedia in the game. The stats are based on a 0 to 45 scale. Right now, you might be wondering: 'Why 45?'. Well, if you go to the Monster List in the game, each of these four stats will have a bar next to it. This bar indicates how big that stat is: for a monster with high health, the 'Health' bar will be almost full. Now, when I discovered this Monster Encyclopedia, I wanted to include these stats in my FAQ. I measured the length of the whole bar, it was 13,5 centimeter. Then, when I started measuring up the stats themselves, I found out that the light blue part of the bar always was 0.3 centimeter, or 0.6, or 1.2. So, all stats were a multiple of 0.3 centimeter. Now, for some math: 13.5 divided by 0.3 is...45! So, that's how I came to the 0 to 45 scale. //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ a. Normal Monsters \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// #9NOR Here's a list of all non-boss enemies in the game. <<< MSR v1.0 >>> <<< Blade Ball >>> Looks Spider-like robot armed Looks Small floating ball with chainsaw or with red lights flamethrower Health 4/45 Health 2/45 Defense 4/45 Defense 2/45 Toughness 3/45 Toughness 2/45 Damage 2/45 Damage 2/45 Planet Aranos (first time) Planet Aranos (first time) Maktar Resort Maktar Resort Siberius <<< Mutant Muckdweller >>> <<< Mutant Swamp Beast >>> Looks Much like frog, small Looks Resembles a big mutated and brown snail Health 2/45 Health 6/45 Defense 0/45 Defense 4/45 Toughness 2/45 Toughness 4/45 Damage 2/45 Damage 2/45 Planet Oozla Planet Oozla <<< Mutant Fireflies >>> <<< Thugs-4-Less Brute >>> Looks Small, yellow fly Looks Lizard-like creature, armed with a big gun Health 2/45 Health 5/45 Defense 0/45 Defense 4/45 Toughness 2/45 Toughness 5/45 Damage 2/45 Damage 4/45 Planet Oozla Planet Maktar Resort <<< Megacorp Chickenbot >>> <<< Megacorp Gladiator >>> Looks A robotic chicken Looks Big, green gladiator, armed with a flail Health 2/45 Health 5/45 Defense 1/45 Defense 4/45 Toughness 2/45 Toughness 4/45 Damage 3/45 Damage 4/45 Planet Maktar Resort Planet Maktar Resort Notak Aranos Revisited <<< Megacorp Sweeper Bot >>> <<< Megacorp Laser Bot >>> Looks Small robot, its three Looks Bigger robot, sweeps arms are rotating the area around it with around it a red laser Health 2/45 Health 6/45 Defense 2/45 Defense 6/45 Toughness 3/45 Toughness 5/45 Damage 3/45 Damage 4/45 Planet Endako Planet Endako <<< Megacorp Rivet Bot >>> <<< Vukovar Tribesmen >>> Looks Big robot, shoots with Looks Primitive warrior armed two small guns with a sword Health 8/45 Health 4/45 Defense 8/45 Defense 3/45 Toughness 6/45 Toughness 4/45 Damage 5/45 Damage 4/45 Planet Endako Planet Barlow <<< Barlowian Saur-Beast >>> <<< Cute Hound of Cuddly Death >>> Looks Giant, purple beast Looks Small, cuddly dog Health 10/45 Health 2/45 Defense 1/45 Defense 0/45 Toughness 9/45 Toughness 3/45 Damage 7/45 Damage 3/45 Planet Barlow Planet Barlow <<< Thugs-4-Less Henchmen >>> <<< Thugs-4-Less Attack Ship >>> Looks Like the Brute, but Looks Small ship that fires with a different gun balls of fire Health 9/45 Health 11/45 Defense 0/45 Defense 11/45 Toughness 7/45 Toughness 9/45 Damage 6/45 Damage 8/45 Planet Notak Planet Notak <<< MSR v2.0 >>> <<< Mutant Sandfly >>> Looks Spider-like robot with Looks Small, brown fly a chainsaw or a flame- thrower Health 9/45 Health 2/45 Defense 9/45 Defense 0/45 Toughness 8/45 Toughness 3/45 Damage 6/45 Damage 4/45 Planet Siberius Planet Tabora <<< Desert Dune Monster >>> <<< Spitting Dune Crawler >>> Looks Gigantic round monster, Looks Red lizard-like creature, hides under the sand Shoots poisinous clouds Health 16/45 Health 9/45 Defense 13/45 Defense 8/45 Toughness 13/45 Toughness 8/45 Damage 9/45 Damage 6/45 Planet Tabora Planet Tabora <<< Megacorp Trooper >>> <<< Megacorp Sentinel >>> Looks Red robot armed with Looks Floating robot, reacts two guns attached to when you walk under it its arms Health 11/45 Health 12/45 Defense 11/45 Defense 12/45 Toughness 9/45 Toughness 11/45 Damage 8/45 Damage 8/45 Planet Dobbo Planet Dobbo Todano Yeedil <<< Megacorp Hover Tank >>> <<< Megacorp Security Turret >>> Looks Big tank Looks Small turret that creates moving lasers Health 16/45 Health 6/45 Defense 16/45 Defense 6/45 Toughness 11/45 Toughness 7/45 Damage 6/45 Damage 8/45 Planet Dobbo Planet Dobbo Yeedil <<< Blade Ball v2.0 >>> <<< Joba Tribesmen >>> Looks Floating ball, with Looks Primitive warrior, armed green lights and deadly with a sword or a laser blades cannon Health 6/45 Health 11/45 Defense 6/45 Defense 9/45 Toughness 5/45 Toughness 9/45 Damage 5/45 Damage 6/45 Planet Dobbo Planet Joba Joba <<< Jobian Saur-Beast >>> <<< MSR v3.0 (chainsaw) >>> Looks Big, purple beast Looks Spider-like robot armed with a chainsaw Health 19/45 Health 15/45 Defense 6/45 Defense 15/45 Toughness 14/45 Toughness 10/45 Damage 9/45 Damage 6/45 Planet Joba Planet Joba Aranos Revisited <<< MSR v3.0 (flamethrower) >>> <<< Nidbot >>> Looks Spider-like robot armed Looks Small robot that looks with a flamethrower like a spider Health 15/45 Health 11/45 Defense 15/45 Defense 9/45 Toughness 10/45 Toughness 9/45 Damage 8/45 Damage 6/45 Planet Joba Planet Joba Aranos Revisited <<< Elite Megacorp Gladiator >>> <<< Chickenbot v2.0 >>> Looks Big, green gladiator Looks Robotic chicken, brown armed with a flail Health 14/45 Health 6/45 Defense 14/45 Defense 6/45 Toughness 10/45 Toughness 5/45 Damage 6/45 Damage 5/45 Planet Joba Planet Dobbo Todano Boldan Damosel Smolg <<< Megacorp Robot Guard >>> <<< Mutant Test-Squirrels >>> Looks A big robot that shoots Looks Small, angry squirrel with a giant cannon Health 19/45 Health 8/45 Defense 19/45 Defense 0/45 Toughness 19/45 Toughness 7/45 Damage 16/45 Damage 6/45 Planet Todano Planet Todano Smolg <<< Thugs-4-Less Elite Henchmen >>> <<< Thugs-4-Less Brute Class II >>> Looks Lizard-like creature Looks Lizard-like creature, has with a big gun got red armor Health 13/45 Health 19/45 Defense 10/45 Defense 16/45 Toughness 11/45 Toughness 16/45 Damage 9/45 Damage 13/45 Planet Boldan Planet Boldan Snivelak Snivelak <<< Megacorp Hover Tank v2.0 >>> <<< Attack Chopper >>> Looks Big tank Looks Helicopter shooting green bolts of energy Health 26/45 Health 28/45 Defense 26/45 Defense 28/45 Toughness 16/45 Toughness 19/45 Damage 9/45 Damage 10/45 Planet Snivelak Planet Snivelak <<< Two-Headed Smolgian Snapper >>> <<< Grulch >>> Looks Creature with two heads Looks Small, purple Health 14/45 Health 6/45 Defense 10/45 Defense 4/45 Toughness 12/45 Toughness 6/45 Damage 10/45 Damage 7/45 Planet Smolg Planet Smolg <<< Protopet >>> <<< Extermibot >>> Looks Blue, furry pet Looks Big robot, attacks with electricity or gas grenades Health 6/45 Health 14/45 Defense 0/45 Defense 14/45 Toughness 8/45 Toughness 11/45 Damage 10/45 Damage 9/45 Planet Damosel Planet Damosel Grelbin Yeedil <<< Arctic Leviathan >>> <<< Y.E.T.I >>> Looks Big snake-like creature, Looks Angry Bigfoot, punches hides under the ice with its claws Health 37/45 Health 23/45 Defense 0/45 Defense 0/45 Toughness 30/45 Toughness 18/45 Damage 23/45 Damage 12/45 Planet Grelbin Planet Grelbin <<< Receiver Bot (all 3 versions) >>> Looks Small brown robot Health 10/45 Defense 10/45 Toughness 9/45 Damage 9/45 Planet Damosel Grelbin Yeedil //-----------------------------------------------------------------\\ b. Bosses \\-----------------------------------------------------------------// #9BOS A description of every boss in the game, plus a short tactic. For a more detailed tactic, check the walkthrough. <<< Swamp Monster I >>> Looks A giant swamp monster. Only its head and two tentacles stick out of the swamp. Health 14/45 Defense 2/45 Toughness 9/45 Damage 4/45 Planet Oozla Tactic Its only attack is slapping you with its tentacles. You can easily see when he's about to strike, so with a little bit of practice, you should be able to dodge his slaps every time. His health is pretty low. Just use your Lancer, and fire at it while strafing. Piece of cake. <<< Swamp Monster II >>> Looks Like the first swamp monster, only bigger. Health 27/45 Defense 2/45 Toughness 18/45 Damage 9/45 Planet Oozla Tactic You'll fight this one in a big swamp, where you have to walk over floating platforms. The monster will try to slap you with its tentacles, it will try to eat you, and it will throw blobs of swamp gas at you. All attacks are easily avoided by simply keeping your distance. Run away from it, then turn around, fire a couple of shots, and keep running. Don't stand still too long, and he won't hit you. The problem with this guy is his high health. Get some decent weapons before you try the fight, because otherwise you might have an ammunition shortage. <<< Chainblade >>> Looks A giant gladiator armed with two swords. Health 22/45 Defense 18/45 Toughness 14/45 Damage 5/45 Planet Maktar Arena Tactic This guy has two attacks. He can run to you, and slash with his two swords. This attack can easily be avoided if you just keep running away from him. For the other attack, he'll start floating in the air, and he will fire sparks at you with his swords. To dodge these, jump just before he shoots. The sparks will always hit the ground, so you're safe in the air. To kill him, simply equip your strongest weapon, wait for him to come down to the ground, and then blast away while strafing away from him. <<< B2 Brawler >>> Looks A giant, walking brain. Health 29/45 Defense 29/45 Toughness 18/45 Damage 6/45 Planet Maktar Resort Tactic When it's walking, it will shoot purple balls at you. Keep moving, and jump in the air from time to time to dodge these. After a while he'll get down on the ground, and he'll start spinning towards you. Don't get hit by the legs, and don't get knocked off the arena, since you'll have a lot of trouble getting back up. When he's spinning, strafe away from him while constantly firing your weapon. Probably the toughest of the Arena bosses. <<< Thugs-4-Less Helicopter >>> Looks A normal helicopter. Health 28/45 Defense 23/45 Toughness 16/45 Damage 6/45 Planet Endako Tactic It has three attacks: it can fire missiles at you, it can fire its normal guns, and it can release bolts of electricity. All three attacks are pretty easy to dodge. Take cover behind the blocks around the ring, but be careful, since the missiles can destroy these blocks. Use strong weapons. The Seeker gun works great, the Chopper is a good second. Shouldn't be too much of a problem. <<< Unknown Thief >>> Looks The masked thief, flying around on a Hover Board. Health 27/45 Defense 25/45 Toughness 19/45 Damage 9/45 Planet Siberius Tactic The key to victory is speed. If you wait too long with defeating the Thief, he will dispatch all kinds of other enemies that can seriously harm you. So, it's best to be quick. Summon some Synthenoids, Throw down some turrets, and then start blasting the Thief with your strongest gun. When the Thief summons some monsters, keep your fire focussed on him. If you're quick enough, the other enemies won't even have the time to hurt you. <<< Megapede >>> Looks A huge snake, composed of a lot of segments. Health 32/45 Defense 32/45 Toughness 22/45 Damage 12/45 Planet Joba Tactic Megapede will often drop small bombs on the arena floor. These will explode when they get near you. Keep walking and you shouldn't get hit by these things too often. Use your Minirocket Tube to damage Megapede. when you hurt the snake, it will loose one of its segments. This segment drops onto the arena floor and starts firing at you. You have to kill it before you can continue fighting the boss. When Megapede is down to three segments, it will stop releasing segments until you have completely killed him. You'll then have to fight the three last segments, once they're gone too, you've won. <<< Arachnoid >>> Looks One big nasty robotic spider Health 27/45 Defense 27/45 Toughness 19/45 Damage 11/45 Planet Joba Tactic You fight this guy in the cage. It will often drop down some Nidbots, but you shouldn't be bothered by this. If you keep moving, the little spiders won't hit you. Arachnoid also uses an electricity attack. To kill the thing, simply blast away with the Minirocket Tube. The spider jumps away when you throw a Mini-Nuke to him, so don't bother. <<< Mutant Protopet >>> Looks A black, big and ugly mutated Protopet Health 45/45 Defense 0/45 Toughness 37/45 Damage 28/45 Planet Yeedil Tactic The main attack of the final boss is rolling towards you. If it hits you, you'll be squashed and you can't move for some seconds. When the boss eats an item on the arena floor, he'll throw up some things. This can be a cloud of small bombs, some Protopets, or some fire. Hit it with all you got. When you've damaged it enough, it will break down to the next floor, which is filled with Troopers. When he's down to about 1/3 of his health, he'll smash down again. The bottom floor is surrounded by Tanks. Keep blasting the thing until it's gone. Use the RYNO II to win the fight in mere seconds. //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\\ 10) Puzzle Solutions \\-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-// #10PZ In this chapter you can find a short in-depth FAQ on all the Electrolyzer and Infiltrator puzzles. It was written by Rik Smit, and it's used here with his permission. -----< Electrolyzer and Infiltrator Solutions >----- To find a certain puzzle quickly, press Ctrl + F, and enter the code next to the puzzle you need (for example E01) and press Search to go there. <<< Table of Contents >>> 1. The Electrolyzer 2. The Infiltrator 3. Explanation for the Electrolyzer solutions 4. Explanation for the Infiltrator solutions 5. Normal puzzles A. Maktar Nebula Electrolyzer E01 Electrolyzer E02 B. Endako Electrolyzer E03 Electrolyzer E04 Electrolyzer E05 Electrolyzer E06 C. Barlow Electrolyzer E07 D. Dobbo Electrolyzer E08 E. Joba Infiltrator I01 F. Todano Electrolyzer E09 Infiltrator I02 Infiltrator I03 G. Aranos Infiltrator I04 H. Smolg Electrolyzer E10 Infiltrator I05 I. Grelbin Infiltrator I06 Infiltrator I07 J. Yeedil Infiltrator I08 6. Special puzzles K. Endako Infiltrator I09 L. Todano Infiltrator I10 M. Insomniac Museum Electrolyzer E11 In chapter 5 and 6 are only the planets with an Electrolyzer and/or an Infiltrator puzzle. If a planet is not in the list it will not have either of these puzzles. For each puzzle it will give the location and what you have to repair or open and underneath that is the solution. >>> 1. The Electrolyzer <<< The Electrolyzer can be obtained on Maktar Resort, where it is the prize for the first challenge in the Battle Arena. When you stand in front of an Electrolyzer target you will see a message which says that you have to press [triangle] to activate the Electrolyzer. Once activated you will see a grid with a number of switches and several moving sparks. Some of the switches are open and others are closed. By pressing [Circle] you can flip all the switches on the grid from open to closed and from closed to open. When a spark enters a closed switch this switch will disappear from the grid, but when a spark hits an open switch the puzzle stops. You will then have two choices. You can press [Circle] to go back to the start or you can press [triangle] to quit the Electrolyzer puzzle. There are 11 Electrolyzer puzzles in the game. >>> 2. The Infiltrator <<< The Infiltrator can be obtained on Planet Joba, where it is the prize for the second challenge in the Battle Arena. To activate the Infiltrator you have to stand on the small green circle on the floor in front of the Infiltrator target on the wall. You will then see a message which says you have to press [triangle] to activate the Infiltrator. Once activated you will see a big sphere where you have to connect a line from the start back to the start within a certain amount of time. On the right of the screen you will see how many steps there are in total and the correct steps will be represented by lights on this line. On the left you see a timer bar which gets lower as time goes by. You have to select which path you take choosing from 1-3 possibilities using the left analog stick [L3]. Every time you have selected the right path you will earn a little extra time. When the timer runs out before you are back at the start the line will backtrack to the beginning and you can start again or you can press [Triangle] to quit the Infiltrator puzzle. There are 10 Infiltrator puzzles in the game. >>> 3. Explanation for the Electrolyzer solutions <<< Every time a spark enters a closed switch you will hear a sound and the closed switch and the spark will disappear. I will use the following notation for the solutions for the Electrolyzer puzzles. When you have to press [Circle] the symbol will be "O" The symbol for a spark entering a closed switch will be "." Example: A puzzle with 5 switches The solution can be: . O . O . . O . This means you first hear the sound, you press [Circle], you hear the second sound, you press [Circle] again, you then hear the third and fourth sound before you press [Circle] for the last time. The last sound is always a louder sound and all the remaining sparks will start racing through the grid. This means you have repaired the broken item. As well as hearing the sounds you will see the sparks entering the closed switches. >>> 4. Explanation for the Infiltrator solutions <<< There are 2 possible views when you play the Infiltrator puzzle. | \ | / They are: - . - and - . - (either 4 paths or 8 paths) | / | \ I have used the following notations for each of the directions. U UL U UR | \ | / L- . -R L- . -R | / | \ D DL D DR U = Up D = Down L = Left R = Right UL = Up Left UR = Up Right DL = Down Left DR = Down Right Example: A puzzle with 6 steps The solution can be: L - DR - D - UR - R - UR This means you have to press the left analog stick [L3] Left, Down Right, Down, Up Right, Right and finally Up Right to arrive back at the start. If you have done this before the timer runs out the door or gate will open. >>> 5. Normal puzzles <<< A. Maktar Nebula: 2 Electrolyzer puzzles Electrolyzer puzzle E01. When you have obtained the Electrolyzer and you leave the Arena you will arrive on a small platform where you have to repair a bridge. (7 switches): . O . O . O . . O . O . Electrolyzer puzzle E02. After you have repaired the first bridge you will have to repair the second bridge to get back to your ship. (9 switches): O . O . O . O . O . O . O . . O . B. Endako: 4 Electrolyzer puzzles Electrolyzer puzzle E03. From your ship you go left. There is a door which you have to repair. (9 switches): . O . O . . O . . O . . O . Electrolyzer puzzle E04. After puzzle E03 you have to repair the first Crane controls. (9 switches): . O . O . O . . O . . O . O . Electrolyzer puzzle E05. After puzzle E04 you have to repair the second Crane controls. (9 switches): O . O . . O . O . . O . O . . Electrolyzer puzzle E06. After puzzle E05 you have to repair Clank. (9 switches): . O . O . O . O . O . O . O . O . C. Barlow: 1 Electrolyzer puzzle Electrolyzer puzzle E07. When you have found the Desert Riders you have to repair the Hoverbike before you can race. The race will start after you have repaired the Hoverbike. (9 switches): . O . O . . O . O . O . . O . D. Dobbo: 1 Electrolyzer puzzle Electrolyzer puzzle E08. When you have completed the Momentum Glider course inside the facility (enter the facility through the Teleport) you have to restore the power. (11 switches): . O . O . . O . O . O . O . . O . O . E. Joba: 1 Infiltrator puzzle Infiltrator puzzle I01. When you have obtained the Infiltrator and you leave the Arena you will be in a room where you have to open a gate to get to a Taxi which will take you back to your ship. (6 steps): L - DR - D - UR - R - UR F. Todano: 1 Electrolyzer puzzle 2 Infiltrator puzzles Electrolyzer puzzle E09. At the end of the tour with the 4 big rockets you have to repair an Elevator which will take you to the top of the dam. (11 switches): O . O . . O . O . . O . O . . O . O . Infiltrator puzzle I02. When you cross the dam you see a barrier in the fence which surrounds the mine field. Use the Infiltrator on the lock beside it. (8 steps): U - U - DL - L - DL - DL - D - DR Infiltrator puzzle I03. Inside the Rocket Silo, near the end you see a door with an Infiltrator lock beside it. (9 steps): L - D - R - D - D - DR - U - DR - U G. Aranos: 1 Infiltrator puzzle Infiltrator puzzle I04. When you are re-united with Clank after your escape from prison. Up the ladder is a door with an Infiltrator lock beside it. (11 steps): L - UL - L - DR - DL - D - DR - D - D - DR - U H. Smolg: 1 Electrolyzer puzzle 1 Infiltrator puzzle Electrolyzer puzzle E10. From the start you go to the Distribution Facility. At the end of the Warehouse with all the crates you have to repair an Elevator. (12 switches): O . O . O . O . . O . . O . O . . O . . Infiltrator puzzle I05. From the start you take the Swingshot path to explore the docked ships. Near the end you find a barrier with an Infiltrator lock beside it. (11 steps): L - UL - L - DR - DL - D - DR - D - D - DR - U I. Grelbin: 2 Infiltrator puzzles Infiltrator puzzle I06. Inside the Caves at the end of the Momentum Glider course is a gate with an Infiltrator lock beside it. (10 steps): L - DL - DR - R - D - D - DR - U - DR - U Infiltrator puzzle I07. At the end of the Caves in the room with the Armor Vendor is a door with an Infiltrator lock beside it. (12 steps): U - UR - R - UR - R - U - DR - R - DR - DR - U - UL J. Yeedil: 1 Infiltrator puzzle Infiltrator puzzle I08. In the Megacorp HQ, after the room with the 3 fans, you will see a door with an Infiltrator lock beside it. (11 steps): U - DL - DL - D - DL - U - U - DL - L - DL - DL >>> 6. Special puzzles <<< I have put these 3 puzzles in a separate chapter because they are not necessary for the continuation of the game. The Infiltrator puzzles on Endako and Todano both guard a Nanotech Boost and the Electrolyzer puzzle in the Insomniac Museum allows you to go outside the Museum to the balcony. K. Endako: 1 Infiltrator puzzle Infiltrator puzzle I09. The Infiltrator lock is beside a door in the middle room of the second Crane section. It is between Electrolyzer puzzle E04 and E05. This door guards a Nanotech Boost. (14 steps): U - UR - R - U - DR - R - U - U - R - D - R - D - R - UR L. Todano: 1 Infiltrator puzzle Infiltrator puzzle I10. The Infiltrator lock is hidden behind some crates on the semi-circle walkway with the large rocket in the middle. Solving this Infiltrator puzzle will activate an Elevator which will take you to the higher walkway where you will find a Nanotech Boost. (14 steps): D - DL - D - D - UR - D - DL - D - DL - U - UL - D - D - D M. Insomniac Museum: 1 Electrolyzer puzzle Electrolyzer puzzle E11. This Electrolyzer puzzle is located on the back wall of the Museum. This is the hardest Electrolyzer puzzle as there are many sparks running around and there are 17 switches to close. (17 switches): O . O . O . . O . O . O . . O . O . . O . O . . O . O . O . There is also an Infiltrator puzzle inside the Insomniac Museum, but because it is placed there for you to experiment with and it does not open anything I have not given the solution for it. You can change all the parameters which will alter the puzzle, so it is impossible to make a solution for it. -----< The End >----- //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\\ 11) Credits & Thanks \\-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-// #11CR I would like to thank the following readers for their contributions and corrections: - Huge thanks to Rik Smit, who took the time to find all small spelling mistakes in my FAQ, and contributed lots of info I was too lazy to find myself, including the puzzle solutions. - Alex Antliff and Lou Benetti for the B2 Brawler fight prize. - Davis Birddogs for info on the R&C1 weapons. - Chuck Eggers for the 'stall' trick on Dobbo - W@ylander and Mike Holzinger for the 'friendly fire' trick for the limited weapons challenge on Maktar Resort. - TDE for suggesting the Black Sheepinator in the Impossible Challenge. - GravyFlood for his contributions. - Christoffer for telling me about the 'tourist bashing' easter-egg. - Simon Wallace for telling me what MSR stands for. - The guy that mailed the Tankbot tactic for the Snivelak boss but didn't want his name included. - Venus of Blood for the location of the second mod-shop. - CATZ, for his tactic on the Deep Space Disposal. - Roller Chevy for his suggestion on the second Swamp Monster. - Android 93 for his tactic on the Protopet. - Walter Roark for correcting me on the first space battles. - Eric Lakatos for more information on the Museum. - 17arcOracle for his tactic for Safety Deposit. - Rutger Tuller for one of the Bolt Tricks. - Monkey Man for the Weapon Upgrade Trick. - Greg for his tactic for the final boss. - RallySportEv for his Bolt Trick. - Netrogo & Jeremy for the Impossible Decoy Trick. - Cole, Shamooguy, Starman & T for discovring the second Barlow shortcut. Sorry if I forgot your name. Futhermore, a big thanks to all the people at the GameFAQs board for giving me various information on the Insomniac Museum, the weapons, whatever. Credits should be given to JBaker, since I've used his description on how to get to the museum in my FAQ. Also, a lot of credits to the authors of all in-depth guides. Your guides helped me a lot for finding all collectables. As you can see, I didn't copy anything, but I doubt I would have found all Platinum Bolts if your FAQs weren't around. And, once again, thumbs up to myself, for making the best R&C2 FAQ on the whole site. Keep up the good work, Deadmeat ################# ##### ##### ### #### ## ### ## ## 0000000 00000 00000 ## ## 0000000000 00000 00000 ### ####### ######## ## 00 00 000 000 ### ######### ######### ## 00 00 0000 ## ######### ######### ## 00 00 0000 ### ####### ######## ### 00 00 000 000 ### ### #### ### 0000000000 00000 00000 #### ##### 0000000 E A D M E A T 00000 00000 #### ### ###### ### ## ## ## ###### ## ####### ## ## ###### ### ## ################### ## ## ## ## ########################### ## ####### ####### No sheep were harmed during the making of this FAQ. For the most part... The one that was had it coming.