\Jak 3 Orb FAQ v 1.00 by cardshark 01/04/05 After searching for hours on the net, waiting weeks, searching again, and repeating as necessary, it has been firmly established that there are NO Jak 3 orb FAQs ANYWHERE (except yugioh2me's, now) - until now. Here we go. It's done now! I have the locations of all 600 orbs, described in detail - thanks to yugioh2me. Go check out HIS orb guide on GameFAQs. It's got a bunch of info on secrets, and when they become available, and stuff. Thanks, dude! On with the show... By the by, (B) means the orb is in a box or container that you will have to break, and (J) means the orb can only be reached with the JetBoard (and sometimes Light Jak Flight). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ORB LOCATIONS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------------- SPARGUS CITY - TOTAL 51 ----------------------- A basic map to help with directions. _________ DAMAS'S / \ TURRET PALACE / \ 9 _ /\ / \ / \ (8) _/| | \ | ARENA | ____ \ / _/ | | \ | | |10 \_ ______|____/ | | \_ \ / | \___/ 7 \ | 6\_ \ 1 / | 34 \ / \__ \ 2 3 / | 3233 18 \_/ 5\__ | | | 1716 TUNNEL \__ | | 51_ \ 31 _ _ \______ 4 | \ _/ \ \ 30 / \ 15¦ \ \_ / \_/ | \ 29 ¦ \_____/ \ \____/ | \11 WEST 13/\ EAST ¦ ¦19 37 | \ PENINSULA //\\ PENIN.¦ \ 38 | \ 2728/ || \ | | 39 36 35 | \ 26 / PEAK \ 14| | 25 | \ 12/ \ / | 40-44 24 | \____/ \__/ | 45-50 | | | WEST SPARGUS | _ 23 | | / \ / | | \_ 21 / | | \_ 22/ | | \_ / N | 20| \__________/ | | | W-- --E | | | / \ EAST SPARGUS S / \ / \ \ GARAGE / \ / \_______/ 1. Behind Damas's throne in the arena. 2. Same area as #1. (B) 3. Same area as #1. (B) 4. Jump off the arena steps to the west and onto the roof, then climb to the next one. 5. In a corner southeast of Damas's Palace. 6. On a roof southeast of Damas's Palace, northwest of #5. 7. Directly south of the small island, on the cliffs in West Spargus 8. On the small island east of the turret. 9. Behind the turret. 10. The northwest corner of West Spargus. 11. The center of the west wall of West Spargus, on an awning. 12. On a roof, in the tip of the southwest peninsula in West Spargus. (B) 13. On a HIGH roof at the peak (start to the southwest, use the awnings). (B) 14. On a roof on the east wall of the southeast peninsula. (B) 15. On a wall on the south wall of the tunnel, directly south of Damas's Palace. 16. In the marketplace in West Spargus. (B) 17. Near #16. (B) 18. High in the palm trees in the marketplace (use a stand awning). 19. On a roof, south wall of east Tunnel Entrance. (B) 20. High up in a window, east wall near garage (use an awning). 21. On top of the broken wall in southeast East Spargus. 22. On a roof in the southeast corner of East Spargus. (B) 23. Near the Light Eco vent in East Spargus. (B) 24. Next to the ladder on the East Spargus windmill. (B) 25. Up the ladder from #24, on the east point of the mill. 26. On the middle level of the windmill in the southwest peninsula, on the south point. 51. Jump off the arena stairs to the east and climb to the next roof. The bag is well hidden and right next to a wall. (B) return with Jetboard to get remainder.. 27. On a grind rail from that windmill. (J) 28. On the roof of the building which that rail leads to. (J)(B) 29. Further northeast from #28, up the Peak (use rails). (J) 30. Use the rail out from #29 to the north. (J) 31. On that same roof. (B) 32. On the roof of that building, in the southeast corner. 33. High on the north face of the major building of West Spargus (use awnings). 34. Above an awning near #33. 35. On the grind rail from the top of that windmill. (J) 36. On the building which that rail leads to. (J) 37. On the spiral rail after #36. (J) 38. Same as #37. (J) 39. Same as #37. (J) 40. On the lower level of the building after that spiral rail. (J) 41. Same as #40. (J) 42. Same as #40. (J) 43. Same as #40. (J) 44. Same as #40. (J) 45. On the UPPER level of the building after the spiral rail. There are two ways to get here - and neither is Light Jak Flight. You can either get a massively awesome jump off of the spiral rail (which is kind of difficult), or you can do this: get onto the lower level, as far as possible from the upper level wall. Get on the JetBoard and head for the wall. As you go, do a normal jump (to allow a second Boost Jump), then Crouch Jump (with L1) right as you land for a very high jump - but still not high enough. In the middle of the jump you must do a front flip (with R1 and up on the joystick) for that extra bit of height. You'll have to work on the timing. When you do get up there, IMMEDIATELY get off the JetBoard (with R2) to avoid falling off the edge. (J) 46. Same as #45. (J) 47. Same as #45. (J) 48. Same as #45. (J) 49. Same as #45. (J) 50. Same as #45. (J) ------------------------ DAMAS'S PALACE - TOTAL 5 ------------------------ This is the area up the elevator, in the north point in the center of Spargus. 1. Behind Damas's throne. (B) 2. Behind the big wheel behind the throne (go behind from the left). 3. On a pile of rocks to the left, in the "ring" with the fountain. 4. To the far right in the same ring as #3, behind a small rock. 5. In the back left corner of the palace (back being away from the throne). (B) ------------------------- METAL HEAD NEST - TOTAL 8 ------------------------- This is NOT the Metal Head City in the southwest of Haven City, nor the area north of it. This is the nest inside Big Mountain in the Wasteland. Note that you cannot pick up these orbs while on any mission in the nest with Sig, as you cannot leave your vehicle. 1. In the first set of columns, about halfway through the entrance tunnel and on the left. 2. Same as #1. 3. Same as #1. 4. In the second set of columns, on the right, just after #1-3. 5. Same as #4. 6. Same as #4. 7. In the third set of columns, again on the left, just after #4-6. 8. Same as #7. -------------------------------- PRECURSOR MONK TEMPLE - TOTAL 17 -------------------------------- This place is way down in the southeast corner of the Wasteland. You need to use the dune Hopper to get here. 1. In the column wall outside the entrance, on the second level. The easiest way to get there is to jump with the Dune Hopper, then hit /\ in midair to get out. Control yourself down to the orbs. 2. Same as #1. 3. Same as #1. 4. To the left at the Precursor Statue (first visit). (B) 5. To the left at the Precursor Statue (second visit). (B) 6. To the right at the Precursor Statue (second visit). (B) 7. To the left at the Precursor Statue (third visit). (B) 8. On the third visit, use Light Jak Flight to the Statue's left hand, then to the vent on the wall. (B) 9. Same as #8. (B) 10. Same as #8. (B) 11. Same as #8. (B) 12. Same as #8. (B) 13. Same as #8. (B) 14. Same as #8. (B) 15. Same as #8. (B) 16. Same as #8. (B) 17. On the left side of the broken bridge in the "flight training" area (flying from column to column, etc.). (B) ------------------------------ SEWER PASSAGE TUNNEL - TOTAL 4 ------------------------------ This is the first sewer, During the "Reach Port via Sewer" mission. I think that you MUST collect the sewer orbs during these missions. They may become unavailable afterward. 1. Go up the big water ramp with the gate at the top, keep going straight, and use the JetBoard Launcher. (B)(J) 2. Same as #1. (B)(J) 3. In the last room, with the swarm of flying Metal Heads, grind up the pipe to the northeast. (B)(J) 4. Same as #3. (B)(J) -------------------------- SEWER TO MH AREA - TOTAL 3 -------------------------- The sewer during the "Reach Metal Head Area via Sewer" mission. 1. After avoiding the machinegun fire on the slowly moving platform, go past the gun and along the half-pipe. On the right wall, after the turn, there is a room (use the map to find it if you can't). When you jump up near it, a platform will eject beneath you to help you get up there. (B) 2. Same as #1. (B) 3. Same as #1. (B) -------------------------- SEWER TO KG ZONE - TOTAL 6 -------------------------- This is the sewer during the "Find Switch in Sewer" mission. 1. At the end of the big circular entrance chamber, grind on the rail opposite the door. Use the map to find it if you need to. Climb up to the room. (B)(J) 2. Same as #1. (B)(J) 3. Same as #1. (B)(J) 4. After the cutscene where you fall down a waterslide, follow the wall you came out of. There is a ladder you can jump to and climb to a room. (B) 5. Same as #4. (B) 6. In that same room after the cutscene, JetBoard around the corner to the left of the exit and use the Launcher there to get to the orb. (B)(J) --------------------- HAVEN CITY - TOTAL 75 --------------------- The city is so complex and the limits of ASCII are so many, that I'm only making small maps of different parts of the city. If you don't like it, too bad. Let's see YOU make an ASCII map of the whole city. :P -------------------------- FIRST VISIT AREA - TOTAL 8 -------------------------- I don't really know what this area should be called. I suppose it should be a part of Freedom City. It's the small area where you first get to Haven. RUINED STADIUM / \ / | _______ / _ | / ____ \___/ // | /5/ \______/7 / __|_ RIVER______/ / | \____/ _______/ | 6 _ | | (_) | | _ 1 | ___ |4[_] | | 8\ | \___/ \ \ /\ | WHITE \ 2___| |_| SHIELD \_____3_/ BARRIER 1. Up the big debris ramp, at the top. (J - not necessary, but helpful) 2. Along the south wall. 3. A bit west of #2. 4. Under a fallen building, near the west wall. (B) 5. In the corner just on the north side of the river, behind a pipe. 6. South of the river bulge. 7. In the river, under/north of the "roadblock" tower to the northeast. 8. Along the north wall, just north of the white barrier. (B) --------------- PORT - TOTAL 30 --------------- This is the... er... port in the south of Haven City. ___ ____ ___ NAUGHTY____/ \ |1 | / \____ ARMORY METAL OTTSEL/ \ |_ _| / \____ HEAD ___/ \---_¦ ¦_---/ 4\___ SOUTH CITY ___/ ____ 2 ____ 3\___ TOWN \ __/ ___/ \ / \___ \__ / \ _/ ___/ \___________________/ 5 \___ \_ / \/ ___/ [] [] \___ \/ 29 \ __/ [] 6 [] \__ / \ _/ \28 / \_ / / / 27\26 13/14 \ \ | / 25\24 11/12 \ | | /_______ 23\22 9/10 _______\ | | ______ \___ 21\___ ___/ ___/ ______ | |__| \___ \_____/ _ \_______17________15______/ _ \_____/ ___/ |_7| \______ (_) ____30___________________ (8) ______/ \/__/ 18 16 \___/ / 19-20 1. In the northwest corner of the center "post" on the north wall. 2. In a corner just outside that post, to the southwest. 3. From the east port, follow the northeast wall to the northwest, and use the JetBoard Launcher to get to a rail. The orb is on the rail. (J) 4. Further along the rail from #3. (J) 5. Jump to the next rail after #4. (J) 6. In the water, below #5. 7. In the southeast corner of the port walkway. (B) 8. On top of the southeast port tower. Get to the first level on the tower (there are several ways to do it), then look for pipes to climb. Repeat. (B) TIP: hit the boxes with your JetBoard - the gems will be attracted to you instead of scattered. 9. Grind on the wires from the southeast tower to the northeast. You may need to jump/flip to get some orbs. (J) 10. Same as #9. (J) 11. Same as #9. (J) 12. Same as #9. (J) 13. Same as #9. (J) 14. Same as #9. (J) 15. Grind on the wires from the southeast tower to the southwest tower. Again, jumping/flipping may be required. (J) 16. Same as #15. (J) 17. Same as #15. (J) 18. Same as #15. (J) 19. On the top of the southwest port tower. (B) 20. Same as #19. (B) 21. Grind on the wires from the southwest tower to the northwest. Still might need to jump/flip. (J) 22. Same as #22. (J) 23. Same as #22. (J) 24. Same as #22. (J) 25. Same as #22. (J) 26. Same as #22. (J) 27. Same as #22. (J) 28. Same as #22. (J) 29. Behind/under the big ball thing in the South Town exit, along the east wall. 30. Underneath the west half of the bridge over the south of the Port. --------------------- SOUTH TOWN - TOTAL 13 --------------------- This is the red hued area northeast of the Port. Some areas will be blocked off at the start, but will open up as you progress. RED BARRIER 3 SLUMS ____________\__| |__ | 13 | | | | UPPER | _________|______ | SOUTH | ¦______________ |__| TOWN |12 11|______ | | |________________ | | | __________________________________________| | | ________________10__________ | | | \ / |__9_ | \ / |- -| RED BARRIER 2 \_________/ | |______________ | 8| |____________ | | | | |_______ LOWER |7 ____ | SOUTH | | | | TOWN | | | |_____________ | | | 5| | | | _| | | | | | | | SEWER | ______________| | |6_________ | |1 3 |_______--------___| |__ _ /POWER _____| | |2_______________________4|STATION | | | | |_ _ _ _| RED BARRIER 1 PORT 1. In the northwest corner just above the port exit. 2. In the southwest corner of lower South Town, east of the port exit. 3. On a grind rail, north of #2. 4. Climb on the pipes at the southeast corner of South Town, next to the Power Station. (B) 5. In the northeast corner above the Power Station. (B) 6. In the corner above the Sewer entrance. 7. Along the west wall of lower South Town. (B) 8. Just north of lower South Town, southeast of the second red barrier, climb up the pipes in the corner. The orb is on the fourth ledge. Get 9-13 after 2nd Red Barrier down 9. Just north of the second red barrier, between a ramp and the south wall. (B) 10. Along the north wall of the hall between upper and lower South Town, up above the walkway. 11. In a northeasterly corner of upper South Town. 12. Grind up (to the west) the fallen Palace support cable from the walkway in upper South Town. 13. Along the north wall of upper South Town, between a ramp and the wall. ----- SLUMS - TOTAL 3 ----- The busted-up area north of South Town. Kind of purple in color. Yes, yugioh2me persuaded me to draw a Slums map. Here it is: \_ FREEDOM CITY _ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \___ \_ _ | |[3]| |_ \_ ___ \_ \_ ____ _/ \__ \_ \_______________| | _ / _ \_ \_ _ /\ |__/ \ / / / \_ \_ [2] \/ | | | | \_ | _ | | / / \_/ [_] _____/\_ | | | | __________ ____/ \ / | / / / ________| / ________\_ 1/ | |_| |_| _______/______/ / |______________________________/\ / \ / \ | | | SOUTH TOWN 1. In the "bottleneck" in the southeast, along the east wall. (B) 2. On the roof of the small, square building in the main slums area. 3. On the roof of the building in the northwestern passage that leads to Freedom City. ---------------------- FREEDOM CITY - TOTAL 9 ---------------------- This is the northernmost section of Haven City. It has a lot of canals and greenery. _____________________________ | ____________9_________ | | | | | | |_____________________|8 | | |__ |_____________ ______ | UPPER | _ | | | FREEDOM ______________| (6) |HQ | | CITY | | | | | | | | | __________ |______| | | | |______________7| | | _____________________ | |_______| 3| | ___________ | |X______________ | | | LOWER | | | |__ FREEDOM | |__________| __ DEAD TOWN CITY ______| 2 | ___/ 4 __ 1 | __/ ____ 5 | | / |11 | | | | / | |____| | | | | _| |_ | ___ _| | | | | \ WHITE | | |_| ¦\ \ BARRIER_______________| |_______10¦ \ \SLUMS 1. In a tree on the south face of the major building of lower Freedom City. 2. In a bush near #1. 3. In the northeast corner of lower Freedom City, under a tree. (B) 4. Grind the rail that starts at the X and goes east and then south. The orb is at the end. (J) 5. Just after #4. (J) 6. In the center of the big fountain in upper Freedom City. 7. In a tree in the southeast corner of upper Freedom City. 8. In the canal along the east face of the northernmost building. 9. On the grind rail starting from the northeast corner of upper Freedom City and going west. (J) 10. Just inside Freedom City, in the southeast corner in the water. 11. In the northwest corner of the southwest block, deep in the water. ------------------------- RUINED STADIUM - TOTAL 10 ------------------------- This area is the pathway to the Catacombs. Get there with the big grind rail in the First Visit Area. ____ _______ | \___ |__4-10 \__ \ \___ ___ \__ \__ / /\___ \_ / \ \_/ \/\/__ \_ \_ ____| |____ \ / | ___\ \ _____/ __ / \____ \ | /\/ _| ____/ / \ / | \____ \ | / \ |_ __/ | \\______ / \___\___ \ | \ \ \ / | / \ \__ ()\ \_ | | |_ \ | / _/ \ \___ \__ | \ | \ | | | | |___ \ \ |\___ \ |__| | |___ | |__ \_/ _ \__/ \_ | | __ | | 3| | | \ / | \| | | \| |\_2| | \ \ _ ____ / / | | |___ | | \__//\_ (_) | | / / _ / | | | | \/__/ | | | | ______ | \__/ / | | / \____ | | | |/ | \__/ / | | / \______ | | | || ____|___/ _/ / / \_ | | __| | || | __/ _/\ / /\_ \ | | |--_ | || | __/ __/ \__/ _/ \ __/\FREEDOM |/ \| ||_|_________/ ___/ /__ / _/ \ CITY \ | | |_| \__/ \/1/ \ | |___________| 1. Turn left at the very beginning. The orb is in the southeast corner. 2. On a pipe sticking out of the pit in the center of the first and outermost curve. 3. Same as #2. 4. In the northernmost part of the second curve. When you get to the spot with a bunch of little exploding flower things, and two Light Eco vents, use Light Jak Flight, following the Eco vent wall around in a U-turn. 5. Same as #4. 6. Same as #4. 7. Same as #4. 8. Same as #4. 9. Same as #4. 10. Same as #4. That makes for a total of 169 loose orbs. The other 431 are in the... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ORB CHALLENGES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Orb challenges become available as you progress through the game. To attempt a challenge, you must pay a certain number of Metal Head Skull Gems that you have collected. Fortunately, the Gems are a one-time fee, and after that you can play the challenge as many times as you like - until you beat it. In the rest of this guide, I will describe when challenges appear, where they are, how much they cost, WHAT they are, and any tips on how to beat them. These are ALL of the challenges and their specs. First, these are the types of challenges you will face: ORB HUNT - This is the most common challenge. It costs four Skull Gems to play, and gives a reward of three orbs. In the challenge, you are shown an area with a floating orb in it, and it is your task to find this area and claim the orb in the given time limit. It is best to have a Leaper Lizard or one-seated Zoomer when you start this challenge. In the Wasteland, however, you are expected to use YOUR vehicle. For some of the early hunts, this is okay, but you should use the JetBoard as soon as you can - after you buy the "Turbo JetBoard in Desert" secret for five orbs. Note: You can pick up an orb on a Leaper or a Zoomer, and in certain Wasteland vehicles, if you aim well enough. RING CHALLENGE - In this type of challenge (which normally costs eight Gems), you are presented with a set of glowing rings, which you must pass through, in order, within the time limits given. If you succeed, you are awarded TEN orbs - a big improvement over the three from Jak II. As soon as you pass through one ring, the next will appear, and the time will reset to a new limit. The rings are blue for the most part, but the last ring is always a fiery orange. Usually, you will be given a mode of transportation, like a Leaper Lizard or a Zoomer, near the start of the challenge. In the Wasteland, again, it's best to use a turbo-charged JetBoard. PRECURSOR CHASE - This is like a ring challenge, but easier. It costs eight Gems and yields ten orbs as well. To start, run through the big shiny fuzzball. It will take off like a shot, and all you have to do is keep up. It even leaves a shiny blue trail for you to follow. Should you keep your speed up to the end, run through the shiny ball again. A lot of the time, the end will be right next to the beginning, but you must follow the path the energy chooses. Like before, something faster than feet is helpful. TIME FREEZE - If you've ever played Crash Bandicoot Warped, this should be kind of familiar. Run from start to finish, hitting the special balls to freeze the clock. A blue ball is worth one second, a yellow ball two, and a red ball three. Don't let the time run out. Costs eight gems, pays ten orbs. RACE - Just what you'd think. Beat the best time around the track for a reward. GUN COURSE - Using the weapon specified, run a training course. These are both in the Haven Port Armory. Most targets take one hit to destroy. Big ones and ones with shields take two - and you are allowed to kick them and such. Some targets will shoot at you if given the chance, and the little ones explode after too long - and you lose 50 points. Hitting a civilian loses you points too. Gold targets are worth more, and the faster you destroy any target, the more points you get. SPECIAL - This is a category for stuff that doesn't fit with the others. I'll explain these when I get to them. Here is a list of the missions after which Orb Challenges become available: ACT I Catch Kanga-Rats Unlock Satellite Beat Kleiver in Desert Race Destroy Metal Head Beasts Earn 2nd War Amulet Corral Wild Leapers Beat Turret Challenge Destroy Eggs in Nest Defend Ashelin at Oasis ACT II Defeat Veger's Precursor Robot Reach Port via Sewer Destroy Incoming Blast Bots Destroy Barrier with Missile Beat Gun Course 1 Destroy Sniper Cannons Destroy Eco Grid with Jinx Hijack Eco Vehicle Defend Port from Attack Break Barrier with Blast Bot Defend HQ from Attack Find Cypher in Eco Grid Race for More Artifacts Chase Down Metal Head Beasts Take Out Marauder Stronghold ACT III Beat Cyber-Errol Boss Destroy Dark Ship Shield Destroy Metal Head Tower These are in the order in which they become available, and in this format: TYPE #XX Mission after which it appears Major area in which it is located Exact location within that area Cost Reward Tips/Information Let's hit it! ----------------- ACT I - TOTAL 213 ----------------- RING CHALLENGE #1 Catch Kanga-Rats Spargus City On the south wall, near the eastern tunnel entrance. 8 Gems 10 Orbs There are 17 rings in this challenge. ORB HUNT #1 Unlock Satellite Spargus City Northeast wall of West Spargus (see map in orb location section for... well... a map.). 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is on the most northeastern point of the beach cliffs, northeast of the challenge. RACE #1 Beat Kleiver in Desert Race Wasteland At the racetrack start line. 8 Gems 9 Orbs This is the same race you just ran. You're not going to earn any orbs, though, until you've got a faster vehicle than the Tough Puppy. The Sand Shark works well. Having purchased the "Unlimited Vehicle Turbos" secret that becomes available after you've beaten the game helps too. It costs 30 orbs. The times to beat are: Bronze - 3:30.00 - 3 orbs; Silver - 3:15.00 - 3 orbs; and Gold - 3:00.00 - 3 orbs. If you beat the gold time on the first try you will be awarded 9 orbs, the silver, 6 orbs, etc. ORB HUNT #2 Beat Kleiver in Desert Race Wasteland Northeast of RACE #1, near the racetrack starting line. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is to the southeast, across the track and behind some rocks. SPECIAL #1 Beat Kleiver in Desert Race Wasteland Southwest corner of the Wasteland. NOTE: After you have beaten the game, this moves near the Wasteland Transport to Haven City. 8 Gems 9 Orbs SATELLITE GAME: This is the game you played in Spargus earlier where you had to destroy the symbols. Then, you just had to get to 75 points. Now, the records are this: Bronze - 100 - 3 orbs; Silver - 500 - 3 orbs; and Gold - 1000 - 3 orbs. This is DIFFICULT. Hit the corresponding button when a symbol is in the crosshairs. You get 1 point per symbol. For destroying two symbols with the same shot (like two circles, not a square and an X), you get five points. If you manage to hit THREE symbols at once (I don't really recommend trying), you are awarded something like 25 points. The symbol must be touching the crosshair to be hit. If you let a symbol slip by, or fire without hitting anything, you get a Miss. Each time you miss (or maybe this just happens as you last longer - I'm not sure), the thing in the middle gets bigger and makes it harder to see the symbols. Five Misses and your game ends. ORB HUNT #3 Destroy Metal Head Beasts Wasteland Northwest point of Big Mountain in the center of the Wasteland 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is due north, up a hill. ORB HUNT #4 Destroy Metal Head Beasts Wasteland South of West Spargus (west along the north wall from the Spargus entrance). 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is to the east, on a pile of rocks. PRECURSOR CHASE #1 Destroy Metal Head Beasts Wasteland North of the small volcano in the west. 8 Gems 10 Orbs Not much to say here. Check the general info if you have questions. RACE #2 Destroy Metal Head Beasts Wasteland Where the West River meets the Big Mountain. 12 Gems 18 Orbs Another race, this time on a new track. Once again, having unlimited turbos is good, and again I recommend the Sand Shark. Here are the times: Bronze - 4:40.00 - 6 orbs; Silver - 4:30.00 - 6 orbs; and Gold - 4:25.00 - 6 orbs. SPECIAL #2 Destroy Metal Head Beasts Wasteland Near the West River 16 Gems 45 orbs VEHICLE CHALLENGES: This is the big one. There are five separate challenges all from this one hub, each worth 9 orbs for a gold record. You must use either the Sand Shark, the Dust Demon, the Heat Seeker, or the Desert Screamer to complete them. Any of these works well, but I like the Heat Seeker best. It costs 15 orbs to purchase as a secret. As always, unlimited turbos helps. SINGLE HANG TIME CHALLENGE Bronze - 2.50 - 3 orbs; Silver - 3.50 - 3 orbs; Gold - 4.50 - 3 orbs This is, I think, the most difficult of the Vehicle Challenges. You have to get a certain amount of hang time, in a vehicle, in a single jump - within 30 seconds. Four and a half seconds is a LONG TIME. The way I do it is to head north (turn just a hair to the left from the direction you start at when you restart or "try again") and book it. You will come to a small, pointy dune at the top of a hill eventually (I recommend finding the spot without a time limit first, so you know where you're going). Go PAST (not over) the dune and down the hill. Then turn around and head straight for the dune. Turbo yourself up it and hop off the top - aim for somewhere low. It takes a lot of practice, but it's the only way I've found to get that gold. TOTAL HANG TIME CHALLENGE Bronze - 10.00 - 3 orbs; Silver - 12.50 - 3 orbs; Gold - 15.00 - 3 orbs Same thing as before, but you get as many jumps as you can do, and build up your hang time. I recommend turning completely around, and heading south off the big rock peak to the bridge across the river for your first jump. Then turn west (right) and you should see another one of those pointy dunes. Curve around more to the right so you're heading north and launch off of it, preferably with a turbo. Do a Skid Turn (with circle) as you land and head back at the dune. Just keep doing this, back and forth, to build up your time. Be careful not to hit the mountain too hard - you'll explode. SINGLE DISTANCE CHALLENGE Bronze - 180.0 - 3 orbs; Silver - 200.0 - 3 orbs; Gold - 220.0 - 3 orbs Just what it says. Get the longest distance you can in a single jump. Lots of things work here. Try one of the dunes from the Hang Time challenges. TOTAL DISTANCE CHALLENGE Bronze - 500.0 - 3 orbs; Silver - 650.0 - 3 orbs; Gold - 800.0 - 3 orbs One of the easiest of these. Try the strategy from the Total Hang Time Challenge. ROLL CHALLENGE Bronze - 3 - 3 orbs; Silver - 6 - 3 orbs; Gold - 9 - 3 orbs This can be frustrating. The one time you WANT it to roll over, it just won't do it. Here's my advice. Turn left from the start and head off the bridge. You are AIMING not to make it across. Try to roll off the side - you might get a roll out of it. Don't land on your top, though. Ka-boom. There is a place on the riverbank nearby where the sand gradually goes up the mountainside - and creates a quarter-pipe, of sorts. Turbo yourself up the wall with the natural ramp, and tumble your way back down. Done well, this can yield 2-3 rolls each time you do it. I've been able to get 11 doing this. ORB HUNT #5 Destroy Metal Head Beasts Spargus City East wall near the Garage entrance. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is north and east, along the wall and on a roof. ORB HUNT #6 Destroy Metal Head Beasts Spargus City East of the arena steps. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is just about in the center of East Spargus. ORB HUNT #7 Destroy Metal Head Beasts Spargus City East side of the southwest peninsula in West Spargus. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is on the windmill to the northwest. ORB HUNT #8 Earn 2nd War Amulet Wasteland Northwest along the wall from where the East River meets Big Mountain 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is to the southeast, near the waterfall. ORB HUNT #9 Earn 2nd War Amulet Wasteland Just northeast of the Ruined City (in the southeast). 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is due south, under and arch. ORB HUNT #10 Corral Wild Leapers Wasteland Southeast corner of the Wasteland, near the Monk Temple islands. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is to the west, along the rocky coast. RING CHALLENGE #2 Beat Turret Challenge Spargus City West side of the southwest peninsula. 8 Gems 10 Orbs There are 24 rings in this challenge. ORB HUNT #11 Beat Turret Challenge Spargus City Along the east wall of Spargus. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is on the southwest corner of the windmill to the southwest. SPECIAL #3 Beat Turret Challenge Spargus City At the Turret. 0 Gems 9 Orbs SPARGUS TURRET GAME: Finally, a free challenge. This is the same game as before - skeet shooting. The sooner you hit the target, the more points you get. Red targets are worth up to 100 points, blue up to 200, and green up to 300. Miss 10 targets and the show's over. Now, though, an extra element is introduced. When you shoot two targets in a row, without missing in between, your score for the second target is doubled. If you hit a third without missing, that third target's score is trebled - all the way up to a multiplier of eight! If you keep hitting them after eight, the eight multiplier keeps going, but doesn't increase. A missed shot and you start over at one. Bronze - 10,000 - 3 orbs; Silver - 20,000 - 3 orbs; Gold - 40,000 - 3 orbs. ORB HUNT #12 Destroy Eggs in Nest Wasteland Southeast corner of the big rock in the northeast corner of the Wasteland. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is to the north, along the east face of the rock. ORB HUNT #13 Destroy Eggs in Nest Wasteland North of the West River. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is to the south, on the bridge on the east side of the West River. ORB HUNT #14 Defend Ashelin at Oasis Wasteland Next to the Oasis Lake. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is to the south and a bit east, near a big rock structure with palm trees. RING CHALLENGE #3 Defend Ashelin at Oasis Wasteland Northwest corner of Oasis Mountain. 8 Gems 10 Orbs There are 20 rings in this challenge. Now, you should have the JetBoard - so buy the "Turbo JetBoard in Desert" secret. It's only five orbs. Now you can use your JetBoard on these Wasteland Ring Challenges. Just ignore the turbos along the way - they can't help your JetBoard. SPECIAL #4 Defend Ashelin at Oasis Wasteland Northeast point of Big Mountain. 12 Gems 18 Orbs RESCUE MISSION: This is a mission like the one you rode before, bringing lost Wastelanders to a waiting transport. You must rescue four Wastelanders and return to the challenge site. Heads up for Marauders - they can get pretty nasty in this challenge. TIME FREEZE CHALLENGE #1 Defend Ashelin at Oasis Wasteland The southeast corner of the big rock in the center of the northeast quarter of the Wasteland. (Whew!) 8 Gems 10 Orbs Here's your first Time Freeze Challenge. Not much I can say here but use your Turbo JetBoard and hit the red ones whenever you can. This isn't too hard. PRECURSOR CHASE #2 Defend Ashelin at Oasis Spargus City Southwest corner of the big building in the center of West Spargus. 8 Gems 10 Orbs Again, no tips here. Just go fast. Use a Leaper Lizard. ORB HUNT #15 Defend Ashelin at Oasis Spargus City Near the northwest point of Spargus. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is on the right of the Gun Turret ladder. ------------------- ACT TWO - TOTAL 215 ------------------- ORB HUNT #16 Defeat Veger's Precursor Robot Haven City Just south of your exit from the boss fight (middle of the east wall in the First Visit Area). 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is along the south wall near the White Barrier. ORB HUNT #17 Defeat Veger's Precursor Robot Haven City Southwest corner of the First Visit Area. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is up the big debris ramp, and a JetBoard grind jump away. ORB HUNT #18 Reach Port via Sewer Haven City East port tower island. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is right above you. You can do several things to get it. I just do a high jump and spin kick and "magically" slide up the slope. ORB HUNT #19 Destroy Incoming Blast Bots Haven City Southwest corner of the Port walkway. 4 Gems 3 Orbs Use the JetBoard Launcher to the left to get to the orb. SPECIAL #5 Destroy Barrier with Missile Haven City Southeast corner of Port walkway. 12 Gems 18 Orbs MISSILE PRACTICE: Just the same as the mission you just completed. There are 24 charges and you end at the "center post" at the top of the port. Unfortunately, you can't start from the middle like you did in the mission. It has to all be in one go. SPECIAL #6 Destroy Barrier with Missile Haven City Southwest corner of South Town. 12 Gems 18 Orbs JETBOARD CHALLENGE: This is a cake walk. Just do lots of tricks. You'll easily hit gold if you're decent on a JetBoard. Bronze - 25,000 - 6 orbs; Silver - 50,000 - 6 orbs; Gold - 75,000 - 6 orbs. ORB HUNT #20 Destroy Barrier with Missile Haven City North wall of the southernmost passage of South Town. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is to the east - use the JetBoard Launcher. GUN COURSE #1 Destroy Barrier with Missile Haven City Port Armory (see map in Orb Locations section). 0 Gems 9 orbs BEAM REFLEXOR GUN COURSE: Fairly easy. Once you have unlimited ammo it's a snap. Just constantly jump up, spin kick, and fire in midair. If you don't have unlimited ammo yet, just control your bursts, but do the same thing. Forget about hitting civilians. It doesn't matter. Bronze - 12,000 - 3 orbs; Silver - 14,000 - 3 orbs; Gold - 16,000 - 3 orbs. ORB HUNT #21 Beat Gun Course 1 Haven City Just east of the center post in the Port. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is to the east. Use the JetBoard Launcher to get at it. ORB HUNT #22 Destroy Sniper Cannons Haven City East wall of lower South Town. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is to the northwest, on some pipes in the north wall of that area. ORB HUNT #23 Destroy Eco Grid with Jinx Haven City Next to the Naughty Ottsel. 4 Gems 3 Orbs Go west, use the JetBoard Launcher to get to the grind rail and follow it around the corner. ORB HUNT #24 Destroy Eco Grid with Jinx Haven City Just south of the barrier you just blew up (north of lower South Town). 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is to the South, along the west wall of lower South Town, on the walkway. ORB HUNT #25 Destroy Eco Grid with Jinx Haven City Northwest corner of upper South Town. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is directly south - grind up the walkway rail. RING CHALLENGE #4 Hijack Eco Vehicle Haven City Lower South Town, west passage, east wall. 8 Gems 10 Orbs There are 38 rings in this challenge - whew. Use the JetBoard. ORB HUNT #26 Hijack Eco Vehicle Haven City In the southeast area of upper South Town. 4 Gems 3 Orbs Make a small U-turn on the JetBoard to hit the JetBoard Launcher from the east. The launcher is just south of you. GUN COURSE #2 Defend Port from Attack Haven City Port Armory. 0 Gems 9 Orbs WAVE CONCUSSOR GUN COURSE: This one's a doozy. I have no tips whatsoever. If you've got some, I might post them here if you send them to me. Bronze - 13,000 - 3 orbs; Silver - 15,000 - 3 orbs; Gold - 17,000 - 3 orbs. ORB HUNT #27 Break Barrier with Blast Bot Haven City North face of the wedge-shaped building in the Slums. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is by Onin's tent, in the northwest corner of the Slums. PRECURSOR CHASE #3 Break Barrier with Blast Bot Haven City North face of building in Slums just north of Orb Hunt #27. 8 Gems 10 Orbs The third and final Precursor Chase. I'd use a Zoomer. RING CHALLENGE #5 Break Barrier with Blast Bot Haven City Northeast of the southwest block of Freedom City. 8 Gems 10 Orbs There are 28 rings in this challenge. ORB HUNT #28 Break Barrier with Blast Bot Haven City West side of Freedom City. 4 Gems 3 Orbs Use the grind rail to the south to get to the orb. ORB HUNT #29 Defend HQ from Attack Haven City Northwest corner of the southwest block of Freedom City. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is to the southeast, in a tree. SPECIAL #7 Find Cypher in Eco Grid Haven City Power Station. 0 Gems 9 Orbs ECO GRID GAME: Bleah. This game is HARD. It's the same as before, but now you immediately start a new (identical) board when you clear one. Bronze - 200 - 3 orbs; Silver - 500 - 3 orbs; Gold - 1000 - 3 orbs. ORB HUNT #30 Find Cypher in Eco Grid Haven City South of the Fountain in Freedom City. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is in the northeast corner of the fountain area. ORB HUNT #31 Find Cypher in Eco Grid Wasteland South of the Ruined City in the southeast. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is next to a wall of the building due north of the challenge. TIME FREEZE CHALLENGE #2 Race for More Artifacts Spargus City West of Garage entrance. 8 Gems 10 Orbs Yeah. Just go for it. Use a Leaper. ORB HUNT #32 Race for More Artifacts Spargus City Bottom of southeast peninsula. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is on the north face of the big West Spargus building. ORB HUNT #33 Race for More Artifacts Spargus City South point of East Spargus. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is on the bridge between buildings, to the northwest. ORB HUNT #34 Race for More Artifacts Wasteland East edge of the Wasteland, just north of the East River. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is on the big island to the south. Use the JetBoard to get there. SPECIAL #8 Race for More Artifacts Wasteland Southwest area of Wasteland, north of the downed Satellite. 12 Gems 18 Orbs BUG EXTERMINATION: Finally, a chance to kill some of those things with a gun. Kill 180 of them in the time limit for the prize. I like to use the Needle Laser. SPECIAL #9 Chase Down Metal Head Beasts Wasteland Due south from Spargus entrance, on the north face of Big Mountain. 8 Gems 9 Orbs MARAUDERS CHALLENGE: This one's fun, but a little tricky. I use the Dune Hopper because of its stability - and grenade launcher. Takes 'em out in one hit. I'll let you find your own strategy. Bronze - 30 - 3 orbs; Silver - 45 - 3 orbs; Gold - 60 - 3 orbs RING CHALLENGE #6 Chase Down Metal Head Beasts Wasteland Northeast of the Ruined City, southwest of Orb Hunt #9. 8 Gems 10 Orbs The last Ring Challenge has 45 rings. Get ready for a long run. On this challenge, I do advise using your vehicle. The cactus on the ground can make it perilous for a JetBoard. ORB HUNT #35 Chase Down Metal Head Beasts Wasteland In the northeast corner of the Wasteland. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is on the smaller, more northern island nearby. You need to use your JetBoard. ORB HUNT #36 Take Out Marauder Stronghold Wasteland On the southwestern face of Big Mountain, just north of Race #2. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is at the eastern end of the West River, sitting on a rock. ORB HUNT #37 Take Out Marauder Stronghold Wasteland In the southwest area of the Wasteland, on the west coast. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is on the first small island to the south. Again, JetBoard required. ------------------ ACT III - TOTAL 12 ------------------ ORB HUNT #38 Beat Cyber-Errol Boss Haven City Southwest area of the Slums. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is directly to the east, along the south wall. Not too hard. ORB HUNT #39 Destroy Dark Ship Shield Haven City The northernmost point of the city. 4 Gems 3 Orbs Go east, then double back west on the grind rail that starts in the northeast corner. ORB HUNT #40 Destroy Metal Head Tower Haven City In the First Visit Area, southeast of the river bulge. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is to the northeast, at the top of the grind rail to the entrance of the Catacombs. ORB HUNT #41 Destroy Metal Head Tower Haven City Just southeast of the Catacombs entrance. 4 Gems 3 Orbs The orb is on top of the fallen "roadblock" tower, right in the middle. For being the last challenge, this is a piece of cake. That's it, all 431 Challenge orbs. Happy hunting! -------------- SPECIAL THANKS -------------- Thanks to: Naughy Dog - for all the years of gaming sweetness. DTingley - for the phrase "orb hunt" from his Jak II FAQ. It's so useful! I highly recommend his FAQ for the Jak II orbs. Yugioh2me - for the locations of the final 24 orbs I was missing. You rock, dude! You - for using my guide and for supporting Naughty Dog. --------------- VERSION HISTORY --------------- 12/29/04 - v 0.97 - 585 of 600 orbs accounted for. 01/04/05 - v 1.00 - All done! 600 orbs! I think there are a few errors in the "Orb Challenges" section, though, about when challenges show up. I'll have to fix those later. ------------------- CONTACT INFORMATION ------------------- Now that I've got all 600 orbs posted, I don't really need any more contributions. If you've got a tip for a challenge or something, go ahead and send it to me at cardshark@thevortex.com. I might put it in. If I do, I'll give you credit for it. -------------- OTHER... 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